Here is the update from our daughter Sister Jessie Hopkins from - TopicsExpress


Here is the update from our daughter Sister Jessie Hopkins from last week. She is still waiting on her visa to go to Brazil but the Lord has her very busy in Arizona. Enjoy her update and keep her in your prayers: This week has been a lot of fun. Had its ups and downs but all around it was quite a good week!!! :) i guess ill start out with the funny/embarrassing stories to get them out of the way! :P one day we were going to see an investigator and she wasn’t home but her daughter was. So we talked with her daughter a bit and set up another time to come back! so after she closed the door we went to get our bikes that were around the side of the house. When we went back there to get them their new puppy started barking at us. And being a puppy it had a deep bark! it was kinda scary in the pith black with a pit bull behind the fence. I felt like it was gonna jump it and eat us haha and i heard its footsteps and they were getting closer and closer REALLY slowly!?! which was even creepier. But the footsteps were loud so i told sister Douros It sounds like a Horse! haha and once we finally got all of our gear on and biked a ways away sister Douros just stops the bike and starts belly laughing! haha i was sooooo confused!! after she got her self-control she said that when i said it sounds like a horse that wasnt the puppy walking up it was the daughter cause she heard the dog! hahahah wooppsies!! so i totally called our investigators 17 year old daughter a horse! :/ but then sister Douros got some karma back for laughing at me when she looked up into the dark with only her bike light shining right in front and saw a black cat. OMG if you guys could of seen her face haha im surprised she didnt fall off the bike! :P soooo funny so we just kept laughing for what felt like a lifetime! :P Another SUPER fun thing we got to do this week was go to a boy scouts fund raiser. They were having a luau! :D We showed up and had some food and then.....a downpoor came! in AZ! haha it had been raining all morning and the whole day before also! i never thought it could rain so much in the desert! but of course the one day they want to do a luau its pouring! so we all grabbed our coats and started packing everything up. After just a few minutes we were all soaked and didnt care! :P after everything was claered out the show went on! alot of people had left but many had stayed and the fire dancer did a dance in the rain! :D it was soo cool. he even let some of the boys try it out which was hillarious! THEN another dancer did a dance with her two little daughters and after taught some of us girls how to do it! :D it was sooooo much fun! :) i havnt had that much fun in a longg time! :) running and dancing in the rain! :) glorious! On a slightly more spiritual note we got to see, smell and feel of every oil that is mentioned in the bible! one of our members has started collecting oils and stuff and they had frankincense myrrh and a ton of others i didnt even recognize! it was really cool to see all of them. And they told us what each of them did and what it can be used for! it was really cool! On an actually more spiritual note we got four new investigators this week!!!!! :D soooo exciting! one is on date but has to wait till January! another is soo ready we just need to ask her and hopefully her mom will be sitting in on the lessons so she will be learning as well!! a third has a tonnn of question and is very knowledgeable so he will be a little more difficult but he keeps saying he feels really good about it so far! :) pheww! thank you Holy Ghost! :) and the fourth is undecided! we dont know what exactly he is going to be like but he really misses his wife who passed away a few years ago and the next lesson is the plan of salvation PLUS the temple open house is coming up and everything is totally being prepared for him! So were feeling pretty good about it! plus the members that come with us to meet him are AWESOME! and share such strong testimonies so he will get there! :) so with those we are still working on the inv with the daughter that i called a horse and the one who were thinking is in it a lot for the welfare and friendship vs gospel. So we have our fair share of variety and challenges ahead but blessings are being poured ABUNDANTLY on us right now and we are most defiantly not taking it for granted! :) We try so sincerely to have the spirit with us at all times especially while teaching. I know that it is sooo necessary. When i first came out i didnt think i knew how to recognize the spirit honestly. I mean i have defiantly felt it before and very strong! but the little promptings were hard to notice i guess. But being out here and feeling of it so often in small ways and large ones its becoming soo much easier to recognize! i can tell when we have the spirit in a lesson and when it leaves. When i have it guiding me and when i dont. And the way i have come to be so familiar with it is because i seek for it all the time and invite it constantly and focus on it. You most definitely do not have to be on a mission to do that! So if you think you dont know how to decipher the spirit. I challenge you to focus on it. Pray for it to ALWAYS be there. To constantly think about it. Surround yourself with conclusive things that will invite the spirit. Careful what you let play on the radio. Not saying that you have to listen to all hymns by any means! even us missionaries dont do that! haha but there are most definitely things that we can surround ourselves with that you can feel the spirit leave! notice those things and strive to avoid them. So if you were where i was....there is your answer! :) Well next week is transfers and i pray pray pray we BOTH get to stay! the members and investigators and people here are soo amazing! i love this area with all my heart and want to stay with sister Douros just a little longer!!! pleaseee haha we got to meet with president this week for interviews and both of us told him we need to stay together haha he said he’d try and will see what the Lord wants! :) love him! well until next week with some more exciting news on what will be going down! :) i love every one of you! and miss you tons! enjoy the holidays and friend and fam and TONS of food! :) with love Sister Hopkins!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 23:08:14 +0000

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