Here is the message that Swami gave on 23rd november 2013 at - TopicsExpress


Here is the message that Swami gave on 23rd november 2013 at Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India. The last lines is of paramount importance. Message of Swamy: Be happy my children , be happy. Swami’s blessings are always there upon His children. That day on which there is happiness and fervor around , that day there is so happiness and good experiences around us. That day on which we can’t celebrate unwillingly, how sad and tear bringing that day would be. Can you understand how these two days can be like ? God who created this universe Himself took birth in this world and incarnated Himself and became famous by the name of formless and shapeless God’s incarnation. Who is this shapeless and formless god ? it is the entity that posseses no tangible form. Avatar (re- incarnation) is the same God who controls this entire universe by sitting at one place. The one from which the entire universe originates is the avatar ( re-incarnation ) of God. God is the power that stay with you in the form of your faith upon Him. call Him your friend, or your lover , your mother or your brother , call Me by any name or relation, I will always give you unending love. The trust that was born out of the birth on 23rd November 1926 was called God by you all. Today is the birthday of the same God. I thank you all for it. You say ‘thank you God for coming in between us all ‘. But in fact , I was never at all. When I was born it was declared my birthday, it means when I re incarnated myself in the human form then the date of 23rd November came into limelight which you celebrate as my birthday. You must remember that each day is my birthday. The day you decided to trust me and imbibe you faith upon me , whatever the day may be its actually equal to 23rd November. So celebrate not mine but birth of your trust in me and the joy you get in finding me. I extend my lots of wishes to you all. I bless my all children and this entire world. May each one of you have happiness in your life. This birthday is trust, this birthday is the day of love. this birthday is your own birthday because the day on which your trust and faith is born in me is your actual birth. When lord rama returned to ayodhya after his 14 long years of exile, entire ayodhya was filled with joy happiness and new light of hope. Every human had his heart filled with lights. That day was celebrated till date by illumination of lamps. Ramayana is an ideal, a definitive valuable guide of hindu lifestyle. Values and responsibilities are like a shore that bind the rising thoughts of heart and maintain the skeleton of the entire society. A purposeful life is rising above self and look out for the divinity. As portrayed in Ramayana, life is walking upon the principles of lord rama and lead our path towards selflessness and self motivation. Bhagwan rama’s exile was a perfect blend of both forgiving as well as action against evil. He killed all the evil forces operating around and also killed ravana. ‘Pashaan ahatya ‘got freedom from worldly materialism by touching lord rama’s feet. The berries that shabri offered became sweet manifold times due to the intense love she owed to rama. She succeeded in the examination of life as she met the lord herself. Mareech put his life at risk but attained salvation in the hands of lord rama by whose bow he was killed. Karvata helped rama to cross the river in his boat, in this way he attained salvation through his minute yet divine action. No words can express the meeting of rama with hanuman during exile. Hanuman’s dedication and devotion to rama was one of the deepest . To get rama , was hanuman’s ultimate aim. In the world of rama , there is one thing much deeper and much than rama, it’s the worth of his name which illuminates like a lamp and fills the life with positivity. Whosoever recites the name of rama, kills the negative forces operating within him and in doing so he libetares himself from this materialism. That’s why a true devotee always expects that rama should always stay within his heart. Even laxmana and sita too faced exile along with rama. Even in ayodhya the eagerly waiting population of rama’s subjects, kept all the men women bound to him. His padukas( slippers) turned the ayodhya into a land of sages where everyone was eagerly waiting for the lord to come back. When rama returned then the rama kingdom was re established. Even in kaliyuga the name of lord rama is miraculously omnipotent in the heart of this ardent followers and devotees. When rama comes to your heart, rama’s kingdom is re established , where there is immense joy and light of positivity. I have tried to correlate my life with that of lord rama. It means that in my life grace and revolt both have come in balanced forms. I tried to put into path millions of people who did not even knw me before and in doing so I illuminated the path of many devotees like shabri and ahatya.. just see that today this world is my home where I don’t eat berries but definitely I eat meals.. I went to shabri once but here I took meals for my entire lifespan… My children , try to understand the depth of my words.i will continue to give you joy.. just as the ayodhya turned silent and sad after rama’s departure to exile, in the same way this entire world is sad and silent after I went away from my physical for. This world is calling me. I will return very soon. Then one more day in a year my birthday will be celebrated. One more day joy will be shed. There will be music, and enjoyment because there will be new birth of Sathya Sai Baba. The birth of your love and trust is my birthday. Swami extends his heartiest wishes to all of you…. My blessings to you…. With love , Baba
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 12:55:23 +0000

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