Here is the list of countries approved by OECD and DAC to receive - TopicsExpress


Here is the list of countries approved by OECD and DAC to receive foreign aid - TANZANIA and UGANDA belong to the Least Developed Countries: NOTE: When aid and assistance is offered to these countries, help is not given to help the starving and the sick, but to help create democracy and strategy that will ultimately, provide your officials with means to access lots of funding as long as they promise they will allow the people to vote and give the women the right to an education. That the rest of the population is starving, is of no special interest to those who are helping. If you want your country to continue receiving aid, it is up to your own population to make sure that your officials and representatives are demanding and requiring that at least the population must be able to feed and house themselves, and have access to medicines and education and clean water. The most important need of any is FOOD - FOOD - FOOD - no-one can survive without food. An education will no help if one is starving to death. The vote will be of no use whatsoever, if there is no food. So FOOD is the absolute requirement to demand when receiving foreign aid and a top and absolute requirement that cannot be negotiated in any way whatsoever. Furthermore, the food must be produced by the nations themselves and they must not be tricked into having GMO seeds and fertilizers that kill off the seeds so that only GMO seeds will grow. In order to grow FOOD the population needs tractors and education about irrigation. In addition to FOOD there is one other requirment that no nation should be without. WATER. The water may not be polluted to provide some wealthy nations access to products from your soils and mines. Water is essential for your own lives depend on it. Once the population has food and water the next requirement is electricity. When the nation has food and water and electricity, then education, health care, roads, bridges can follow. These are far more important than any nation deciding on how your nation makes their own decisions.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 23:31:18 +0000

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