Here is the first of I am sure will be many messages coming from - TopicsExpress


Here is the first of I am sure will be many messages coming from us.... To: New York State Republicans and Conservatives From: Carl Paladino Date: November 13, 2013 Re: New York State Republican Party and 2014 Elections The next election cycle has begun. Republican legislative career incumbents, the old school party establishment gang, their political operatives and lobbyist partners expect to return to Albany in January, 2014 and join their Democratic Party co-conspirators in the time honored ritual of fleecing the taxpayers. They will continue the same old farcical and hopeless Albany two-step dance full of staged drama, illusion and political fantasy geared to extend their vociferous feeding at the public trough while leading the hapless taxpayer on a hopeless journey to nowhere. For all the good reasons provided in my prior thesis dated August 15, 2009, I intend to change the Republican Party as we have known it and interrupt the dance with the voluntary or forced resignation of previously identified RINO (Republican In Name Only) County chairs, Dean Skelos as Majority Leader of the Senate and Brian Kolb as the Minority Leader of the Assembly. They require punishment for their unforgivable misdeeds of neglecting the values of those who put them in office and failing to provide legitimate opposition to the States Democratic Party machine which, without formidable opposition, produces criminal legislators and liberal progressive legislation at an alarming rate. RINOs are part of the ruling class in Albany. They run the bureaucracy with the liberals, get their piece of the action and trash our liberties. Its time for all Republican and Conservative State and County leaders to call on their Republican Senators and Assemblymen to send Skelos and Kolb home with the threat of denying endorsements if they dont cooperate. When the phonies are expelled from their leadership roles and the Republican Party backs a moderate gubernatorial candidate acceptable to the rank and file with proper financing and the intestinal fortitude to fight the good fight, the rank and file will rejoin the fold. If this does not happen, I will ask the Conservative Party for its endorsement and lead disenfranchised rank-and-file Republicans to a place where RINOs are not welcome, the status quo is unacceptable and substantive conservative values are not to be played with. The Republican establishment will become irrelevant. They just havent figured it out yet. A good example of this is where Republican Ed Day was elected Supervisor in Rockland County despite the vicious opposition of a scheming criminal shoplifter, Republican County Chair and First Vice Chairman of the State Republican Party Vinny Reda. Day had no support from the State Republican Party and won because the rank and file wanted new leadership and change in the status-quo. Redas irrelevance will be manifested when Day throws the bum out. Its time for Ed Cox to cut loose Reda and others of his kind. Its time for party leadership at every level to respect those who put them in office and lead, follow or get out of the way. So let the vetting process begin.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 17:51:41 +0000

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