Here is the CBC news story on the matter in case you missed - TopicsExpress


Here is the CBC news story on the matter in case you missed it. From: Prof. Harvey Millar Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 07:20:51 -0400 To: Kesa Subject: Re: Time To Rise Up! Dear Sister Kesa Very well said. This has gone beyond the naming issue to one of an assault on our pride, our dignity, and our right to self-determination (Kujichagulia). Weve been lynched this way before as you so aptly surmised. But through our many struggles and battles waged by the likes of Harriett Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Richard Preston, Carrie Best, and many many more, weve made some progress. Now we are facing a claw back of those gains from a white paternalistic Minister aided by those Black folk who are willing to sell us out for their personal gain - a Minister who has the audacity to pretend to claim our kids as her own while cutting off the jugular of our infrastructure - the very infrastructure designed to protect their rights and interests. This Minister is seeking cover from her sinister agenda - her fait accompli decision to dismember CACE because it wields too much power and influence - with the appointment of Melinda Daye as Chair of the HRSB and the release of a bogus review of Black organizations which conspicuously gave no voice to CACE either to provide input into or to respond to this so called review. This is a retaliation for the Nova Scotia Supreme Court decision. Further, the Minister is seeking to deflect attention from the horrendous failure of the DOE to positively impact the performance of African Nova Scotian learners in the education system - a travesty that she must own as Minister. We cannot let this issue rest. For once you cut off one of the pillars of our infrastructure, the others fall easily. The Ministers principal agenda is what Dr. Asante, the father of Afrocentricity, calls agency reduction - the attempt to weaken CACEs power which comes from its independence. Take away the foot soldiers and all you have left is a bunch of generals (the Board) with no army (the staff). The war is lost! Politics make strange bed fellows. It is shameful that the protagonists on the other side advocating for this vanity project, were so shortsightedly naval gazing that they could not see that they were aiding and abetting a plot that would lead to the demise of their own legacy. This is to show that when one attempts to claim a communal enterprise for personal valor, destruction ensues. Brothers and sisters, it is imperative we unite and fight this injustice for the future of our communitys survival depends on it. We need to mobile our institutions and our communities to speak with one voice with such a frequency, resonance, and forthrightness that it sends a clarion call to us and a clear signal that we will be abused no more!! We need a rallying force such as Ujaama or the AUBA to bring our communities together on this issue - the side of justice! Hotep Harvey On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 8:30 PM, Kesa Munroe-Anderson wrote: I am metaphorically comparing what has happened to the physical lynching that happened to our brothers and sisters years ago. This appears to be a political lynching. I am feeling that the way forward is not about whose side we are on. There is no time for sides. The way forward is about solidarity. It is about securing a better future for our children and grandchildren. The way forward is not walking in passivity. Action is required. Kesa ________________________________________ From: Subject: Re: Time To Rise Up! Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 12:05:10 +0000 Sorry to tag on to this email. And I am not sure if I am writing to Friends or Foe....but I hope that all are conscious of the injustice that is being done..... I remember awhile back when a successful sit-in took place on Gottingen St. at the Community YMCA when the government was threatening to close the employment centre and move the entire centre to Westend Mall (I believe it was). Well....we went to the centre with our blankets and stayed some overnight. People still went to work and their appointments but there was enough of us there that supported the cause and the entire centre did not move....well the Minister of Education is in a public building they have a beautiful lobby. Most of us have lawn chairs. We need to stage a protest or sit in...much like how we had the sing song outside of the School Board and demand a meeting with the Minister of Education. We can do it over the holidays or the first week back but there needs to be physical action after all her action was physical......and detrimental. I am tired of sitting and watching the government take over and interfere. Despite peoples personal feelings feel this is an institution she is trying to take down. An institution and four females lives that have made a difference in the lives of African Nova Scotian learners. We need to do something!!!!! In order for this to happen we need to be united and we did to pick one day and just go.... Barb Hamilton-Hinch PhD(c) Assistant Professor Dalhousie University School of Health and Human Performance ________________________________________ From: Crystal Mulder Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2014 5:52 PM Subject: Time To Rise Up! Brothers and Sisters and People in Solidarity In case you are unaware, THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, KAREN CASEY IS PLOTTING TO CUT FUNDING TO THE COUNCIL ON AFRICAN CANADIAN EDUCATION AND IN SO DOING WILL HAVE THE IMPACT OF WRONGFULLY TERMINATING ALL OF CACES FOUR FEMALE STAFF MEMBERS, SOME OF WHOM HAVE BEEN WORKING WITH THE COUNCIL FOR MORE THAN 17 YEARS. THIS WE BELIEVE THIS IS BEING DONE BECAUSE THE SUPREME COURT OF NOVA SCOTIA DECISION ON THE ISSUE OF THE NAMING OF THE AFROCENTRIC LEANING INSTITUTE, FOUND THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GUILTY OF POLITICAL INTERFERENCE. THE MINISTER NO DOUBT IS ANGRY AND IS SEEKING TO PUNISH CACE FOR SUPPORTING ALI IN THAT MATTER. AS WE SPEAK, THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CONTINUES TO BE ON A WITCH HUNT AGAINST CACE TO FIND SUPPOSED CAUSE FOR ITS ACTIONS. CACE, the ALI, working in partnership with all its community stakeholders have done phenomenal work over the last 18 years towards promoting the rights and interest of African Nova Scotian learners. We are calling upon all people to speak up and show their support for the right of the Black Community to govern itself. After listening to the CBC story you can call CSC talkback and express your opinion and you can call the Ministers Office to your disagreement with her actions. It is time for us to rise up and take a stand and to say to the Minister, unequivocally, that we are no longer slaves on the Plantation!!!! Here is the CBC news story on the matter in case you missed it. The Minister: [email protected] Ministers Office Ph:(902) 424-4236 CBC Information Morning: [email protected] CBC Talkback: 1-800-582-5526 PLEASE CIRCULATE TO YOUR NETWORK. Thanking you in advance for your support of justice for our people. -- C.D. Mulder -- Harvey H. Millar Ph.D., P. Eng. Professor of Operations Management
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 12:53:10 +0000

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