Here is the Chapter 2 ......!! :-* Chapter - 2 Next Day It was - TopicsExpress


Here is the Chapter 2 ......!! :-* Chapter - 2 Next Day It was November 17th, 2008. I was sitting in my room. There was not so much pressure of work so I decided to check my orkut profile. I was so fond of chatting that time. I used to spend about 2 hours daily on orkut. So I become a little bit of popular on orkut because I had more than 500 friends. I was keep checking scraps, photos, testimonials etc. But it was not enough for me to entertain myself. I send some friendship requests to the girls. I waited for sometime but none of them accepted my friendship request. It was a damn boring day for me. I saw the clock to find out how much time has been left for lunch break. It was 11:17 a.m. in the morning and 2 hours were remaining. There was a matching between the date and the time. The date was 17/11 & time was 11:17. I again opened my orkut profile and I noticed that my number of friends has been increased with one. I saw it was Anushka Mehra who accepted my friend request. She was using a English girl’s picture as her DP and that picture was not suitable for her name and also I didn’t like her profile pic. ‘Hi’. I wrote a scrap in her scrapbook. In a meantime I received her scrap back. “Hello Daksh “ “Hi Anushka, How Are You?. I asked “Well Am Good, How About You? “Same Here”. I said “hmm Ok”. She replied and kept silent. Me - “So do you know me?”. She - “No I don’t Know You. I just liked the name Daksh. That’s why I accepted you friend request and what about you? Do you know me?” Me - “No, I never met a girl named Anushka but yes, you remind me someone else.” - Me. She - “What? Really? And who’s that person? Definitely it will be a girl, I think. Me- “Haha yes who else it could be? There was a friend of mine, I mean my best best friend on orkut. Her name was Aishwarya Mehra and she was also from Pitampura, New Delhi. So I thought you could be Aishwarya Mehra”. I told her the whole story about me and Aishwarya. She- “Oh this is it. No I am Anushka Mehra, not Aishwarya Mehra. It is just a coincidence.” Me- “Yes it is. So tell something about you Anu. Can I call you Anu? She - “Yes Of course, Anu is my nick name as well. So you can call me Anu. That’s not a problem. She sent a smiley. Me - “Oh thank you. So you are a student? She - “Yes, I am doing my graduation through distance and what about you, daksh?” Me- “Well I am doing job and studying in B.C.A through distance as well.” I She - “Well that’s great. Doing both things together is just a big deal. You are doing well Daksh. ” “Yeahh thank you.” – Me. She- “So? –. Me - “So what? Tell your hobbies. What else I can ask you on first day of our friendship. – I said. Me - “Don’t worry, you can ask whatever you want. By the way music, chatting and reading are my hobbies and what about you?” “Well I too like music and chatting but reading is just a big monster for me. I can’t read. So don’t like reading but yeah, I love reading scraps.” I said. She - “Hahaha that’s funny. Well It was a lovely talking to you, Daksh. Bye. Take Care. She then logged off. I continued my work. But soon I again finished my all work till the lunch break and after lunch I was again totally free. Besides chatting with Anushka, I had also a lot of friends in which the quantity of female friends were much more than male friends. So I got back to chat again. Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing. I picked it up and found that it was Ram, who met me in university. Me- ‘Hello’. Ram – ‘Daksh?’ Me- “Yeah! Hows you Bro?’ Ram- I am good and also not good as well” He said in a low tone. May be he was in a trouble. Me- “What Happened Buddy? Ram- “I want to meet her and I don’t know any place or restaurant in Sirsa. Do you know any place which is secure and safe to meet? I was surprised. I had not even gone in any restaurant before then how can I tell him the secure one. The second thing which made me surprise was that about whom he was talking? Just before two days, he was single and now he was saying that he want to meet her. Who was her? Me- Who do you want to meet at resto? Him- “My Friend.” Me- “But you were single, right? OMG At last you talked to that cashier girl. “ Ram – “No Dude. When you left the university, I was sitting in the lawn. Then I met a girl and we talked to each other and we became good friend and then we exchanged our number and today we are going to meet again in a restaurant and I don’t know where I should take