Here is the Blog from Jim Szakacs. Team Blog Day Three Up at 7am - TopicsExpress


Here is the Blog from Jim Szakacs. Team Blog Day Three Up at 7am and ready to begin the days adventures.Started our day with a nice breakfast at The Royale Hotel, then off to the Liberian Annual Conference Office to meet with Bishop John Innis. Very nice to spend time with him, his wife, Shaffa Steward and other Conference office staff. Departed Monrovia at 12:30 with Easy at the wheel. His driving skills are amazing! Arrived in Ganta about 7:30pm to a warm reception and wonderful dinner. Dinner was roasted chicken, lots of rice, plantains and sweet potatoes. The trip from Monrovia to Ganta afforded us a crash introduction to the culture and lifestyle. Many photos taken already. It was a long and very rough ride through several villages and on a mix of paved roads, gravel roads, dirt roads and paths. We zipped from side to side to avoid massive ruts and potholes, children playing along the roadside, road construction workers and vehicles and of course women with children on their backs and a multitude of items balanced quite impressively on their heads. Everywhere we stopped we were greeted warmly and vendors (mostly cell phone sellers!). By the way cell phones cost $12.50 and for $5.00 you get 90 minutes of service. The other interesting thing about cell service here is that it is 4G service. ( Hey Sprint, we would like to have 4G in Ohio.) Were having an interesting time with the money... $1.00 American is worth $85.00 Liberian. So you purchase a club soda for $0.80, give them a US $1.00 and get back a twenty dollar bill (Liberian) which is actually worth $0.20 even though it says; Dollar. We were excited to learn that we would have electricity until midnight, but then we overloaded the circuitry and lost power to half of the building. Whoops! Hopefully that will get restored tomorrow. Tomorrow we will be introduced to the hospital and the library. For now, it is shower and bed time. Back under the nets!God is good, all the time. End Day Three
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 15:50:41 +0000

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