Here is the email I sent today: Greetings, Attached you will - TopicsExpress


Here is the email I sent today: Greetings, Attached you will find a copy of the CRS and copies of the case law. Since You, the DA and the Judge clearly retaliated against me for being hospitalized due to the injuries and illness brought on by the denial of medical care while in custody. All you are responsible for your unlawful actions towards me and the outright cruel and unusall punishment you ensured I recieved as persecution for my deeply held beliefs and political views. You continue to ignore my concerns and my position. These matters need resolved promptly, as they are having sever potentially permanent damage to my health. I should not be the one that has to find the laws - Your the attorney - but you seem to be of the mind set you and the District Attorney and the Judge are simply going to rail road me, as this case has clearly shown. What has gone on in this case is a travesty of justice and needs addressed. The Retaliation that has been used against me for standing up for my CIVIL and CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS very astounding. My clear right to equal protection under the law has been openly spit upon by all involved in the system against me, even you. These open, blatant and willing violation of my rights , are an open attack on justice and the law. Throughout this entire ordeal I have adimately advocated for my rights, even from the stand during my testimony. Yet judge Briggs did tell an point blank lie and demenstrated his hostility, retalation and bias mentality during sentencing - towards me is astounding and a travisty of justice. And the fact that I already did a notice of claim, to which you could careless shows your callous and disregard for justice and the rights of the citizens in this country. The general above the law mentality within weld county courts and by all involved in the open attack on me and my deeply held beliefs. In this countries history many have fought and died for their beliefs and the freedom for future generations to believe freely. Under United States Code Title 18 Sec 241 242 You and the rest of these persons who have actively conspire to deprive another of their rights under the color of law are committing a FEDERAL CRIMINAL ACT - THIS NEEDS ADDRESSED - and I will pursue any and all legal means to hold those responsible for these actions liable to the fullest extent of the law. Including the title 42 sec 1983 action against all of you in the comming days, both professionaly and personally. The actions that the Judge Briggs took the opportunity to retaliate against me and facilitate a environment totally devoid of justice, truth, and law. You again tried to lesson the effects of my severe concern over these matters, basically telling me you did not have time to pursue actual justice in this case and that you would be only working on the appeal that I again have been denied my legal and lawful right to activily participate in my defense. Again, in an open desire to persecute me for my beliefs. I have been denied a change of venue even though a clear and open biase against me and the principles I stand for with my deeply held beliefs in natural agriculture and disdain for political corruption. I AM AGAIN DEMANDING MY RIGHT TO EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW - MEANING A BIASED AND CORRUPT JUDGE WHO HAS DENIED ME THIS BASIC RIGHT AT EVERY TURN - SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO CARRY OUT HIS POLITICAL AND PERSONAL VENDETTA AGENDA AGAINST ME. THIS NEEDS ADDRESSED - UNDER THE LAW - NOT NEXT YEAR BUT NOW AS I CONTINUE TO SUSTAIN SIGNIFICANT PHYSICAL AND MENTAL TORTURE AND REMARKIBLE CRUEL AND UNUSALL PUNISHMENT BY THESE ACTIONS BEING PERPETRATED AGAINST ME. Please advise me on how you plan to move forward in this case, as you and the rest of those involved have NO CONCERN for Justice, and the rights of the citizens of this state. These rights are gaurenteed by our founding fathers and those that have fought for the freedoms and ideals that made our society what it is. Your actions spit on those very concepts and im quite certian that George Washington is rolling over in his grave at your disregard for the common mans rights - my rights and every other citizens rights. What will it take to get you to see that your actions and the actions of those involved are what is causing the degradation of our society and freedoms? My death? Their attempt to silence me included an outright attempt to assassinate me for my beliefs, by running me over with the factory farmers wife and the mother and son of the fracking employee intentionally hitting me with her mini van. Then when I did not die they charged me with the crime and did not even do an actual accident investigation as this case was predetermined deputy walker justice. Since when is this kind of conduct legal? Only in weld county. Thank you Ethan Their contact email is [email protected] Cheif Judge James Hartman JR 9704752510 (As he continues to be complicit in regards to this travesty of justice) Judge John Briggs 9704752560 ( as he has persecuted me for my deeply held beliefs, my disabilities, and my political opposition to corruption) Thank you
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 21:33:14 +0000

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