Here is some more good news.............. Food stamp rolls are - TopicsExpress


Here is some more good news.............. Food stamp rolls are growing 75 times as fast as employment. The national debt has increased by 50 percent under Obama, even though he promised to reduce it. Obama promised to reduce health insurance bills for an average American family by $2,500 per year. Instead, your health bills went up by $3,000 per year. The men’s labor participation is the lowest rate ever measured since they started tracking it in 1948. And here’s the clincher: 90 million able-bodied, working-age Americans are not working. All of this misery morphs together in one tragic new statistic of the Obama economy: There are more Americans getting “food assistance” checks (101 million) than working in the private sector (97 million). We are certainly witnessing the complete destruction of the middle class. It’s been a purposeful plan by Obama from the first day he took office! And if you think help is on the way, I’ve got a bridge to sell you… in Detroit. The biggest city to ever go bankrupt, Detroit, has been run by Democrats since 1962. That’s more than half a century of 100 percent Democrat rule, using the exact same policies as Obama. The city is now in ruins. Detroit leads the Nation in illiteracy, welfare, food stamps, violent crime, murder, abandoned properties and broken street lights. The city of Detroit’s downfall is built around four core ideas: never-ending entitlement spending, the most government employees per capita of any city in America, monstrous debt and the highest property taxes in America. It’s no surprise then that Detroit is hopelessly bankrupt. But wait, isn’t that Obama’s exact prescription for prosperity for the Nation? High taxes, more spending, more debt and more government employees. Bingo. Help isn’t coming, people. The cavalry isn’t riding in to save us. Detroit is certainly the future of America under Obama. It’s the exact same policies. We are experiencing Groundhog Day: doing the same stupid things and expecting a different result. One last morsel of food for thought: The EU is in the middle of a Great Depression. Countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Greece and Cyprus face total disaster. Their economies are ruined for generations to come. Yet America under Obama now has more debt than every country in the European Union, combined. Our country has more government debt than any country in the history of the world. Say goodbye to the U.S. economy.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 16:20:34 +0000

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