Here is the latest installment of the Beauty and the Beast - TopicsExpress


Here is the latest installment of the Beauty and the Beast HCs. Hermione was taking a deep breath to get ready to go down the stairs into the Great Hall to meet Viktor Krum. She sighed wistfully missing Remus. They kept missing each other at the times they could have met up during the Hogsmeade Week-end. He did sent a birthday present, which she is wearing with the dress that he helped her pick out. It matched beautifully and she felt like a princess for one night. She just wished that he could see her. She walked down the stairs with a slight smile on her face. Viktor came up and greeted her like a royal princess with a kiss on her hand before tucking it in under his arm to escort her into the Great Hall. They walked over to Harry and Pavarti to line up to go in with the other champions. Harry did a double take when he realized that Hermione was all doled up and going with Viktor. “Hermione?” asked Harry with a slight dazed look on his face. “Hey Harry, Pavarti,” said Hermione. “Are we ready for some fun tonight?” Both of them nodded. Professor McGonagall interrupted them to get everyone either inside or line up the Champions with their partners for the night. Hermione saw how beautiful everyone looked and felt pretty good about herself with the dress and the jewelry that Remus gave her. The Four Champions walked into the Great Hall to much applause from the other students, staff, and other Ministry officials that were there. Hermione was beaming at the surprising compliments that she was getting for tonight. After dinner, Viktor and her got up to dance the opening number to start the Ball. They had been meeting secretly so they could practice this dance together. They had danced a few more songs and then Viktor suddenly got a tap on the shoulder with an “Excuse me” Hermione looked up sharply at the voice and said, “Remus!” “Hello Hermione. Viktor, can I have the next dance with your lady?” asked Remus. Viktor dipped his head in approval. He knew about the secret relationship between the two of them. Viktor transferred Hermione from him to Remus with a smooth dance move. Hermione laughed. “Thanks, Viktor for taking Hermione to this special ball for this year. I knew that you would be an alright bloke.” Viktor dipped his head before he walked away to get a drink. Remus spun Hermione near the edge of the dance floor for some privacy. “Remus, can I ask you what you are doing here? Not that I am not happy to see you. It is a lovely surprise,” asked Hermione with a smile on her face. “Professor Dumbledore asked me to be an extra chaperone for the dance. He said that some of the students have asked him about me so he thought it would be a nice surprise for them. I was able to speak to Harry for a few minutes while watching you dance. I better warn you that Ron is in a foul mood,” answered Remus. Hermione groaned at the last sentence and gave him a why look. Remus shrugged his shoulders. Hermione just dropped her head onto his shoulder. They stopped dancing when the song ended. “Want to get some fresh air, Hermione?” asked Remus. Hermione nodded. She held his arm as they walked out into the terrace that was beautiful decorated for the season. They walked quietly for a few minutes and found a bench hidden from everyone’s view. Remus cast a quick warming spell before Hermione sat down. “Thanks, Remus,” Hermione said with a smile. “I am so glad to see you though. I was wondering how I was going to get you a picture of me with this dress and send it to you to see. Thank you for the jewelry. It is perfect. Will you be staying overnight?” Remus nodded. “Splendid! We can exchange our gifts later or tomorrow morning.” “Tomorrow morning would be fine, Hermione. Would you like to join me for breakfast at 10 am?” asked Remus. Hermione nodded. “I will ask one of the house elves to give you directions to my room.” Hermione leaned into Remus and gave him a soft peck on the lips and whispered, “I have missed you so much. I love you, Remus John Lupin.” “I love you, too, Hermione Jean Granger,” Remus responded back with a slightly deeper kiss. Hermione wrapped her arms around Remus’s neck so they can deepen the kiss. The kiss gets a little deeper but they stopped when they hear Professor Snape firing spells at the bushes nearby. They agree to go back in to dance one more time before he goes back to the chaperoning. After their dance, Remus turned to Hermione and said, “I will see you, my love at 10. Have a blast with Viktor and ignore whatever is bothering Ron.” Hermione smiled at him, “Will do and don’t cause too much mischief,” as she responded with a smirk and wink. She found Viktor dancing in the crowd and joined him for the rest of the night. The next morning as she walked to Remus’s room with her gift, she thought about the great time that she had. She had waved at the boys at the dance and she saw how bad of a mood that Ron was in and avoided it like a plague because she wasn’t going to let him spoil her night. She had spoken to Harry after she had gotten back to the Common Room. He explained to her Ron’s mood. She just point blankly told him that she wasn’t interested in Ron so he needed to get over himself. Harry laughed. When she got to Remus’s room, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Remus opened the door with a big smile on his face. “Come in, my love,” he said. “Breakfast is ready. I hope you are hungry.” “I am famished,” said Hermione as she walked into his room. When the door shut and locked itself, Hermione tossed the gift onto the couch in the room. She spun Remus around and grabbed him by the shirt and kissing him with such fierceness that he moaned into her mouth. “Hermione…” Remus moaned. Hermione didn’t let up. She had missed him so much and just need him so badly. They walked back towards the couch to get more comfortable. They finally broke apart to get some air. Remus looked at her like she was crazy. “Hermione, what has gotten into you? You are not usually aggressive.” “Sorry, Remus, I just missed you so much that I just want to get what I can while I can. Can we just kiss for a while before we eat?” Hermione asked with puppy eyes. “Sure. Just let me cast a quick warming spell to keep the food hot,” answered Remus as he quickly cast the spell. He grabbed her gift and put it on the table with his gift to her. He stretched out on the couch and pulled her on top of him. Once they got more comfortable, the kissing began again. It was a while before either of them sat down for real food. I hope you enjoyed it!! ~Snarky Granger
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 12:00:01 +0000

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