Here is why I think so many people hate HR: HR is often seen as - TopicsExpress


Here is why I think so many people hate HR: HR is often seen as the henchman for the senior leadership team, where their main role is to find new ways of cutting people or their pay and benefits. This means they are detested by employees. In times of financial austerity, many HR teams have been cut to the bare minimum, leaving them in a position where they are completely overloaded with legal and administrative work and have no time to do any of the value adding work. This is why people can’t see the point of having HR and want it outsourced; and this is also why so many HR professionals are disillusioned with their job. Most employee engagement or satisfaction surveys are a stupendous waste of money and time. Everyone in the organization dreads them and little or nothing ever happens to the feedback. In addition, many only run them because they ‘kind of have to’ or as a PR exercise, showing the outside world what a wonderful employer they are, after priming everyone in the company how to respond… Many HR teams are seen as the people that bring the red tape (and boy, is there a lot of it!). When managers want to recruit or promote someone, they quickly learn from HR about all the hoops to jump through, forms to fill in, and processes to follow. Here, HR is often simply the messenger that is shut down. The same is true for performance management and performance review processes, only that people dread those even more than the surveys. Analytical skills are severely missing from most HR teams. HR is rarely able to provide a succinct analysis and interpretation of the strategic HR challenges facing an organization, based on hard facts and evidence. This makes senior decision makers question the value of HR. There are more, right? Here is the solution: sunshieldsecurity limited space available. Register NOW!!!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 11:29:00 +0000

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