Here is the next sermon that finishes Romans 15: The Christian’s - TopicsExpress


Here is the next sermon that finishes Romans 15: The Christian’s Primary Passionate Purpose Romans 15:17-29 Before we get into our passage this morning, I want to reacquaint you with a New Testament prophet – his name is Agabus --- and Agabus has a huge influence on the life and ministry of Paul And Agabus has a huge role to play in today’s passage in Romans 15 === the first time we see Agabus is in Acts 11 ==== Saul and Barnabas are in Antioch helping the new Gentile church -- Then this happens: 27Now at this time some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. 28One of them named Agabus stood up and began to indicate by the Spirit that there would certainly be a great famine all over the world. And this took place in the reign of Claudius. 29And in the proportion that any of the disciples had means, each of them determined to send a contribution for the relief of the brethren living in Judea. 30And this they did, sending it in charge of Barnabas and Saul to the elders. Acts 11:27-30 (NASB) Famine that will happen in 44-45 AD – will not happen for years -- Offering – everywhere Paul goes in Turkey and Greece – raising this offering – to bring to the church in Jerusalem --- And when Paul gets ready to take this offering to Jerusalem – Agabus shows up again with a very different message – (and this happens right at the time Paul is writing Romans 15) 10As we were staying there for some days, a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. 11And coming to us, he took Paul’s belt and bound his own feet and hands, and said, “This is what the Holy Spirit says: ‘In this way the Jews at Jerusalem will bind the man who owns this belt and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.’ ” 12When we had heard this, we as well as the local residents began begging him not to go up to Jerusalem. 13Then Paul answered, “What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but even to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 21:10-14 (NASB) This is incredible – Paul – here is what God says – if you go to Jerusalem – you will be imprisoned and handed over to the Gentiles – but this is God’s plan – and Paul sets his face directly toward Jerusalem Why would Paul do this? --- But first, why in the world would Paul even go to Jerusalem – he could send Barnabas or Silas or John Mark, or Luke --- Paul’s passion is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ where people have never heard – why stop that and go to Jerusalem in the first place – and then still go when he knows he will be arrested? Our passage today tells us these answers – and also tells us about what should be our primary passionate purpose (our task here on earth – behind loving and glorifying God) Romans 15:17-29 The Christian’s Primary Passionate Purpose 1. Paul’s passionate task was the Gospel of Jesus Christ (vs. 17-21) Look back over verses 17-21 – remember last week – our ministry is the gospel of Jesus Christ --- by Word and deed --- The only hope of a lost and dying world is the Gospel of Jesus Christ – doing helps is not enough, feeding people is not missions, giving clothes are not the gospel – those are great things – but they do not save people. God saves souls though the spoken Gospel of Jesus Christ – they have to hear they are sinners --- there is no one good (our joke, but it drives home a very important point – one that I think we have got to drive home in this culture) On campus – why should God let you into His heaven? – “Deep down I am really a good person, and God knows that.” --- No! – Bible is clear – sinners, spiritually dead – God has to judge every sin We have got to show people their true condition – but then share with them the most glorious news every --- God still loves them – in their deadness – in their sin – Romans 5:8 God loves us so much – He gave us His only Son – John 3:16 --- Grace – not works – not your goodness – free gift of grace – This is the gospel --- and it our primary task ---- Rick Warren – only 2 things we can do here that we cannot do in heaven-- sin and share the gospel – why do you think He left us? We would be so much better off – saved and then taken to heaven… We have a great commission – go and make disciples – baptizing them in the name…. We have 2 great commandments – love God – love others – and if we love them – share with them the most important truth they will ever hear This is our primary tasks as long as God determines to leave us here – The Christian’s Primary Passionate Purpose (Task) 1. Paul’s passionate task was the Gospel of Jesus Christ (vs. 17-21) Application: Our task is never finished Application – first of all – is this your primary purpose? Are you living this out? You cannot be a loving person and not have this as your passion. You cannot fulfill the 2nd Great commandment, loving others, without sharing with them the good news of Jesus Christ! Think – how many people have you shared the Gospel of Jesus with in the past 4 months? Is this your passion? And also, it is never complete – as long as Jesus leaves you here, you are to share the Gospel --- you are all missionaries Got to spend a week with Lauren – loved getting to know her a little better – she is a missionary – but you are just as much a missionary --- Great commission – as you go make disciples – it is a command – as you go make disciples For every Christian – new (woman at the well) to the oldest (John) And look at what Paul was doing – when he finished sharing the Gospel in Gaul – did he stop after the first missionary journey – no he went to Greece – And now – he is finally finished with his part of the world – look at 19bff === “So that from Jerusalem and round about as far as Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ. And thus I aspire to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named” Paul was a frontier missionary – his passion was preaching Christ where people have never heard of Jesus. --- that was his passion --- not mine, maybe not yours, but you must have a gospel passion – mine