Here is my thought for the day. Enjoy! “No wisdom, no - TopicsExpress


Here is my thought for the day. Enjoy! “No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel, can avail against the Lord. The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.” –Prov. 21:30-31 Here is a test for you. Take a little time and answer these questions to see how many of these things you actually know: 1. What was the first animal ever created? 2. How many wrinkles do you have on your skin? 3. What is time? 4. How many rubber bands can fit inside the space station? 5. What is the total of all the stars ever created? So this wasn’t really a very nice exercise. I don’t know about you but I can’t even begin to answer any of these questions. Even the one about the first animal every created because we can’t pinpoint the very first one. We could guess the category because of Genesis 1 noting it was a creature in the water or in the air but that’s about as specific as we can get. We live in a society that is all about knowledge and the access to knowledge. We like knowing things and feeling smart and we like being in on the gossip because it makes us feel important. But what is the value of that knowledge? Does it do us any good in the long run? So really it is sort of an exercise in futility then, right? Now I don’t mean that we should give up learning, school, or knowing anything because realistically that is a bad idea. Forgetting how to eat or breathe would be awful! Think about this. God, knows all of the answers to all of the questions that have ever been asked and will ever be asked. God knows which animal He created first, he knows how many wrinkles each individual person has on their skin, God knows what time is, He knows how many of each type of rubber band ever created could fit in the space station, and He knows how many stars He created. He knows everything, and I am glad I am not burdened with that because think of the expectations that go along with that!! Thankfully for us there are only 2 things that we need to know. The first is this: We are sinful human beings. That is pretty straight forward. We suck and screw up all the time. The second part is this: GOD HAS FORGIVEN ALL OF YOUR SINS AND WANTS YOU TO LIVE WITH HIM FOREVER!!!!! If you know anything please know that Christ paid for your screw ups and terribleness and has given you the best knowledge of all. You will have eternal and perfect life with Him. That’s all that I need to know. Question for Reflection: What knowledge do you hold as most important in your life? “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” -Socrates
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 15:37:49 +0000

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