her. Please help me.” Me- “Okay! See I don’t know much about restaurant of Sirsa like they are safe or not. But yes, last Saturday, I ate Chhole Bhature in Lee Café while going back to home. It was a nice restaurant and I also think it will be good for couples as well. May be you can try going there, if you want. Ram- “Tell me the address”. Me- “Tell me the name?” (I was asking her girl friend’s name). Ram- “Lee Café”. Me- What? Ram- What? What? Lee Café you said. Me- I am asking your girl friend’s name. Ram- Oh god! I am dying here to meet her and you are crazy about her name. Ok her name is Anu. Happy? Me- Anu? Wow. In a meantime, Anushka Mehra again came to my mind. Ram- What Happened? Do you know anu? Me- No Ram- Then why did you said “WoW”. Me- Nothing. The Lee Café is on the Main Road in Red Light Chowk. It is famous now-a-days. You both can go there according to me. Ram – No I don’t want the famous one. What if we will come into the eyesight of someone known? Me- Then what? Do you want to go to Bhanu Ram Pakode Wala. I am telling you, it is a nice restaurant. Try at least once. Ram- Okay! Thanks Bro. Bye take Care. I was happy because at least there was someone who was seeking my help in friends I mean. I had not much friend those days. Some of my best buddies like Lala & Vikram were left behind when I came back to my village from my uncle’s home. I and Ram talked many times in just two days and we became good friends as well. So many things were common in both of us. And the main thing was Anu. We both have friend with the same name ‘Anu’. Curious about the name, I again decided to talk with Anu logged on to Orkut. I sent a srap in her scrapbook. Hello Anu!- I wrote. No reply came from her side. I looked at the clock, it was 3:35, the time to leave the college. I waited for 5 minutes more and no reply came till then. I started sorting out my files. I was about to shut down my PC when I got notification from Google Talk that Anushka Mehra Sent You a Scrap. I was totally confused about what to do now. Leave college or chat with Anu. I again through my files here and there on the table, so that everyone will think that I have a lot work still pending. I again logged in Orkut and started chatting with Anu. Hey Anu. Good Evening- I said Anu- Hi Daksh, You are still in office? You told me that your office time is 9 to 3:30. Me- No I have a lot of work pending. So I will go home late today. Anu- Ok that’s good. Even I was feeling bore at home. So now at least, I can chat with you. But how can I chat with you as you have a lot of work pending. Me- “No. Don’t worry about that. I will manage.” Anu- “Hmm that’s good. At last you have a good typing speed so you can manage.” Me- “Yes. So what were you doing?” Anu- “Nothing just took bath and came back to Orkut after having lunch.” Me- “Bath? This time? Why?” Anu- “Avein! I got up late today, so that’s why. ” Me- “Okay! Can I ask you something?” Obviously, I was going to ask the one and one question which almost everyone asks a girl. Anu- “Yeah sure!” I know she was totally aware of what I was going to ask her. Me- “Do you have any boy friend?” I was thinking that maybe she will think that I am the same guys like the other ones. “No. I am single and I always am single. Don’t like all this bull shit like love and all. Yes I like love stories but don’t want be a part of anyone’s love story because it hurts at last. That’s it.”- She said Maybe she could give answer just in a single word “No”. But she was so cunning that she didn’t leave any chance for me to say anything else. “Ok good. Even I also don’t want to fall in love. Totally waste of time you know” - I said to her pretending myself like a cool guy in front of her. “That will be good also for you as well. Being single is always enjoyable. No commitment, no tension at all.” - She said like she was deleting every file of love from mind and then she clicked “Empty Recycle Bin” Icon. So you will stay in office tonight?” – She asked because we were talking for the last 1 hour continuously. My files were still there on table uselessly. I checked the clock and it was 5:15p.m and my last bus for village was at 17:15. “Oh My God!” I said as I starting winding up my work as soon as possible. I collected all the files and through them in the almirah on the left side. I wrote a scrap to Anu in hurry. “Sorry Anu. I have to go now. It’s too late now otherwise I won’t be able to catch my last bus. I will talk to you tomorrow. Till then by take care. ” I locked my room and ran outside the college. I was lucky because there was a mini bus stop near my college. I reached there on time. The bus arrived and I got into the bus. It was a private bus not the roadways. Five minutes after, conductor came to me and asked for ticket. I put my hand in the pocket and I almost turned white when I found that there was no purse in my pocket because I forget that in office. Without getting late, I took out a two rupee coin from my second pocket and give it to the conductor. What is this?