Here is the eulogy from todays funeral. We gather here today - TopicsExpress


Here is the eulogy from todays funeral. We gather here today to celebrate the life of Teddy. It all started when Wendy & Rob’s neighbor Bill suggested seeing a shark in a Rhode Island pet store that had grown too big to stay there. It was going to the aquarium, and thought it would be something to see. Upon their arrival they saw the shark and Wendy starts to wander to the puppies. Rob says “you know if you just look, you will want one”. Wendy replies saying “That’s ok”. Knowing Wendy I am sure it was done with a loving smirk. As she looks around she see this little puppy that catches her eye. It is love at first sight (for the 3rd time that is now) Rob and Mister are the first two. She can’t believe her eyes, it’s a runt puppy that was all brown and red with a black face, just like a little Teddy Bear. That is what her name will be thinks Wendy, and so begins their lives with Teddy. They returned home to Massachusetts to introduce Teddy to Mister. He was so happy to see her, he immediately took to loving her, and so began their lives as best friends. I call them book end buddies. On Teddy’s first trip to NY she makes many first memorable impressions. She visits with grandma and grandpa where she learns about stairs…. Being a puppy and seeing those steps heading into their basement seemed like quite a challenge but Wendy begins her training to mastering those steps by showing her how to walk up and down them. Claire comes to visit and meets Teddy, but upon her arrival she doesn’t see a dog, and is confused. She couldn’t tell the difference between the stuff animals on the bed and Teddy. Wendy remembers walking Teddy in the beginning days; her paws were barely even broken in, still soft and cuddly. She would walk a little bit and then just plopped down not getting up. Causing Wendy to have to pick her up and carry her back home. Upon Teddy’s first visit with the Lee’s in Rego Park, her excitement couldn’t be contained as she showered them with love and oh yeah “pee everywhere” Teddy’s showering of love continued throughout her entire life. Most always when Wendy and Rob would come home. Her excitement couldn’t be contained for the love she had for her mommy and daddy. That excitement would also been shown when anyone she hadn’t seen in a while would come and visit. Even more so when she saw Jeremey and Julia. Even to her last days she would leave puddles of love and excitement. Wendy also remember teaching Teddy to bark, since Mister never spoke and even to her last day he would rely on Teddy to speak so that they could go out, or have water or a treat. Wendy claims her vocal cords never matured, I wonder if maybe Wendy doesn’t knows how to bark, just kidding, either way Teddy has a bark like no other. Sounds just like a turkey. This sweet loving dog, would bark and for whatever reason it seemed to scare other dogs. Liz mentioned to me loving the bark as well, and thought it was even funnier that Andrew kept asking Why does she sound like a Turkey? If you have never heard the bark, it can be heard on our answering machine as our away message. When Andrew was younger, and he and Liz would be in the city; they would see Wheaton Terriers walking and Andrew would always say Teddy”. Liz also recalls the many times Andrew would walk Teddy along with Mister. She could see the love he had for dogs just from the smile on his face. Teddy lived a full life, and to the full extent of that. She enjoyed having her belly rubbed, she would roll over on her back so you can get a good chance to rub all of her belly, but don’t stop because she would nudge you until she was content and had enough. Teddy loved the outdoors. She would lay on top of the couch whether in Massachusetts or in the apartment in the Lumber Yard just peeking out the window. She would lay on the porch in Massachusetts or enjoy a brief stroll down the stairs at the Lumber Yard saying hello to Roger. I say again she loved being outside especially in the winter, she would stay out till the icicles would freeze from her nose. I personally recall Wendy and I walking along the bay area by the Cross Island Parkway and Teddy even with her aches and pains pushed through to keep walking just to feel the windy breeze against her face. She huffed and puffed her way all the way back to the car. She loved her car rides too, taking a whole seat for herself, even opening the window herself to get fresh air, or putting her face right up to the vents to get a breeze. A car trip wouldn’t be complete without Teddy leaving us some nose artwork. I currently have some on my car and even though it’s quite messy I am finding it hard to clean up because I miss her. Teddy was a smart dog, it always amazed me how upon driving to grandma and grandpa’s she always knew once we pulled onto Arandale, and would start her barking till we got there. The smartness must have come from watching all that TV. I have never seen a dog watch TV with such commitment. She could watch for hours, but let’s hope another animal didn’t pop up on the screen. That was enough for Teddy to start barking at the TV and even almost taking one down. For those that haven’t had the privilege of watching Teddy sleep that was quite an amazing site too, she was avid sleeper, sleepy in many different positions, I think a yoga class could have taken lessons with these positions, maybe she got them from watching Wendy sleep. Even in her sleep she was a lady, she always crossed her legs I don’t really know what Mister would say about Teddy, but we know that he loved her so much and really misses her. Wendy tells me about the how these two best friends would play tug of war together. Teddy would steal Misters toys, and hide them with hers or play with both of them, and not let me Mister play but she eventually gave in. They would make such games of playing with the toys. Wendy and I miss her cuddling time, and Wendy really misses hugging her. Andrew said it best by saying I dont want to remember that she died because it makes me sad. She was a sweet dog and I loved her too I will end this with saying that Teddy lived her life to the end and is now is out of pain, she is rejoined with Rob and will be missed dearly. Music Played to end the service: Baby Blue by Dave Mathews Band Cant Stop Loving You by Van Halen Teddy Bear by Elvis Presley Youll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 17:26:05 +0000

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