Here is our Plant Listing: NATIVE PLANT SCIENTIFIC NAME - TopicsExpress


Here is our Plant Listing: NATIVE PLANT SCIENTIFIC NAME PRICE DESCRIPT. Alligator Weed Altermanthera philoxeroides $6 Small white flowers-invasive in pond settings Alpine Strawberry Fragaria vesca $6 Petite strawberries Anise tree Illicium Floridian $15 Red flowering trees Arbutus, Trailing Epigaea repens aka Mayflower $15 Rare in SE NC;Massachusetts state flower, evergreen fragrant pink or white blossoms;slow grower NEW 2014 For Photos go OR the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center site: Ash tree Carolina Fraxinus caroliniana$20 Grayish bark; Good shade producer Aster Grass leaf Aster laevis $6 Pale-Medium purple flowers Atamasco Lily Zephranthes simpsoni $35 [Endangered] added 2013 White flowers Photos of bud and flower bloom added 2014 Azalea, Coast Rhododendron atlanticum $12 White flowers Barbara Buttons Marshallia gramnifolia $12 Pink flowers Bear grass Yucca filamentosa $12 Native yucca plant Beauty Berry Callicarpa americana $12 Grows large; purple berries Bee Balm Monarda didyma $6 Perennial;long blooming;attracts bees and hummingbirds Bee Blossom Pink Gaura Gaura lindheimeri $12 Small pink four petal flowers Belle of Georgia Peach Prunnus spp. $12 Biennial Sundrop Oenothera biennis $6 Yellow blossoms Blackberry Erect $6 All of Grizzs blackberries make great jam! Blackberry Erect Rubus $6 Good jam fruit Blackberry Semi-Trailing Rubus $6 Good jam fruit Blanket Flower Gallardia atistata $6 Perennial;summer blooming;attracts butterflies Blazing Star Liatris spicata $6 Ornate blue-violet flowers Bleeding Heart Dicentra Perennial;;spring blooming;deer&rabbit resistant Blue-eyed grass Sisyrinchium angustifolium $6 Very petite blue flowers Blue Flax Linum lewisii $6 Periwinkle blue flowers Blue Flower Eryngo Eryngium integrifolium $6 Unusual small flowers Blueberry Creeping Vaccinium crassifolius $6 Great jam maker-Makes Bee&Songbird Paradise Blueberry High Bush Vaccinium corymbosum$6 Great jam maker-Makes Bee&Songbird Paradise Blueberry High Bush Black Vaccinium$6 Great jam maker-Makes Bee&Songbird Paradise Blueberry Low Bush Vaccinium tenellum $12 18-24 Dark berries Great jam maker Blueberry Rabbit Eye Vaccinium ashe $6 Large blue berries-Makes Bee&Songbird Paradise Bristly locust-Dwarf Robinia nana $20 Thornless; Pea- like pink blooms Butterfly Bush Buddleia Davidii $6 Purple fragrant blooms-Butterflys Paradise Butterweed Seneclo glabellus $6 Blooms color: bright buttery yellow Button Bush Cephalanthus occidentalis $12 Appearance of white pincushions Calico Aster Aster lateriflorus $6 Late white bloomer Camellia Camellia spp. $6 Bright rich pink Camphor weed Pluchea odorata $12 leaves smell like camphor;beautiful clustered pink blooms Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis $6 Red flowers;look like bright red rooster combs Carolina Jasmine Gelsemium sempervirens $12 Bright sunny yellow blooms;poisonous if eaten Carolina Rose Rosa carolina $10 Pink fragrant; wild roses Carolina Shrub Calycanthus floridus$12 Strappy burgundy bloom;Carolina Spice;Very Pleasant Odor Carolina Vanilla Trilisa odoratissima$12Pink blooms; van. scented leaves NOT TRUE VANILLA Cherry Laurel Prunus caroliniana Evergreen, attracts birds, Special value to native bees (which means it is recognized by pollination ecologists as attracting large numbers of bees), makes