Here is some information on Heliocentric Astrology by Philip - TopicsExpress


Here is some information on Heliocentric Astrology by Philip Sedgwick. Shifting to a heliocentric horoscope requires that an individual give up a good deal of tightly tied personality points, namely the ego. Astrologers shifting to the heliocentric method of astrological interpretation must likewise give up a series of items of intimate familiarity. First, the houses disappear, along with the midheaven and rising sign. A quadrant emphasis replaces the houses, based upon the Vernal Equinox (0E Aries). Secondly, retrogrades are relinquished. The solar observation of true motion of the planets replaces the Earth based apparent motion. The Earth and its Moon become virtually indistinguishable within the zodiac. This merger represents an integration of the Earth and its satellite, the Moon. Lastly, the Sun disappears - or so it seems. This is not true either; the Sun merely becomes the point of reference (view). The sacrifices of the shift to heliocentric astrology are uncomfortable indeed, much like giving up the typical ego reactions employed for entire sequences of lifetimes. The subsequent enlightenment and purity of being to be reclaimed make it all worthwhile. Each of the astrological considerations lost is replaced by a new premise, perhaps of true proportions. Truly, no loss exists. The movement to heliocentric astrology creates additional space in which the individual or event of consummation obtains more operating room. This diminishes the probability of the individual tripping in the very process of motion. The mundane influences of life begin to evaporate just because there is no room for the influences to occupy. This can create great difficulty for individuals seeing no benefit in a life without inherent difficulties. Life becomes simpler and it remains imperative that the new space created be filled with issues and evolution outside the individual. This dynamic defines the nature of pursuing life from within to without. Life without resistance evolves. The essence of the August, 1987 Harmonic Convergence blends awareness and action. Heliocentric horoscopes initially appear to be suspended in space with very little to stand upon, which of course is not true. In fact the entire mass of the Sun may now be used as a basis. The Sun contains 99.8% of all the physical matter in the solar system! This creates a large,energized platform for the baseline of one’s existence. More pressure and push results within the heliocentric chart. This pressure is self-generated and self-contained, arising from the agreement of the soul to truly evolve. The transition to heliocentric astrology symbolically represents a greater commitment on the part of the soul to utilize its incarnation upon the planet Earth with maximum application. The first experience of a heliocentric map may be one of, “So what do I do with it now?!?” The reader is encouraged to recall the first view ever held of a geocentric nativity. Remember the perplexity of trying to understand all of the astrological dynamics that everybody else except you knew so well? Remember the overwhelming sensation of being mentally overloaded? Remember the sense of never being able to learn it all? Welcome to round two of astrological perceptual disorders. The disorder of first heliocentric experiences result from insufficient background information. Even some basic theory would dispel much of the discomfort. The initial reaction to the heliocentric chart is much like having the ego defense mechanisms and facades in life stripped away. Everyone understands you at the soul level. This is frightening. This is capable of producing paranoia, fear and over reaction to rejection. Then an interesting phenomenon results. Those people do not seem to care about your personality. They recognize you at the soul level and view the greatness contained by the soul housed by the organism known as a human body. Relief results and the negative reactive emotions melt in the heat of the solar mass. Heliocentric astrology is like always running on solar power! New aspects of the self emerge based upon parts of the soul never considered and perceptions which require that an individual be removed from physical situations to clearly perceive them. These new considerations result from contingencies offered in heliocentric astrology which do not appear in geocentric systems. Shifts in astrological priorities yield shifts in consciousness describing the essence of the individual. Once one lets go of the astrological premises relevant only in geocentric astrology one encounters the new phenomena: heliocentric planetary nodes, occultations (essentially eclipses) of all planets, aphelion (farthest planetary point from the Sun in orbital revolution) and perihelion (closest solar contact point within the orbital geometry). Astrologers will also experience relief from individuals not knowing accurate times of birth. Time is a much less critical consideration since no angles or rapid lunar placements are calculated. The greatest error in a heliocentric horoscope with an inaccurate birth time will occur for the planet Mercury. New aspect patterns arise (for instance, Mercury opposed Venus). This offers new insight into traditional methods. Consider the Mercury/Venus opposition: a clear individual recognition of one’s needs through direct communication. The need to communicate is dramatically exposed heliocentrically where in geocentric astrology it would never be noted. It is true that some other geocentric aspect may have suggested this need, but not with the direct perspective of the heliocentric point of view. There will be growing pains in heliocentric astrology. It is to the advantage of the heliocentrically inquisitive astrologer to notice the areas of discomfort. Later on in the study of heliocentric astrology, correlate these initial discomforts to the resultant awareness. Chances are that reduction of ego and development of soul occur in the process. A heliocentric map stands to facilitate each astrologer in dealing with the power and responsibility which exists in the realm of astrology. It is a journey of the inner cosmos of the soul. The concepts of heliocentric astrology require that the astrologer first give up a series of notions. These are: Relinquished Precepts a. retrograde planets b. angles and houses c. Moon signs d. fictitious model of the solar system e. loss of relative (apparent) bias Obtained Concepts a. true motion of planets b. quadrant system referenced to 00 Aries c. integration of Earth and Moon d. solar basis of activities and views e. accurate (true) model of the solar system f. gain of objectivity g. heliocentric planetary emphasis h. perihelia interpretation i. aphelia interpretation j. new aspect possibilities The heliocentric horoscope strongly emphasizes the extended purpose in life. The map reveals roads to take to propel the seeker closer to a sense of meaning and fulfillment within the incarnation. The individual obtains and must utilize the expanded operating room of space in which one conducts the incarnation. Availability of purpose-related activities increase, enabling strong reinforcement aspects to one’s destiny. The strong significance of the heliocentric horoscope may lead to the question of how to know when it is time to look at the heliocentric chart. It could be confusing and overwhelming if the heliocentric chart is examined too early. True, premature analysis of the heliocentric map holds the potential to demotivate the individual. Still, the determination of the timing for the initial look into the new world remains ultimately up to the owner of the chart. Any time the questions come up: “Why am I here?” “What am I doing in/with/through life?” “What good is all of this?” These are questions which require an initial heliocentric examination.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 15:41:02 +0000

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