- Conductor shouted. “Two Rupees” – I said “Then what should I do with this. Give 15 more.” – He said “I am a student” - I said. He gave me a weird look and handed over two rupee ticket. I took that ticket and make myself feel comfortable. The bus was about to reach my village, suddenly it stopped. “It’s bus checking now. Everyone keep your tickets in your hand and the students took out your I-cards.” The conductor shouted. Two men, who were the owners of the bus, came inside. Now what to do? My heart started beating so fast because I had heard that they insult badly (sometimes they took off the shirts) all those who don’t pay money for ticket and pretend themselves as students. There was nothing in my pocket. Even the Distance Education Student I-card was left in the purse. The owners were coming near me. I was standing near the last seat in the bus. As the owner came to me, I started walking to the driver seat. “Where are you going?” - The checker said. “To bring my I card which is in the bag and the bag is on the upper rack of the first seat near driver.” – I said “Okay! Go Son”- he said. I escaped and I came near the driver seat and stood silent. Another checker who was already there asked me “Your ticket?” “The one who is out there, have already checked mine.”- I said “Ok that’s fine. Give me side and seat on that seat.” The checker said as he went out after completing his checking. I took a breath of relief. The conductor was continuously looking at me and then he smiled. I winked at him. It was an amazing day. I enjoyed talking with Anushka. It made me feel good and the incident of Bus was just mind blowing. Next day, again I was on my seat in office, chatting with Anushka. I got a call on intercom. “Hello Daksh! Come to my office” – Principal Said I went to the Principal’s Office. “Yes Mam” – I said Principal – “What are you doing?” I was going to tell her that I was chatting with Anushka but I controlled my emotions. “I was typing the lists which you gave me yesterday.” I said “Ok leave them for now. We all are going for a movie at 12:15pm. So get ready for that. Its 11:50 already.” – Principal said. I was stunned. I had never been to a PVR before. I kept quite. “What happened?” - Principal asked. “Nothing Mam but I don’t want to go for movie”. – I said because I want to talk with Anushka who was waiting for my on orkut. “Shut up! Are you crazy? Do you want to die with working all the time? Come on get ready. You will enjoy the movie, I am sure.” – Principal said as she left her office. With a dull face, I came to my office and told Anushka everything. “Offo! What’s the big deal, Daksh? You must go for that movie. You will enjoy I’m sure and don’t be too CHIPKU with your work. Try something different and I am not going anywhere else. I will be here for you. Okay? Now go”- Anushka said. “Ok”- I sad What is the name of the movie, by the way? – Anushka aksed. “Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi. I think”.- I said “Oh great! That will damn movie. I love all the songs of that movie. You must go and do watch that movie.”- “Okay! Then I am leaving now. I will talk you tomorrow. Till then by take care.” “Bye” – she said All of the staff including me reached the PVR. It was totally a new experience for me. Earlier I was a school student and just after completing my +2 in a government school, I never had a chance for such experiences. I was nervous because I felt low between all the students of college. Almost all of them were fashioned. But I was the one who used to wear sports shoes on format pent shirts. I didn’t know from which side I had to enter the PVR. The ticket checker asked me to stand near him because he wanted to know about all the students so that no outsider can enter the PVR. I stood beside him and helped him counting each and every student. At last, I was the one who left behind all of them. I ran to the movie hall-1 and entered in it. I was dark everywhere. A lecturer of our college held my hand and told