Here is what I just posted to the Huron Township Police Department - TopicsExpress


Here is what I just posted to the Huron Township Police Department facebook regarding the situation: To: The Huron Township Police Department Every morning, myself or my mother, stands outside with my 8 year old son and my 5 year old daughter to put them on the bus. If you drive on South Huron Rd to get to I-275 in the mornings, you may see us standing out there. Since school has started in September, there has been 4 people who have ran the bus stop going at high speeds, and that is just our bus stop. That does not include the child who gets picked up a little further down the street where it is ran constantly, too. Today, a gentleman ran the stop going well over 60+mph and almost hit myself and both of my children. He then proceeded to act like we were a problem and that the bus stop was in his way of getting to wherever important he needed to be. He then proceeding to scream obscenities at me out the window. Not only did the bus driver honk her horn at him to stop, but other cars who obeyed the bus stop did as well. This incident was the last straw with my patience and this issue. We have made several calls to the police department about this problem. There are two bus stops on South Huron Rd for the elementary schools. My children SHOULD NOT have to be in danger to get onto the school bus in the mornings and getting off in the afternoons. The speed limit on South Huron Rd is 45 mph and people are going close to 60 or higher. The police station is located on South Huron Rd, yet I have only seen ONE officer come and watch the bus stop ONE time since our calls to the police department began back in September. It is a disappointment that our township can fund a police officer to sit on the expressway daily and pull people over and write tickets all day long, but we can not have an officer watching the bus stop for the 5 minutes it would take on same street that the police department is on no less. As a mother should not have to fear every morning that my children might get ran over by someone who is running late for their jobs, school, meetings, etc and doing 60+mph on South Huron Rd and disregarding the bus stop. Something needs to be done immediately about this situation. It is getting worse every time my kids are out there. It is getting to the point where I feel I need to video tape my children at the bus stop every morning to show just how bad it can be. Please do something to stop this problem not only on South Huron Rd, but throughout the township where people are disregarding bus stops and childrens safety. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 14:29:04 +0000

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