Here is my wedding speech in its entirety Thank you John for - TopicsExpress


Here is my wedding speech in its entirety Thank you John for those kind words, it was certainly a lot less controversial and painful than I thought it would be. I’d just like to say, and I’m sure you’ll all agree how stunning my new wife Amanda looks today. Even after a dress change she still looks amazing. Before I continue with this speech I would like to make sure that you all have your glasses topped up as there will be a few toasts. My wife Amanda and I, along with our son Dexter would like you thank you all for being able to come out and share our special day with us. It really does mean a lot that so many close friends and family can be here today. Whether you’ve come from Southend like our bridesmaid Sarah or the Southern Hemisphere like our dear friend Estelle we really appreciate the effort you’ve made to be here. So thank you. Unfortunately there are a few loved ones who couldn’t be here today such as my brother Michael and his family in the states, and also my grandparents in Barbados. I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you and pay tribute to Amanda’s grandparents Dick and Queenie. As some you may or may not know Amanda’s grandmother Queenie has been ill for the past several years now following a stroke, so she was unable to be here today, and being the loving husband, Dick is in Norfolk by her side, like he has been for the last 65 years. I only hope that our marriage will emulate the strength, love and compassion of that of Dick and Queenie’s. I know they would have loved to have been here today to see the wedding of their only granddaughter, looking so beautiful in the dress they so generously bought for her. With that in mind I would like to read this letter from Amanda’s grandparents. I would like you to raise your glasses, turn to roger who’s filming today and raise a toast to Dick and Queenie and to absent loved ones. Diane and John, I would like to say thank you for how youve accepted me into your lives and into your family and how welcome you have both made me feel, despite the initial threats of physical violence made by John and his brother Dave if I ever upset Amanda. To be honest if you wanted to put the wind up me all you had to do was mention Diane’s younger brother Richard, who’s about 8ft tall and is serving in the RAF. And the fact that hes keen hunter who sleeps with a rifle under his pillow is enough to put the fear of god into anyone. But seriously, Diane and John I feel honored that you have entrusted me with your most prized possession – And that’s no offence to you Aaron, I’m sure they think you’re pretty special too. Not only have you shown Amanda, Dexter and I warmth and love, you have shown us amazing generosity in paying for our wedding today and cementing us as a family. And for me to be joining such a big hearted and caring family is something I feel deeply proud of and grateful for. And I promise not to let you down, by being the best possible husband to Amanda, father to Dexter and son to you both. I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to stand here today beside this bright, beautiful, sometimes frustratingly stubborn but yet amazing woman, and it’s testament to you both as parents that I’m able to do so. Mum, I bet you thought you would never see this day. After years of trying to marry me off, your Dove finally ties the knot. That’s your 3 boys locked down. Now you can concentrate on the girls As a mother, you have always been a constant source of strength and inspiration. And I know I never tell you this but I appreciate all that you have ever sacrificed for me. Whether it was watching me play football in the rain on a school night as a child or being by mine and Amanda’s side when Dexter was coming into the world you have been my pillar of support. As a man looking back now, I understand those dodgy haircuts you gave me, along with the occasional clip round the ear, were not actions of an evil mother out to ruin my life as I thought so then, but character building exercises which I’m sure Dexter will soon find out about. I will never be able to repay all that you have done for me. All I hope is that I have made you proud of me today, as I feel as proud of you. We know that by now he’ll probably be bored and wanting his Nintendo DS, but I want to say thanks to my awesome little page boy Dexter. He makes every day worth waking up for, and fills us both with immense pride. And I look forward to rocking the dance floor with you later. We would like to thank our bridesmaids Kathy, Leighanna and Sarah for all their efforts, there’s nothing like announcing a wedding to insure that one of your bridemaids fall pregnant. But pregnant or not you all look amazing. We would also like to say a special thank you and congratulations to Leighanna who recently gave birth to a little boy; we appreciated all the work you did on Amanda’s hen night although you couldn’t be there yourself. We would love to thank our lovely flower girl Emily who is doing a great job of carrying flowers and looking adorable. We would like to thank Roy and Roger who are doing our photography and filming today and also Jeremy for his contribution towards today. I would to like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to my ushers, Brett, Daniel, Jim, Paul, and Robert. You guys have been absolutely amazing, not just for today with all the work you’ve done, or even putting up with all the shopping trips (going around Lakeside like teenage girls) but ever since Amanda and I announced our engagement you’ve constantly been there for us. I know I say this a lot, and usually when drunk, but you guys really are like brothers to me, [Pause] except you Daniel, especially after your stag do antics. But seriously, I love you guys. Be excellent to each other And Michael, my best man, firstly I want to say thank you to agreeing to be my 2ndin command. It was never going to be easy choosing a best man especially when I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by a lot of great friends who I’ve known most of my life and value greatly, but when I think about our times on the road with the band and our experiences together, I feel I’ve made the right choice. The way you’ve helped with designing the invites, our travel arrangements this weekend. The way you went about planning my stag do with military precision, you really could have been arranging your own wedding, and Jess when he does eventually get around to making an honest woman of you, NO PRESSURE MYKE you would have landed yourself an awesome wedding planner, and a really decent guy. And finally speaking of honest women, it’s about time I spoke a few words about mine. We all wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my beautiful wife Amanda. [pause]. I said it before, and I’ll say it again. You look absolutely stunning. Don’t you think she looks amazing today? I would like to thank Amanda for giving me the two most valuable things I have, my son and her love. Now I don’t know whether you knew or not but me and Amanda first met when we were both working for a travel company. I had been working there for a number of years before Amanda joined. However I remember the first day at she started and thinking to myself who’s that hot little blonde in the power suit, I wouldn’t mind getting to know her better. But as it happened, it was actually Amanda, who initiated our interaction through a series of flirty emails, some involving her smuggling me into her suitcase when she had to travel for work. Or human trafficking as some may call it. From the beginning I’ve always know that Amanda was someone special, she was never afraid to say what was on her mind. Like all couples we have had our ups and downs, but they are ups and downs which formed part of the journey that has led us here today, knowing that you’re the person I want to grow old with. The person who is a terrible dancer but will dance with a passion The person who leaves little notes around the house telling me she loves me The person who for the past 5 years helped raise an amazing little boy The person who makes me want to better myself This is the person I want to spend the rest of my days with. When I was writing this speech a song came on and it was like fate, because although the song was written in a different context to how I’m using it, it managed to capture one of the things I love most about Amanda, the fact that when I feel weak and most vulnerable, she’s the person who makes me feel strong, and able to carry on. Thank you for being my world and I Love you. So before I pass you over to my best man Michael, for the final time, can you please be upstanding and raise a glass to my beautiful bride Amanda. Which reminds me, Myke, my mother thinks I drink too much so any drink related anecdotes will only upset her. And with that I’ll leave the floor to you.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 17:55:49 +0000

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