nice privacy screen but dislikes severe pruning-Poisonous if eaten White blossoms $12 Cherry, Wild Black Prunus serotina $6 Bitter dark cherry fruit Chinese Wisteria Wisteria sinensis $6 Fragrant purple clusters Chinkapin Castanea pumila $12 Edible nuts;miniature chestnut Chives Allium schoenoprasum $6 Pinkish bloom Christmas fern Polystichum acrostichoites $6 Evergreen fern Clasping Coneflower Rudbeckia amplexicaulis $6 Annual; Yellow with crimson at base of petals Coast Azalea Rhododendron atlanticum $12 White blooms some with hint of pink Coast Dog Hobble Lewcothoe axillaris $6 White blossoms; leaves similar to red tip plants Colic Root Aletris farinosa $12 Compass Plant Silphium lacinatum $12 Coneflower,Tennessee Echinacea tennesseensis $12 NEW 2013 Coneflower, Purple Echinacea purpurea $12 [Endangered] Perennial;attracts butterflies Confederate Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides $12 Evergreen;Fragrant white blooms Coral Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens $12 Coral Bean (Cherokee bean) Erythrina herbacea $40 [Endangered] Bright red beans used by Native Americans to make jewelry;still used in Mexico for jewelry (SeePhoto) Cranefly Orchid Tipularia discolor $12 Crabapple, Southern Malus angustifolia $12 Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica $12 Creeping Mint Mentha spicata $6 Creeping Phlox Phlox stolonifera $6 Crossvine Bignonia capreolata $12 Daffodil Narcissus spp. $6 Bright yellow flowers Deer Berries Vaccinium neglectum $12 Dew Berry Rubus trivialis $6 Dixie Aster Sericocarpus tortifolius $12 Dogwood, White flower Cornus florida $20 NC State flower Dolls Daisy Boltonia asteroides $6 Downy Rattle Snake Plantain Orchid Goodyera pubescens $15 Dwarf Laurel Kalmia carolina $12 Elephants Foot Elephantopus tomentosus $6 English Ivy Hedera helix $6 Evergreen Wintercreeper Euonymus fortunei $6 False Indigo Bush Amorpha fruticosa $12 Fern - Ebony Spleenwort Asplenium platyneuron $10 Fig- Brown Turkey Ficus $20 Fleabane - Daisy Erigeron onnuus $6 Fleabane -Early White Top Erigeron vernus $6 Forsythia Forsythia Intermedla $12 Fringed Meadow Beauty Rhexia petiolata $6 Fringe Tree Chionanthus Virginicus $30 Old Mans Beard Four OClocks Mirabilis jalapa $6 Gardenia Rubiaceae jasminoldes $12 Evergreen fragrant white flowers Gentian Close Bottle Gentiana andrewsli $12 Beautiful purple tubular flowers Gladiolus Gladiolus $6 Bulbs that will spread each year Glossy-Leafed Aster Symphyotrivhum punlceum $6 Golden Rod Solidago odora $6 Grape- Muscadine Vitis rotundifolla $6 adapted to a wide range of soil conditions; tolerant of most insect pests, and seldom are insecticides warranted. Greek Oregano Origanum vulgare $6 Green Adder Mouth Orchid Malaxis unlfolia $15 Green and Gold Chrysogonum virginianum $12 Hairy Beardtongue Penstemon hlrsutus $6 Hardy Orange Ponchin tritoliata $20 Hazel Alder Tree Alnus serrulata $12 Hearts-A-Bursting Euonymus americanus $12 Unique red bunchflower aka Deer Ice-Cream Helenium -Fall Helenium autumnate $6 Helenium -Spring Helenium vernale $20 [Endangered] Hens-n-Chicks Sempervivum $6 Often called Succulents Hibiscus -Rose of Sharon Hibiscus Syriacus $12 Huckleberry Black Gaylussacia ursinia $12 Huckleberry Blue Gaylussacia frondosa $6 Hydrangea Hydrangea $12 Indian Strawberry Duchesnea Indica $6 Indigo Yellow Baptista tinctorial $12 Iris Blue Flag Iris versicolor $6 Iris Miniature Iris verna $6 Ironweed Vernonia giagantea $6 Ironwood Carpinus caroliniana $20 Tree with extremely hard wood Jack In The Pulpit Arisaema triphyllum $12 Japanese Honeysuckle Lonlcera japonica $6 Joe Pye Weed Eupatorium purpureum $6 Lambs Ear Stachys byzantina $6 Perennial;fuzzy foliage;deer&rabbit resistant Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis $6 Lilac Syriga $12 Linden Tree/Basswood Tilia americana $45 Added 2013 very petite yellow blossoms RARE Lilyturf Liriope spicata $6 Loblolly BayTree Gordonla laslanthus $12 Lowries Aster Symphyotrichum lowrieanum $12 Lupine Lupinus $6 Lyre-Leaf Sage Salvia Iyrata $6 Maddog Skullcap Scutellaria later flora $6 Madonna lily Lilium candidum $15 Magnolia-Southern Magnolia grandiflora $20 Magnolia-Sweet Bay Magnolia virginiana $12 Mallow-Rose Hibiscus moscheutos $15 Maple-Red Acer rubrum $6 Maple-Silver Acer saccharinum $15 Maple-Southern Sugar Acer barbatum $20 Merry Bells Uvularia sessilifolia $12 Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa $12 Mimosa Tree Albizia julibrissin $6 Pink pom-pom flowers-keep away from septic lines! Invasive if not contained. Mist Flower Conoclinum $6 Moss - Cushion Leucobryum $10 Moss - Fern Thuidium $10 Moss - Haircap Polytrichum $10 Mouse-Eared Hawkweed Hieracium megacephalon $12 Mulberry-Red Morus rubra $20 Mullein Verbascum thapsus $12 Oak-Basket Quercus michauxii $20 Native Americans used this oak wood for baskets Obedient Plant Physostegla virginiana $6 October Ladies Tresses Orchid Spiranthes ovalis $20 Onions-Egyptian Walking Allium cepa var. proliferum $6 Unique looking onion Orange Daylily Hemerocallis fulva $6 Ozark Sundrops Oenothera $6 Pretty yellow flowers Passion Flower Passiflora incarnata $6 Paw Paw Asimina triloba $12 NOTE:NC PAW PAW FEST. 8/23/14 in Forsyth County Paw Paw, small flower Asiminia parvifloral $35 added 2013 Pear-Keiffer Pryus $20 Perennial Black-Eyed Susans Rudbeckia hirta $6 Perennial Sunflower Hellanthus maximilianil $6 Periwinkle-Var Vincamapore variegata $6 Persimmon-American Diospyros virginiana $20 Pheasants Eye Acidanthera bicolor $6 Pine Lily Lilium catesbaei $20 Pink Maiden Phlox subulata $6 Plum-Red Flatwoods Prunus umbellata $12 Plum-Santa Rosa Prunus spp. $12 Poke Berry Phytolacca americana $6 aka Pokeweed Pretty Purple-Crimson stem & berries(for birds) Purple Lovegrass Eragrostis spectabilis $6 Purple Pitcher Plant Sarracenia purpurea $20 Purple Slender Aster Eurybia compacta $12 Rain lily - White Zephyranthes candida Five petal star-shaped bloom;spread hardy $6 Rain Lily -Yellow Zephyranthes cltrina $6 Rattlesnake Master Eryngium yuccifolium $20 Perennial:Native Amer. used for snakebites Red Bay Tree Persea palustris $6 Red Chokeberry Aronla arbutifolia $6 Resurrection Fern Pleopeltis polypodioides $12 Resurrection Lily Lycoris radiata $6 aka Naked Ladies. frilly red beauty!See pict.Bulbs spread Rose Moss Portulaca $6 Rose Spiderwort Rosellng Tradescantla rosea $6 Rose Vervain Glandulana canadensis $6 Saints John Wort-Roundpod Hypericum cissifolium $12 Sandmyrtle Leiophyllum buxifolium $30 Sandywoods Chaffhead Carphephorus bellidifolius $15 Sassafras Sassafras albidum $12 Origin of root beer Scrub St. John Hypencum reductum $12 Sea Myrtle Baccharis halimifolia $12 Seed Box Ludwigia $6 Serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis Special value to native bees (which means it