Here is your essay on the development of Indian - TopicsExpress


Here is your essay on the development of Indian Agriculture! The agriculture sector continues to be the backbone of Indian economy contributing approximately 27.4% to the gross domestic product (GDP), and accounts for about 18% share, of total value of country’s export. The agricultural production has kept pace with the popular growth rate of 21 % per annum. Agriculture Image Courtesy : info.lushin/Portals/219307/images/AgricultureBusiness.JPG Today we are second largest producer of wheat, rice, fruits, vegetables, and fresh water aquaculture; and largest exporter of spices and cashew. The late sixties and seventies were the years of Green Revolution. During Yellow Revolution oilseeds production reached up to 24.4 million tonnes. Per capita availability of food grains went up to 528.77 g per day in 1996-97 when compared to 395 g in early fifties. Fertilizers consumption has also increased and India has become fourth in the world after USA, USSR and China. Pulse crops are grown on the largest Indian area in the world and India is the first to evolve a cotton hybrid. Cropping pattern is changing and commercial crops and non-traditional (moong, soya bean, summer groundnut, sunflower etc.) are gradually growing more importance in line with domestic demands and export requirements. Short duration varieties have been introduced to use the residual moisture available from post-kharif and post-rabi cultivation. The index of agricultural production base T E 1981-82 = 100, recorded following trend A fall of 2%: 1991-92 An increase of 4. 1 %: 1992-93 An increase of 3.8%: 1993-94 An increase of 4.9%: 1994-95 A fall of 0.4%: 1995-96 Food grain production was quite low after Independence because high-yielding area of Punjab went to Pakistan after division of India. In 1950-51 the food grain production was 51 million tonnes but it was 193.01 million tonnes during 1999-2000 resulting in a buffer stock of 35 million tonnes. Land: Land utilization statistics revealed that net sown area increased from 1,187.5 lakh in 1950-51 to 1,424.2 ha in 1998-99. The relative share of food grains and non-food grains in gross increased from 404.8 lakh ha to 682.8 lakh ha in the same duration. Crops: The 3 main crop seasons are – kharif, rabi and jayad. Major crops are rice, jowar, bajra, maize, cotton, sesame, soya bean and groundnut. Major rabi crops are wheat, jowar, barley, gram, linseed, rapeseed and mustard. Rice, maize and groundnlit are grown in the summer also. Seeds: Three types of seeds, namely, breeder, foundation and certified, are recognized by the system. Indian seed programme include central and state ICAR, SAU system, Public sector, co-operate sector and private sector institutions. National Seeds Corporation (NSC), State Farms Corporation of India (SFCI), 13 state seed corporation (SSC) and about 100 major private sector seed companies are the main components of Indian Seed, State Seed Certification Agencies (SSCAs) and 19 State Seed Testing Laboratories (SSTLs) looks after quality control and certification. The Seeds Act, 1966, provides (1) Legislative framework for regulation of quality of seeds sold in the country. (2) System of certification of seeds sold in India. (3) Notification of varieties, a pre-requisite certification Administration of the Act and quality control of seeds to look after by control solved committee and its various sub-committees and Central Seed Certification Board. Seed has been declared an essential commodity under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955. The Seed (Control) Order 1983, was promulgated to control and regulate the seed production and distribution. The new seed policy on seed development has been in operation since 1988. The main aim of seed policy is to makes available the best quality seed planting material “to farmer” anywhere in the world. Plants, fruits and seeds (Regulation of import into India) Order, 1989, regulates the plant quarantine clearance. Export of seeds is liberally allowed, only certain categories of seeds and planting material are in list of restricted climate for which a license is required. National Seeds Project III (NSP III) aimed at overall important in seed quality programme. Since 1969, the Central Seed Committee has verified 2,385 varieties of agricultural and horticultural crops. Fertilizer: The consumption of chemical fertilizer during 1999-2000 is estimated to be more than 14.93 million tonnes. Sharp increase in prices and introduction of bio fertilizers result in its lower