is this community – the campus of Bluefield State, -- and other college campus’ of this area --- what is yours? Your neighborhood – school – workplace – supermarket – and then once you have shared there – go to the next area – never stop! This was Paul’s passion – and look at verse 21 – he quotes an Old Testament prophecy – this was God’s plan from the beginning – those who do not know Jesus shall hear! The Christian’s Primary Passionate Purpose (Task) 1. Paul’s passionate task was the Gospel of Jesus Christ (vs. 17-21) Application: Our task is never finished 2. This passion kept Paul from doing other good tasks (vs. 22-24) Application: What will you sacrifice for the Gospel Paul had other good desires – one of those was to travel to Rome to meet this church and help them out! --- but he kept being delayed – why – because of his primary task of sharing the Gospel. It was never about what Paul wanted – even in sharing the Gospel – remember the 2nd missionary journey – to go to Ephesus – headed out – Holy Spirit stops them from heading north – then stopped from going east by the Spirit of Jesus – then a vision sent by God of a Man in Macedonia – help us! So Paul lays aside his plans – and follows God Again, he wants so much to go to Rome – but keeps getting delayed, because so many there need the Gospel of Jesus Christ But now at last – he has finished the task of starting new churches in this region – he has elders in the churches and evangelists trained to keep spreading the gospel in that area. – so now he is free to go to the next area that has not heard of Jesus – Spain Again – our task is never finished – we are to move on with God to the next area – join Him where He is as work. --- What are you willing to sacrifice so others may hear the gospel --- broke my heart talking to John and Rachel Wind – their little girls – telling about their parents – longing to be with the grandchildren – what a sacrifice! Are you willing to sacrifice anything for the gospel – a weekend plan – a TV show – watching an important game – a date – a relationship – a vacation – I was amazed that 31 people gave up part of their vacation to go on a mission trip – But in the end, it is never a sacrifice – the best of times – dropping an event to go and share the gospel – best memories Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ more important to you than your desires and pleasures? The Christian’s Primary Passionate Purpose (Task) 1. Paul’s passionate task was the Gospel of Jesus Christ (vs. 17-21) Application: Our task is never finished 2. This passion kept Paul from doing other good tasks (vs. 22-24) Application: What will you sacrifice for the Gospel 3. Paul knew he needed support as he went to spread the Gospel. (vs. 24) Application: God usually supplies missions through the gifts of His people Look at verse 24 -- whenever I go to Spain—for I hope to see you in passing, and to be helped on my way there by you, when I have first enjoyed your company for a while— The church in Antioch had been Paul’s base camp for missions – they supported him – prayers and financially – then the new Churches – after he moved on to new areas – supported him Now He is going far away – but Rome is closer – he will develop a relationship with this church – and his prayer is that they will support this mission endeavor – And look at the application – God usually supplies missions through the gifts of His people == remember what we have taught – in frontier missions – you are either a goer or a sender – Not everyone is called to leave home and family – to go to a new land – but we are called as Christians to support those who are called --- C-P givings --- strength of the SBC – And personally – someone gave – and we were able to go – and not only to go, but to help that church in ways we never could have helped --- bought all the materials – and had extra to give --- what a blessing to them – hurting – VBS -- $2326 to our 2 missionaries we are supporting – how are you helping? Prayers and financial support so that they will be free to focus on giving the lost the Gospel of Peace! The Christian’s Primary Passionate Purpose (Task) 1. Paul’s passionate task was the Gospel of Jesus Christ (vs. 17-21) Application: Our task is never finished 2. This passion kept Paul from doing other good tasks (vs. 22-24) Application: What will you sacrifice for the Gospel 3. Paul knew he needed support as he went to spread the Gospel. (vs. 24) Application: God usually supplies missions through the gifts of His people 4. But Paul will go to Jerusalem (vs. 25) Application: God accomplishes His will in ways we would not choose Paul is going to Jerusalem – even though his passion is sharing the gospel of Jesus in areas where he is not named --- Paul is going to Jerusalem even though he so longs to see the church in Rome. Paul is going to Jerusalem – even though he knows what will happen – Agabus Oh Paul will get to Rome – but it will be in chains – not the way he wanted to get there – but it was God’s plan – and in chains – Paul converts so many – that Caesar’s household sends greeting to the church in Phillipi God’s ways are not our ways --- and we might never choose the path that God has – but God’s path is always the best for us and others I have told many times of my best friend as a boy – accepted Christ – and just a few months later – killed in a senseless accident by the recklessness of another I questioned God – what good could possibly come from this – is this how you treat your children – but then - -I saw his mom and dad – and brother – come to church because of this – all accept Jesus.