Here is where we are today - by the way Obama taking a 4 day - TopicsExpress


Here is where we are today - by the way Obama taking a 4 day vacation once again to play golf. The US & world crumbling & Obama takes ANOTHER VACATION. -Still not a word from Obama on Marine held in Mexico. This VET served with honor. -IRS looses 2 yrs of Lerner e-mail - they say its a computer problem-RIGHT -Iraq is falling & Obama is still thinking about it. -60,000 illegals crossing our boarders - Obama says nothing. But Boarder patrol officers being threaten with speaking to press. -2nd time Obama speaks to High school graduates & what does he say to them - bashing GOP. Is this what you would of wanted to hear at your graduation? Still not a word from Obama on the 60,000 crossing border-what hasnt he read a newspaper lately? Just when you think you cant hear anymore -2 yrs Lerner e-mail destroyed & they think we will fall for the line that it was an accident? -Iraq is being destroyed & they ask Obama for help - what does Obama say Hes thinking about it. Obama calls the terrorists ISIL - he doesnt even know they are called ISIS. BUT Obama again doing other things. Obama & Michelle going to Indian reservation to pander his politics -while Iraq is burning -while Illegals are flooding our boarders -then off to Ca to spend most of the rest of weekend at desert golf haven of Palm Springs, Ca. As usual playing golf is more important to Obama than staying in DC doing what he was hired to do. Pandering for $s for Democrats too. ICE say they will be deported but also says those w/family in US will probably get pass. Obamas words have reached them & 60,000 illegals have crossed our boarders this year so far. They just get across & turn themselves in & now we are having to deal with them. Obama has approved the dumping of illegal children from over-crowded facilities in TX, Ca, OK & AZ. All I would say to Obama at this point is When more of our troops die due to what you did-Their blood will be on Obamas hands To Obama & Kerry we say this-since they dont seem to know-war is over when EVERY American is out of Afghanistan. Obama says he want apologize. We dont expect him to because he doesnt really care what THE PEOPLE have to say. Now Hagel says that they were not negotiating w/terrorists they were negotiating w/Qatar. DO THEY THINK WE ARE ALL STUPID? He also says that the Taliban have never been declared terrorists. 90 Obama staff members were told about the trade but they refused to tell Congress. Now they say that even the prisoners at Gitmo knew. The reports are out now at the VA & it reported that 70% of VA facilities used secret waiting list. In 2011 they started the bonus program. I would like to know just who came up & passed along how to trick the waiting list system. They didnt all think of the same thing. What part of the war is not over until all of our troops are out of Afghanistan - Kerry a fool & playing w/lives of those left in Afghanistan. Kerry says-Taliban detainees released in a prison swap for Bergdahl could indeed return to terrorism but largely dismissed the argument that the deal will put U.S. troops further at risk. Kerry says the argument that troops in Afghanistan would be more at risk was ‘baloney’ now that the Taliban commanders have been released, particularly because the US is winding down its military presence in that country. ‘Our combat role in Afghanistan is over’, ‘We’re going to have very few people in that kind of position.’ -Story was about Bergdahls health now story is that Taliban said they would kill him if negotiations were leaked. How many lies will we have to hear? They now say he was tortured - of course he was - would you trust a deserter? -Some in Obama admin are saying that those that were actually there when Bergdahl deserted are LYING. -Hagel says he has seen nothing about anyone killed looking for Bergdahl. -Rice says Bergdahl says He served with honor & dignity when those that served w/him says he was a deserter. Bergdahl at 1 point during his captivity converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a “mujahid,” or warrior for Islam, according to secret documents prepared on the basis of a purported eyewitness account. Obama says that we never leave a man behind. Guess he has forgotten about Benghazi. In that video I think that Bergdahl is begging them to not send him back. He knows that he will or should stand trial for desertion. Obama says Its my administration & I always take responsibility What a joke Now even some Democrats are saying that Obama is Detached, Flat Footed & Incompetent. They will say anything at this point to be re-elected. They say Obama is disengaged but I would say that all Obama wants to do is the fun stuff. He has been partying & campaigning since he took office. And I might add that it is all paid for by the American taxpayer. Why should we have to PAY for the security, travel & lodging for him to be out telling more LIES to collect money for the Democratic party. --VA scandal They say Obama found out reading newspaper but Obama & Biden were told 5 years ago that VA was inaccurately report wait times. --VA assistant director-they tell you that they ask for his resignation but the real story is that he was already set to resign & that Obama had already picked his replacement. --VA director says-he is mad as hell-they knew this was going on & NOW they are mad. --ICE reports 36,000 illegals released last year & 1,000s have criminal records-even rape & murder. Democrats dont want truth about Benghazi-either they know truths or the Democrats just dont care. If Obama & Clinton have nothing to hide why dont they give us ALL of the information requested? We now know that Obama was not in the situation room while events were taking place. We also know Obama was busy campaigning & not reading the daily briefs. E-mail showing it was Obamas adviser that sent out the word to use the video as the cause for Benghazi. Everyone on the ground said it was a terrorist attack & CIA chose to listened to analyst in DC. Still we are 21 months later & not 1 person has been captured. Now they have e-mail showing that instead of concentration on the men being killed in Benghazi they were focused on the video at that time. -Obama saying that he would bring to justice those that killed 4 Americans in Benghazi? What have we seen - NOTHING -Obama saying how outraged he was about the IRS targeting & he would bring to justice those responsible? What have we seen - NOTHING -Obama is very disturbed & will get to the bottom of Vets dying due to cooking the books on appointments. What has he said since - NOTHING The failure of Obamas administration. As he tells you how transparent he is while hiding everything. If he has nothing to hide then why now show us everything. Obama’s admin secretive & dishonest; its callous disregard for the rule of law undermines our constitutional republic. Must ask Obama if he remembers taking an oath of office to uphold law & constitution NOT to change them without Congress. Anything reported–Obama says that he didn’t know. Why is it no one that works for Obama tells him anything or is this just his cover-up line? Again we ask–What the hell does Obama know? Plausible Deniability Fast & Furious–Obama didn’t know-5 years still nothing. Benghazi–Obama didn’t know-now documents show that Obama & Clinton LIED about the attack & Morrell gave St Dept cover. IRS–Obama didn’t know-now calling it a media scandal. DOJ says NO charges NSA–Obama didn’t know Obamacare not working–Obama didn’t know- Obama said he was not told DIRECTLY about problems but now there is a memo showing the White house was told 1 week prior to rollout there were issues. Going after AP & FOX reporters phone records because they were reporting things that Obama didn’t want known – Obama didn’t know Obama always says he will get to the bottom of it & then what do we see–NOTHING. Obama continues to say “We will bring those responsible to justice”. And what have we seen – NO ONE held accountable. By the way....this is 1 woman that does not support Obama or anything that he stands for! We will get the truth 1 day. My motto:I WILL NOT COMPLY! So I will continue to sing my song until he is gone... Please enjoy & start learning the words.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 19:07:03 +0000

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