consumption. The Government of India is implementing two Sponsored schemes: (i) balanced and use of fertilizers to popularize the use of organic sources of nutrients (compost, green manure, bio fertilizers; etc., and (ii) National Project and Technology Mission on Development and Use of Bio fertilizers – to give adequate thrust to bio fertilizer production and promotion under Essential Commodities Act, 1955. The government has issued Fertilizer Control Order, 1985. The government has been implementing a Central Sector Scheme on strengthening of Central Fertilizer Quality Control and Training Institute since Fourth Plan. Soil and Water Conservation: Soil and water conservation measures were launched in First Five-Year Plan. Till the end of 1995- 96, 15.22% of the treatable area had been treated in the area catchment of River Valley Project. Under Flood Prone River Scheme 10.25% area of the total treatable area had been treated till the end of 1995- 96. Under the Seventh Five-Year Plan, a centrally-sponsored scheme of reclamation of alkali user soils was initiated in Haryana, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh. It was extended to Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. During 8th Plan Watershed Development Project in Shifting Cultivation Areas (V/DPSCA) has been initiated in north-eastern states. It was in accordance with the guideline of the on-going centrally scheme of National Watershed Development Project Rainfed Area (NWDPRA). Agricultural Implements and Machinery: Farmers have been provided assistance for owning agricultural machinery including tractors. Besides this farm machines are exhausted for their characteristics and betterment. Five states agricultural universities are being aided for farm machinery testing, training and human resources development. In spite of the efforts the improvement in farm machinery use has been mainly northern states and in few areas where irrigation facilities have been developed. Sale of tractors (220.937) and power-tillers (11,000) touched the all time high work in 1996-97, and because of this at farm available power in 1.10 hp/ha in 1996 compared to 0.35 hp/ha in early 70′s. During the Ninth Plan, the main emphasis was on improving and popularizing animal/power driven implements and small farms. Water saving devices like sprinkles and drip irrigation were given main importance. During Eighth plan, centrally-sponsored scheme, promotion of agricultural mechanization, small farmers was launched and under it 30% subsidy limited to Rs. 30,000 was given to farmers, then groups, etc. During Ninth plan two schemes, viz. (a) promoting/popularization of agricultural equipments in north- eastern states, (b) conducting studies and formulating long-term mechanization strategies for each agro-climatic zone, were started. State Agro-Industries Corporation (SAICSs) act as catalyst for providing to the farmers access to various industrial inputs for agriculture. Power threshers has been brought under Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act because of increasing awareness on safety measure among users. Plant Protection: Integrated Pest Management (IPM), in eco-friendly approach, was adopted as a major thrust area of crop protection during 8th plan. IPM aims at minimal use of hazardous chemical pesticides by using alternate pest control methods and technique. The surveillance for pests and diseases on economically important crop was carried out and about 1,603 million bio-agents were released. Bacillus neem-based bio-pesticides are being granted regular registration status under the Insecticides Act, 1968. BHC, Aldirin, cheorclane, Heptachlor were banned with effect from April 1997 and 20 September, 1996, respectively. The plant guarantee activities aim at presenting introduction of exotic pests and diseases into the country by adopting domestic plant qurantine regulation. It also works for controlling / containing of those exotic diseases/pests already introduced in the country. Destructive Insecticides and Pests Act (DIP Act) and Plants, Fruits and Seeds (Regulation of Import into India) Order, 1989 (PFS order) are implanted under this scheme. Phytosanitary certificate (PC) as per provisions of International Protection Convention (IPC), 1951 of FAO, is also supplied under these activities. The post-entry quarantine stations located at 10 international airports, seaports, and 7 land frontiers. National Plant Protection Training Institute, Hyderabad, provides training in various airports of Plant Protection. Dry land/Rainfed Farming: Total