Here is to all you jackasses out there. Mind you this is not to - TopicsExpress


Here is to all you jackasses out there. Mind you this is not to everyone only to those select few who insist on poking there grubby little noses in me and my familys business. first of all I would like to say mind your own Dam business. stop talking crap about us. there are a bunch of rumors going around with people SAYING or WANTING me an my wife to get a divorce. I love my wife and I love my kids I would NEVER do anything to hurt them. I am not one of those deadbeat dads who will leave there family hanging. One thing you dont know about me is I am a very loyal person. Unlike some of you I have morals strict Guidelines I follow. you wonder why I am so distant its because of people like you. talking crap about me, Ive dealt with it my whole life. Im getting sick and tired of it so now Im speaking up. Everybody needs there space. I just need a lot more of it. I deal with my problems internally not outwardly, through much prayer and thought. I dont tell my problems to anybody because frankly, they just dont need to know. they are between me and God. SO JUST STAY OUT OF IT.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 18:59:50 +0000

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