me my seat number. It was K-11. Somehow I found my seat using my mobile torch. I sat on that seat and found that I was seating between two girl students of our college. Again protocol came to my mind. Shit. I stood silent and those girls were talking in a low town. I didn’t notice them and started watching the movie. The movie was just awesome. I loved the whole movie and Anushka was right. All the songs were just amazing. More than the movie, I loved the actress Anushka Sharma and once again the name Anushka Sharma reminded me of Anushka Mehra. I was again curious to talk to her but right for that moment I enjoyed the movie. Loved each and every character and it is a common thing that when you are going for a movie first time in your life, you will definitely remember each and every character of that movie and the same happened to me. That movie left me breathless. That was one of the finest experiences of my life especially for a countryside boy. Thanks to the college staff and management. We came back from PVR at 5:00p.m. It was too late so I didn’t try to turn on my PC. I picked my Tiffin and got the bus and started for my village. “You are late again”- Mom said. Yes! I saw a movie with staff and student. That’s why I am late.”- I said “Which one?” – Bhaiya asked. Me- “Rab ne Bana Di Jodi” Bhaiya - “Hmm” It was like party at home, Maasi ji, Mama ji , Nana ji and all my cousins where there in the house just because of no reason. We all enjoyed together for the whole night but as always I was at home and my brother and my cousins were out there parting in different style. My brothers always left me at home because I was the one who could handle my mom and Maasi if they get drunk and I was one of the biggest hater of wine and all those things because they ruined my childhood. So I never joined them and if I joined them sometime, I only took cold drinks. Now you all can imagine that what type of boy I was. Boring, may be. Anyway, at night, on bed I was continuously thinking about Anu. It became my habit to talk with Anu and I fell asleep at last. Next day, I presented my report before Anu. I told her each and everything and she also shared everything which she did last day. “So at last you enjoyed the movie, right? - She said “Yeah. It was a love story and I love that and as I told you earlier I love that actress Anushka Sharma.”- I said because that actress reminded me of Anu. “Oh! so Mr. Daksh is in love with Anushka Sharma”- She said as she was trying to tease me. “May be but I am not good for her. I wish I could fall in love with second Anushka.” - I said ‘Second Anushka? Was there any double Role of Anushka Sharma in that movie? - She exclaimed. “No. Right now I am talking to second Anushka.” – I said and a smile came on my face. “Oh Flirting! Ahan!” – She said “F-Flirting! No way. I was just kidding. “I know you cannot flirt with me”- She said. “I cannot flirt with you? What you mean? I can and it is just because I don’t want do it right now”- I said “Right now? So you flirt according to your mood, Right? Mr. Dakshu, flirting doest depend on our mood because it automatically comes to our mind when we want talk to someone, someone special.” - She laughed. Actually she was right. I was trying to flirt with her but I failed because she was a smart girl and flirting with her was just a big deal for me. “Ok. I admit that I was flirting with you”- I said “Aww, that was cute by the way. You have genuine heart, Daksh. I liked your nature. You are not like the other boys. We are best friends” - She said I started flying in the room like spiderman. Those words of her make me feel different. I talked with many on social networking but no one had ever spoken with me in such that way. But flying with happiness is not your duty, all you need is to keep them right, keep their faith inside your heart until your last breath whether it is a girl with whom you fall in love or your best friend who you believe blindly. I was happy because I found someone, not the love of my life but the best friend of all the time and that was Anushka. We both shared everything with each other. It was our routine exercise to chat with each other daily. She used to come online at 10:00 a.m. and I also tried my best of finish my work before ten o’clock. So that I could talk to her from 10 to 12. Life was good. Everything was going well. I loved those days.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 03:43:22 +0000

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