Here is the reveal for the Druid Animal Oracle! I hope you all - TopicsExpress


Here is the reveal for the Druid Animal Oracle! I hope you all find this reading helpful and illuminating! Love Light and Blessed Be! Card 1 (far left) Water Dragon- Passion, Depths, Connection. The Water Dragon brings that which is hidden into the light of day. Memories and wishes, which may have long lain forgotten or repressed in the unconscious, may emerge to frighten or overwhelm you with their apparent negativity or destructiveness.Facing these experiences with compassion and courage will, in the end, bring you an experience of a greater depth of soul and a greater sense of connectedness to all life. Although you may at times feel overwhelmed with emotion, with time you will be able to achieve a sense of balance and stability, as these strong feelings are integrated into your consciousness. Card 2(middle) Otter - Joy, Play, Helpfulness. Dòbhran (Otter) invites us to play, to go with the flow of life and experience. To become a child again. Allow yourself the freedom and pleasure of relaxing and letting go of all your daily concerns. Dóbhran could be prompting you to take a day or weekend out of your usual routine to do something purely for fun. Your practical self may tell you you cannot afford the time, but deep down you know that you need to take care of you to be of real value to others. Someone may even be coming into your life who will show you how to play again, Something you may have forgotten as you accepted the responsibilities of growing up. Dóbhran shows us that being playful can even lead us to catch Salmon- the fish prized by the Druids as the totem of wisdom. Drawing this card confirms in us the sense that we are truly protected. Card 3 (far right) Seal ( Ròn) Love, Longing, Dilemma. This card calls to you from the Seal people of the sea. The Dan nan Ròn - the song of the seals- upsets and frightens many who hear it. Its mournful and human sound stirs the heart of the listener to the core. It is the call from the sea, from the unconscious, from the depths. It calls to us from the waters of our birth, from our beginning on earth, from our brothers and sisters in the animal realm who are closer to us than we dare imagine. We fear this call , because we feel we may be drowned, overwhelmed by our feelings. But do not let your intellect imprison your heart, as the human imprisons his selchie spouse- the magical seal. Opening yourself to the prompting of the Unconscious, of the Feminine, of your dreams and longings will bring transformation, healing and love into your life.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 02:57:44 +0000

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