Here is the thing about Hamas: Colonialism breeds resistance. - TopicsExpress


Here is the thing about Hamas: Colonialism breeds resistance. This is a fact. We have seen this in Algeria with the FLN. We have seen this in South Africa with the Spear of the Nation. We have seen this in Namibia with SWAPO. We have seen this in Ireland with the IRA. We have seen this in Angola with the MPLA and UNITA. And we have seen this in Palestine with the PLO and (more recently) Hamas. Another fact: resistance is often pretty horrific to behold. The FLN massacred French citizens and carried out bombings of civilian targets. UNITA carried out purges of its political opponents. The IRA executed collaborators and suspected British agents. And Hamas shoots rockets at civilian targets. Now what does this all mean? Merely because an organization is carrying out an anti-colonial campaign does not mean one has to support it. One can support the Palestinian right to self-determination and still condemn Hamass war crimes. But disapproval of Hamas does not mean that Israeli colonialism is justified, anymore then disliking the tactics of the FLN or the IRA meant that France had a right to rule Algeria or that Great Britain deserved to control Ireland. And it is disingenuous to talk of Hamas as if it arose from a vacuum. If Israel succeeded in eradicating Hamas then another group would rise in its place. France had spent over a century successfully crushing all opposition to its rule in Algeria before it was driven out. But someone new always appeared. Because colonialism breeds resistance. If one wishes to maintain a perpetual military occupation, then that is the price one must pay.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 04:16:47 +0000

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