Here is that Frank Johnson again : He truly makes 49er fans look - TopicsExpress


Here is that Frank Johnson again : He truly makes 49er fans look bad: Let me think Kap-o-nipper needs to increase the passing to normal levels, and hold-it. This is not a high bar, for any QB, there are rookies now-on poor teams, averaging 300 yards and three Tds and a game. It is quite easy to see why kap has not learned and adjust to more of a pocket-based offense. Do not be impressed; what Kap says he want to do-it the team that is carrying him. We need to crush the better games; Kap said we will go 12-4 after the Saints game. My 9er faith hopes that- He means we had better go to the playoffs, look good- and no more poor playing by him. The test is to be able to perform the same way towards winning teams and not beating our-selves. Having faith in Kap is like a man trying to be faithful to a boring and ugly- woman, Losing the NFC west was a sign that our relationship with winning has become rocky. Kap should be the new sheriff in town, with three-years of on the job training, but what I see is evident of crimes that is being commented-against real fans with pride.. Kap, is not constant with his passes, Kap, is a bust-for us, kap is all hype and not kid-dolomite!! Its fans that bet thousands of dollars, supporting our teams, do the deniers want to pay us back our money? When a co-worker talks sh..t about our squad are you willingg to take the punches? If not then shut-up and read, you may learn something about football winning. I want Kap to get better, but @ times, Kap is Tebow or worst. Analysis our stats, then ask yourself-why is our passing game last or @ the bottom, really since last season? There are teams in the NFL that is too strong for our Dee, because of the Kap lead-OF. Not because we r/DF weak, it is because fans in denial support weakness. People want to have faith in Kap, because they see no other choice and that is the truth. Kap, needs to not be in commercials, and start constantly hitting his check offs. Sheriff- Kap has no true- accuracy, I wish is mind was as strong as Kap’s arms. Harbaugh has been there done that and he is letting kap at owe expense. He will get better at going through progressions and hitting the check downs, trusting his teammate that is part of maturing as a player. He knows his career is on the line if he fails to change his life style. See I know we can beat any team; it is not in my mind.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 21:47:31 +0000

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