Here is my review of Son of God. As a disclaimer, I will state - TopicsExpress


Here is my review of Son of God. As a disclaimer, I will state this: I do not think that you can write this movie off as pure entertainment and as just a movie. The directors have stated numerous times, as they did with the Bible series, that this was about introducing people to the Bible and the gospel. Also, they also went further and made curriculum that churches can go through based off the movie. This would seem to validate this movies purpose as a presentation of Biblical truth and not entertainment. That being said, here we go. I would not recommend this movie to non-believers. I would also highly caution believers to stay away from this movie. Lets start off with how they handle Jesus. At the beginning, Joseph proudly exclaims to Mary Our son! when Jesus is born. Joseph knew that Jesus was not of human making, so therefore, this statement would most likely have not been made by Joseph. This dilutes Jesus into more human than part of the Trinity. This theme continues as Jesus does not know about John the Baptists death, then calling John his teacher after finding out. He also was portrayed as not knowing His fate. As part of the Trinity, as stated in Scripture, Jesus full well knew what His fate would be. That is why He came to be born. This set Jesus up as more of a mystic. We see this with Lazarus. Instead of allowing His words to have the authority to bring Lazarus forth, they have Jesus touching him and saying verses and kissing him. There is a HUGE difference in the two. Not only this, Scripture that should definitively identify His divinity. Multiple times, the verse I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life is mentioned, yet every time they leave off no one comes to the Father except through me. HUGE difference yet again. If the stated purpose of this movie was to spread the gospel, why would this be left off? Probably for the same reason every major story but one is changed in ways that compromise its original meaning. From the Wise Men being present with the shepherds to the reasoning behind the Pharisees actions, each story changes the outcome of the Biblical truth. When giving the Beatitudes, blessed are the poor in spirit, for they will inherit the earth is changed to blessed are the poor, for they will inherit the Earth. The first refers to those who accept Christ, the second changes the meaning and the gospel message presented entirely. It introduces, ever so subtly Prosperity Gospel. This becomes even more apparent when Jesus feeds the 500. When others begin to lift up the baskets, Jesus tells them as long as they believe, that God will give it to them(in a nutshell). Then people begin lowering baskets full of food. When considering He is surrounded by and talking to poor, it changes the gospel message presented into one laced with Prosperity. Now on to the most dangerous part to me: the addition of ancient Gnostic beliefs. Mary Magdalene is added as a 13th core Disciple. This may seem innocent, but in the early Church where the gnostic Gospel of Mary was present, this was taken as a very serious charge of heresy. It almost seems as if the Gospel of Mary is used as a source, with Mary becoming more faithful and more obedient than the other Disciples. Then you have the Judas situation. In the movie Judas is shown as a slight zealot, but still loyal to the cause of Jesus. Jesus has a touching you have to do it even though you dont wanna moment with him. That is completely contrary to Scripture, and displays hints of the gnostic Gospel of Judas. Add in the Son of God/mystic combo they pull with Jesus, this movie has a slight Gnostic undertone. Now do I think the full, true gospel is presented? No. There are elements of it, but overall it is watered down and laced with Prosperity and hints of Gnosticism. Do I think believers should support this film? No. The ties to Prosperity and Gnosticism are alarming and are addressed in many of Paul and Peters writings, as well as other early Church leaders. In all cases, believers are warned to stay away from it, and to strongly rebuke it. Now onto other factors I used, mainly the curriculum. This brings it to another level. In essence, they are presenting a watered down, feel good version of the gospel to non-believers and trying to introduce it into churches. It is dangerous to embrace in my opinion, based off of how Christians are commanded to deal with this type of teaching. It is a false teaching cleverly designed by Hollywood and the Enemy to deceive non-believers into thinking theyve accepted the Truth and to distort it within the Church. Do I think that these individuals are meaning to do this? Maybe, maybe not. But either way, the Bible offers up warnings about rightly dividing the Word of Truth. This movie does not do that, and no matter their intentions, is still a false teaching. But this is just my opinion. Ask around to those who have seen it. Pray about it. Follow Gods conviction on the matter. Thanks for sticking to the end!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 00:48:30 +0000

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