Here is what someone who attended a class I taught said: Loved - TopicsExpress


Here is what someone who attended a class I taught said: Loved the presentation! Your communication style though filled with small tangents(very informative) or pauses at times, effectively displayed your love, passion, and concern for others being better at the craft of growing. The delivery was natural and it was evident youre doing what you love. This goes a long way in resonating with your audience. You candidly spoke your mind on what worked for you never discrediting other if somehow a different method worked for them all the while asserting that it depends on the situation. This to me spoke volumes because it showed your willingness not only to communicate your expertise but also your openness to learn from the others experiences, ultimately making it easier to digest the information. As far as the content of the presentation where do I begin!?!? I personally have little to no experience in this field so consider me a novice. Yet, after the presentation I felt (and still feel) like I could go out and make it happen myself. This presentation was VERY informative. Some of the points that stood out to me include treating your grow as if its illegal, never signing a lease until an electrician look at at the building, factors to consider when choosing a location, seeds over clones as best genetic package, 12 and 1 lighting method in vegetative state, importance of rejuvenating mothers, super cropping, mite-rid, not trimming when wet, and innovative curing methods. I cant thank you enough for giving a wonderful presentation. And I am bringing the same package and more to the MITTEN! I am excited folks.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 02:12:56 +0000

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