is recognized by pollination ecologists as attracting large numbers of bees) Attracts birds$6 Shad Bush Amelanchier arborea Supports conservation biological control (Which means this plant attracts predatory parasitoid insects that prey on pest insects) Special value to native bees (which means it is recognized by pollination ecologists as attracting large numbers of bees)$6 Sheep Sorrel Rumex acetosella Detoxifying herb with diuretic effect-not recommended for consumption in large quantities/for individuals with arthritis, gout, kidney stones or rheumatism due to the oxalic acid in this plant (which creates its acid-lemon flavor);excellent in mixed salads $6 Silkgrass - Grass leaved golden aster Chrysopsis $6 Skull Cap Scutellaria integrifolia $6 Snowbells Styrax grandifolius 15 Southern Woodland Violet Viola hirsutula $10 Sparkle Berry Vaccinium arboreum $12 Spearmint Mentha spicata $6 Spider Lily Hymenocallis $12 hardy bulb producing Spiderwort, Ohio (purple/light blue) Tradescantia ohiensis $6 Perennial;long-blooming Spiked Blackroot Pterocaulon pycnostachyum $12 Spotted Horsemint Monarda punctata $6 Spotted Sandmat Chamaesyce maculata $6 Spotted Wintergreen Chimaphila maculata $12 Squaw Berry Mitchella repens $6 aka Twin Berry; red berries Stagger Bush Lyonia mariana $12 Interesting story about names origin;Poisonous;Beautiful white bell shaped flowers Star Grass Hypoxis hirsuta $8 Star Grass-Wrights Hypoxis wrightii $8 Star Lily-Death Camas Zigadenus glaberrimus $12 Stiffleaf Dogwood Cornus foemina $25 Stoke Asters Stokesia laevis $6 Sumac-Winged Rhus copallinum $12 Purple/crimson plant and berries (for birds) Sunbonnet Chaptalia tormentosa $15 Sunchokes Helianthus tuberosus $6 Swamp Leather Flower Clematis crispa $20 Swamp Rose Rosa palustris $10 Swamp Sunflower Helianthus angustifolius $6 Sweet Leaf Symplocas tinctorial $6 Sweet Pepper Bush Clethra $12 Sweet-Scented Ladies Tress Orchid Spiranthes odorata $30 Sweetspire Itea virginica $12 Sweet William Dianthus barbatus $6 Sycamore tree Platanus occidentalis $12 Tickseed Coreopsis auriculata Flowers attract butterflies. Seed attracts songbirds. $6 Toadflax Linaria canadensis $6 Trumpet Vine Campsis radicans $12 Tulip Tree Liriodendron tulipifera $12 Turtlehead Chelone lyonJi $6 Tway Blade Orchid Listera australi $30 Twisted Ladies Tresses Orchid Spiranthes vervalis $15 Variegated periwinkle Vinca major variegata $6 Viburnum-Maple Leaf Viburnum acerfolium $20 Violet - Bog White Viola lanceolata $6 Violets Blue Viola papilionacea $6 Virginia Creeper Parthenocissus quinqu $6 Walters Aster Symphyotrichum walteri $12 Water tupelo Tree Nyssa aquatica $15 Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera $6 White Elm Ulmus americana $15 White Stokes Aster Stokesia laevis $6 Wild Germander Teucrium canadense $6 Wild Ginger aka Little Brown Jug Hexastylis $12 Wild Olive Tree Osmanthus americanus $12 Wild Senna Senna manlandlca $12 Wild Yam Dloscorea vil $20[on the Endangered watch list] Witch Alder-Dwarf Fothergilla gardenii $30 Witch Hazel Hamamelis virginiana $12 Witherod Viburnum nudum $12 Wood Hyacinth Scilla campanulata $6 Yarrow Achillea millefolium $6 Yaupon Holly Flex vomitoria $12 Yellow Crested Orchid Plantanthera $15 Yellow Pitcher Plant Sarracenioflava $20
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 17:51:31 +0000

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