Here is things you do not or maybe not know about me 1. I love - TopicsExpress


Here is things you do not or maybe not know about me 1. I love my Family & friends even though I do not get spend time with them but in my Heart . 2. I was born with Cleft Palate in which I afraid people would make fun of me , but now I thank God that no matter who you or what you have Someone will always love you . 3. I do not like it when people make fun of others or disrespect them because of who they are or how much they got . 4. I do not like talk about Politics or Religions in public unless you ask me because everyone got their own belief and views on subject and also no matter who in Office , you can not please everyone and everyone should work together solve problems no matter what you are register as an Voter , everyone got good ideas . 5. I like having fun and being around people that is nice and fun be with . 6. I do not like being around negative people all time because it make you feel bad and know life is not always easy but there is always positive side to things . 7. I like being out doors and hiking , playing sports like Football , Basketball and so on but not good at them . 8. I like grilling out and trying new places eat at , but love home cook meals . 9. I do not like it when people tell me that I not good enough to do things , because everyone desired a chance and I try proved you wrong just make an point. 10. I think everyone should have their own private life and just along your happy in life and others are happy should not ruin it or put others down to make them sad . 11. I probably drink too much Soda and need drink more water or things that good for you . 12. I like to post funny or nice things on Facebook or quotes to make people feel good or have great day. 13. If you want something bad enough you can get it and work hard and believe in your self. 14. I think that I am nice / easy person to get along with and fun be around , try help people out when they need it and if I can . 15. My favorite color is Midnight Blue . 16 . I miss out on some things in life and probably done things I should not done , but realize you learn from life then move on. 17. I have crush on Alyssa Milano , Britney Spears and WWE Superstar AJ Lee . 18. My Best Friend is Jeff Trent , Herb Trent & their Family. 19. I like see people have success in life and achieve their dreams . 20. Most of all I love /miss my Dad , Brother , Uncle Bob Elam and everyone that gone home and not on this Earth but in better place hope see you one day .
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 03:35:33 +0000

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