Here is the last post I received from Jessica in regards to her - TopicsExpress


Here is the last post I received from Jessica in regards to her mission to Peru: Friends and family, I am now home and exhausted. And although the trip has ended the opportunities to pray hasnt. Here are some of the most recent highlights and some of the things that I have learned while on this journey! Ive learned that I never know how God is going to move in regards to prayer or healing. Like most, I have wrestled with the question why are some healed and some not? I dont have an answer to that question. What I do know is that God is incredibly compassionate, He is Alive, and He has great power! Also, in regards to prayer: Prayer is powerful and it changes things. Also, Gods answers to our prayers dont always come in the way or package we expect! I learned that on my trip to Santo Tomas. There, I met a little old man named Manuel Antonio with Malaria who so badly wanted to be healed. At the alter, I prayed for him and hugged him as he shook and cried on my shoulder. I wish I could say that he was healed on the spot but he wasnt. In this moment, I wondered why he wasnt healed because he certainly had the faith. Manuels last words to me were, when you return, I know that I will be healed! I LOVED HIS FAITH!!!!! And I know that God does to and I am certain God will HONOR his faith! He and his wife, Maria, ask for YOUR prayers. BTW: Noah Sematimba (my healing ministry mentor) has beat malaria 3 times in the past...I know Manuel will too! Now, one of the highlight of this trip was meeting my dear friend, Carmen and her husband Winquer. Her testimony shows that healing doesnt come in the package we expect. For 2 years, Carmen bled. The doctors didnt have an explanation or a solution for her sickness. However, 2 weeks before this trip she had a dream. In this dream, she said that she had surgery and the surgeon told her that she was healed! As she shared the story, I just knew that it was the great physician that healed her! She said that since that dream she has not bled and has felt completely better! I was so blessed that our team got to be her cheer squad and pay for her check up when she went back to the Doctors office. Praise God, they confirmed that she is completely healed!!!! She and her husband wants to name their future daughter or son after me. :) How cool is that?! Please keep Carmen and Winquer in prayer as they are praying to have a baby! Now one of the scariest moments was my motorcar fiasco. In Iquitos, there were more motorcars and motorcycles than actual cars. In the rainy season, it can be quite wet and even dangerous. I survived both conditions. Well, this particular day, on my way to church, my motorcar ran out of gas and had to be pushed to a gas station. (Peruvians do it too!) Then 10 minutes later the chain broke sending my motorcar into a pothole. Clearly, I was praying as if my life depended on it. But that wasnt the worst part! 15 to 20 minutes later, heavy rain started to pour as we tried to climb this rocky muddy road. To help get us to the church safely, the pastor along with his 1 year old son hopped in (He had no idea what he was in for!) Within 2 minutes, the entire motorcar flipped over sending me, Guido (our Peruvian translator), the pastor and his little boy crashing down in the mud. Praise God, there were no major injuries, just a hurt ankle for Guido and a minor scratch on the Pastors hand from shielding his son. Who knew getting to church could be so hard! In the end, it was one of the most satisfying and rewarding services to be apart of. Everyone in that church shared their testimony of how God had touched their life. I definitely had something to testify about! Shortly after that little fiasco, on our WALK to an easier street and a new motor car driver, a little boy came running out of his house saying to another little boy, Look, I told you there was a Negrita! (in Spanish of course) Since day 1, the locals have thought that I looked like Sheena- Queen of the jungle. I was frequently asked by youth if me or my family were Amazonian Indian. ha ha ha (I dont know if this Sheena character is more myth or Hollywood!) By the way, the Amazonian Indians (that I have seen) are by no means tall but rather very very short! Please pray for the youth and the unreached tribes and people of Peru! ALL that to say, this was one whirlwind of a trip. With all that has happened, I think I may spend quite a bit of time in Peru. Perhaps you will join me! Pray as I decide when to go back and for how long! LOVE LOVE LOVE, Jessica
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 16:49:56 +0000

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