Here is the impetus for the story. It is in addition to: -- the - TopicsExpress


Here is the impetus for the story. It is in addition to: -- the postcard I returned to Rep. Paul Pacheco, calling him a traitor; -- the photo that was posted to the FB Stand4KidsNM page of teachers protesting at a NM School Boards Association conference in ABQ -- asking me whether I posted that and why. So its a destroy job by the Journal. This email I sent to board members follows an email I first sent to the board because: -- Knauber wasnt fired after an informational investigation -- I inquired what the heck is an informational investigation, as I have never heard cops do such a thing; -- information that Marty helped someone get a job; -- information that a principal hired her daughters best buddy for a job not qualified for over those who were qualified. The below email was another email I sent on Saturday to the board. Marty gave it to the Journal, which was already questioning me about the Pacheco postcard. So the Journals line of questioning is about my actions, are they out of line as a public official, should I be doing these things, etc. I owned all of my actions and said, yes, I posted the postcard and sent it back to Pacheco. Yes, I wrote the emails. Yes, I am outraged that public officials work behind the scenes and are not accountable to the people who are elected to serve us. Yes, I am going to continue to call it as I see it -- if some public officials want to put their heads in the sand and pretend these horrors on our schools dont exist, thats their problem and something they are accountable for. As for me, I continue to fight in the trenches with you. Kathy (follow this email string from the bottom) _____________________________________ From: Kathy Korte Date: July 8, 2014 at 6:19:59 PM MDT To: Esquivel, Martin Cc: Board ED , Albright, Christina , Maestas, Analee , David Peercy , Duran, Donald , Donald Duran , Elena Hernandez , Garcia, Lorenzo , Green, Shelly A , Hendrickson, Ruben E , Escobedo, Joseph D , Peercy, David , Quezada, Steven M , Brooks, Winston , Jon Swedien Subject: Re: Teri Cole and Eli Broad A teacher sent this to me on July 20: Libel, Marty???? As I said: back-door dealing. And youre wrong, I own my actions, you run from yours in a huff. And you shared the emails with your buddy Kent - again. Hiding from your actions behind editor and buddy Kent Walz. What a chicken. ------------- You should know that, when I met with Matt Montano from PED on July 20th, I noticed that Hanna Skandera was meeting with someone at the same time outside the Starbucks on Montano and I-25.... Guess who? Marty Esquivel... What in the WORLD could they have been discussing?!? Sent from Kathy Kortes iPad On Jul 8, 2014, at 4:53 PM, Esquivel, Martin wrote: More libel. More silliness. No ownership. On Jul 8, 2014, at 4:26 PM, Kathy Korte wrote: I was going to ignore your email, but since you gave it to Swedien of the Journal, I wont. Funny how you dictate the news and how the Journal ignores the real news about education deforms to focus on helping you redeem yourself in the eyes of your voting public. You can take your civil discourse to your constituents - parents and teachers - who are waiting for public officials to listen To them and act on their behalf. Instead, you continue to hide your head in the sand about very real harm being done to teachers, children and schools. Its amusing really: you and Analee still dont acknowledge your back-door dealings. Open government?? What a joke. Its only open government (sharing these emails with your buddy Kent Walz who is in a relationship with Teri Cole- conflict of interest perhaps since his editorials are so One-sided as to be obviously PR) when you seek to deflect the questions I ask about your back-door deals. And you are calling me out? You are self-serving, Marty. As for board trainings: they have been useless since we have board members who secure $$ for pet projects outside of proper protocols, seek to influence hirings at schools outside of our purview as board members, and refuse to acknowledge conflicts of interest as they relate to charter school associations. I seem to recall you fighting on that bandwagon last year. Boy, youve made a 180-degree about-face, Marty. Maybe sitting down and really listening to your constituents would do you some good. As for me, I will keep fighting this insidiousness with the folks in the trenches - and well continue to look for accountability from our so-called public officials. And again, you and Analee fail to answer my question: why does Teri Cole seek a meeting with Analee?? Simple question. No answer. Open government - what a joke. Sent from Kathy Kortes iPhone On Jul 7, 2014, at 9:32 PM, Esquivel, Martin wrote: It is entirely out of line for an APS Board member to call one of the most respected business leaders in our state a sheep. Teri Cole has served tirelessly as President of the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce through a number of governors -- democrat and republican. She deserves much more respect than being attacked in the manner in which Ms. Korte has demonstrated below. Speaking about Ms. Cole in this manner is very disrespectful and reflects poorly on APS if the Board countenances this type of irrational behavior. Teri Cole is also a friend of mine and was a colleague on the Board of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government. She accomplished more for open government than Ms. Korte could ever appreciate. Im appalled that she could be attacked like this. The personal attacks by Ms. Korte on public officials who dont agree with her have now become a real problem for APS. We spent time and money on Board training that seems to have been worthless if we allow this conduct to continue without speaking up against it. This is not civil discourse. Its vitriol. I dont know what conspiracy theory has now been concocted with Board member Quezada, but I consider it as equally insipid as Ms. Kortes previous attacks on NALEO. On Jul 5, 2014, at 1:00 PM, Board ED wrote: From: Kathy Korte [mailto:kathy_korte@q] Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2014 11:57 AM To: Board ED Cc: Brooks, Winston Subject: Teri Cole and Eli Broad Analee, You never responded to my email a few weeks ago after my meeting with Supt. Brooks. In it, I asked you about Teri Cole of the ABQ Chamber of Commerce, who apparently wanted a meeting with you and reached out to you via the Board Services office. In that email, I told you Cole is a Martinez sheep who is anti- teacher and anti-public schools. I asked if such a meeting took place, for you to share with all board members the date of meeting, who took part in it and topics discussed. I never received a response from you. And it highlights yet again that the role of president of the board as used by you and your predecessor is a non-transparent role I object to. Steven Michael: just wanted to make you aware that FB is aflutter with news of your participation in a charter school conference sponsored by the Eli Broad Foundation. There is a difference between public charters and private charters. Broad and his billionaire pals like Gates, Walton, Jeb Bush and Murdoch see a $1.1 trillion public education institution they so want to get their grimy hands on. In so doing, they will privatize schools and destroy our public systems of education - and democracy. Here is an informational piece about Eli Broad and why constituents are not happy about your participation in this charter school conference: With much regard, Kathy
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 01:07:03 +0000

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