Here is your Daily Cosmic Calendar for Sunday, December 1. - TopicsExpress


Here is your Daily Cosmic Calendar for Sunday, December 1. Opportunities for forward progress combine with a need for caution as December 2013 becomes a reality. The Moon in Scorpio unites with Saturn (1:20AM) -- placing an emphasis on logical thinking and perseverance as a dynamic duo helping you in reaching a professional milestone. Meanwhile, a lunar trine to Jupiter (5:16AM) and 60-degree rapport with Venus (9:12AM) are good news aspects -- providing a sense of exhilaration and joy as you go about Sunday chores and creative, literary or artistic hobbies. Another resourceful alignment is the monthly Moon-Mercury union (2:38PM) -- offering a boost for a wide variety of communication techniques and learning programs. Tensions start to appear a little later when Mercury forms a frictional, 45-degree tie with underworld-ruling Pluto (3:32PM) and when a void-of-course Moon cycle in Scorpio begins at 5:35PM -- lasting for 4+ hours until 10:32PM. The usual rule of thumb is in effect with the Moon out-of-sorts in a void condition, and that rule is it is better to be completing old business on a high note than launching any new, bold projects. Once the clock strikes 10:32PM and the Moon enters fiery, upbeat Sagittarius, it is a good time for fun, games and sport-related activities. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 22:33:42 +0000

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