--- and I can imagine my friend in heaven – this was the best thing that could happen --- I am with my joy! – and now I get to spend eternity with my family It was not how I would have chosen at all – but I can see God’s hand and now looking back – see that is was the best! --- Romans 8:28 – All things! Don’t get caught up in the circumstances – trust in God – know that He has what is best – that He loves us more than we can imagine – and that He is at work – for our good and for the good of others! But now the question is – why? --- why would Paul when his passion is to preach the Gospel in Spain and visit the church in Rome – why go to Spain with this offering? He could have easily sent Barnabas – Silas – Mark – Timothy == why does Paul now turn from his primary passion? The Christian’s Primary Passionate Purpose (Task) 1. Paul’s passionate task was the Gospel of Jesus Christ (vs. 17-21) Application: Our task is never finished 2. This passion kept Paul from doing other good tasks (vs. 22-24) Application: What will you sacrifice for the Gospel 3. Paul knew he needed support as he went to spread the Gospel. (vs. 24) Application: God usually supplies missions through the gifts of His people 4. But Paul will go to Jerusalem (vs. 25) Application: God accomplishes His will in ways we would not choose. 5. Paul goes to show the truth of the Gospel (vs. 26-29) Application: Through Jesus, we have been made one family of God! Why would Paul turn from his primary passion of the Gospel – he does not – because he sees this as an important part of the Gospel! Back in Acts 15 – Paul went to Jerusalem for an important conference – the church was on the edge of ruin – ready to split and it would not have lasted Some Jewish Christians taught the Gentiles had to be circumcised and keep the law in order to be a part of the Church --- they said salvation was Christ plus law! Paul said no – it was by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (Luther) And there was an argument until Peter stood up and spoke – God had spoken to him and he had seen the Holy Spirit poured out on Gentiles – Then James, the head elder at the Jerusalem Church gives the verdict – they are one church – but in order to have table fellowship, a couple of concessions. And Peter blesses Paul and says this: 10They only asked us to remember the poor—the very thing I also was eager to do. Galatians 2:10 (NASB) So the Gospel was held! – and Paul will honor his pledge – we will personally deliver the offering for the saints in Jerusalem for the upcoming famine – why – because He sees this as an important part of the Gospel Look at what God has him write in verses 26-27 -- For Macedonia and Achaia have been pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the saints in Jerusalem. 27Yes, they were pleased to do so, and they are indebted to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in their spiritual things, they are indebted to minister to them also in material things. Why were the Gentiles please to share with the primarily Jewish church in Jerusalem – because Paul says they knew something very important about the Gospel – they had been made one! They are sharing in the spiritual blessings of the Jews! – Back in chapter 11 – olive tree – grafted in – share the same root! Look at how Paul explains this to the church in Galitia – after he told them that it is those who are of faith who are the sons of Abraham in 3:7 he says 16Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as referring to many, but rather to one, “And to your seed,” that is, Christ. 17What I am saying is this: the Law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, does not invalidate a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to nullify the promise. 18For if the inheritance is based on law, it is no longer based on a promise; but God has granted it to Abraham by means of a promise. Galatians 3:16-18 (NASB) (Explain – the unconditional covenant was made to Jesus Christ – just as the other unconditional covenant – made to David’s heir) --- the Mosaic covenant was conditional and was meant to show how sinful we are and that we need a Savior Then Paul says this: 25But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. 26For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise. Galatians 3:25-29 (NASB) Jesus has made us one – back in Genesis – one family – no divisions – but sin came – and separated – Jesus came to remove every division – make things new! – make us one! 28For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. 29But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God. Romans 2:28-29 (NASB) Being a child of God, an Israelite, one of the elect had nothing to do with linage – it had to do with God’s salvation – changing our hearts by the Spirit! It was never about our country – our family – our deeds – it was always only about God! Salvation is from the Jews – but we are been grafted in – share the same root – look at this quote from John Piper – he can always say things better than I can “Paul is saying, ‘I want to make sure in this trip that both Jew and Gentiles discover and realize how interwoven their lives are. How interwoven they are in the one blessing of God, the one covenant of God. There are not two peoples of God, Jewish people and Christian people. There are not two ways to heaven, a Jewish covenant and a Christian covenant. Two covenant theology is damnable! There is one way and Paul in order to make it crystal clear, as the Apostle to the Gentiles, is going one thousand miles away from Spain to Jews. He is showing them we are one people or we are no people. The Gentile mission depends on this. There is nothing to preach in Spain if this is not true.” – John Piper Christ has made us one! – there is one family of God – it started that way and Jesus will come back and put it back that way! And today – what does this look like? Powerpoint – Mission trip One family – One church – not races – not economic divisions – not class divisions – The Gospel of Jesus Christ makes us the one family of God again! And the Church is supposed to show this – unity – love – family! How are you living this out? Powerpoint: Application: Our task is never finished Application: What will you sacrifice for the Gospel Application: God usually supplies missions through the gifts of His people Application: God accomplishes His will in ways we would not choose. Application: Through Jesus, we have been made one family of God!
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 00:57:11 +0000

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