net sown area in the country is about 142 million ha and out of it 92.6 million ha is rainfed. Production has wide fluctuation due to variation in rainfall as whole farming depends upon rainfall which is often erratic and unpredictable. Jowar, bajra other millets pulses, oilseeds and cotton are grown. Increase and stability in their productivity is of crucial importance. In the 8th plan holistic approach was adopted under the National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Area (N WDPRA). It aimed at development of integrated farming system on watershed basin in shifted areas. The NWDPRA was launched in 1990-91, with the objective of restoration of ecological balances in rainfed areas and sustainable bio-mass production. It also works for generating employment opportunities for rural manner in rainfed areas by developing self-help groups. Under this project the target is of treating 28 million ha area. The Integrated Watershed Development Project (Hills) and Integrated Watershed Development Project (Plains) are underway and their main aim is slow down and reverse degradation of natural environment and improve potential of the areas. Agricultural Development Projects (ADPs) with the assistance of World Bank are being implemented to (i) enhance long-time sustainability in agriculture, and (ii) create infrastructure in rural area. DANIDAG (Government of Denmark), EEC (European Economic Community) and SDC (Swiss Development Corporation) are playing vital role in aided agricultural development programmes. Technology Mission: The Technology Mission on oilseeds provided the necessary breakthrough in oilseeds production. Oilseeds sector has now become to major foreign exchange earner. The oilseed production was doubled in decade (12.6 mt in 1987-88 to 24.4 mt 1996-97). Time is popularly famous as Yellow Revolution. Pulses and maize were also brought under the ambit of Technology Mission. Centrally-sponsored Oilseeds Production Programme (OPP), National Pulses Development Project (NPDP), and Accelerated Maize Development Programme (AMDP) are being continued in 9th Plan also. Horticulture: The production of fruits and vegetables was 38.3 and 67.24 million tonnes respectively. India attained second position in coconut production. Above 10% of coconut production is from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka. India is the worlds, leading producer and exporter of cashew accounting for nearly world’s 50% demand. Animal Husbandry: The gross value of output from livestock sector, at current price, was about Rs. 827 billion in 1995- 96 about 26% of value of total output agricultural sector excluding animal draught buffaloes, 50.8 million sheep, 115.3 million goats, 12.8 million pigs, 3 million pack animals and 307 million poultry. The Operation Flood Programme, the world’s, largest integrated dairy development programmes, completed its III phase in 1996. By September 1990, about 73,300 dairy cooperatives were organized including about 9.4 million farmers. The average milk procurement in July 1997 was 107.3 lakh litre milk/day and average milk marketed per day was 112 lakh litre milk per day. More than 62% milk procurement was from marginal, small and landless farmers. The milk production was almost stagnant between 1947 and 1978 with an annual growth rate of merely 1%, but after that Operation Flood Programme a growth rate 4.5% per annum was observed. In 1996-97, the milk production was 69 million ml tonnes. In 1969-70 the milk availability per capita was only 107 ml/day which increased to 202 ml/day in 1996-97, which is still under the recommended nutritional requirement of 220 ml/day as per Indian Council of Medical Research. The Government of India launched Technology Mission on Dairy Development (TMDD) in August 1988 to accelerate the pace of Dairy Development in country and reached to first position in the world. Father of White Revolution is Prof. (Dr.) V. Kurien. Fisheries: Blue Revolution by enhancing fish production from 0.75 million mt in 1951 to 5.4 million mt in 1997 put India as second largest fish producing country in the world in fresh water aquaculture. Fish production increased at an average rate of 4.4% 1 year during the five years of 8th Five-Year Plan. Fish Farmers’ Development Agencies (FFDAs), an important programme, was launched by the government to improve overall production of inland fisheries in India. These agencies brought about 3.87 lakh ha water area under intensive fish culture. There are 6 major fishing harbours viz. Cochin, Chennai, Vishakhapatnam, Roychowk and Paradip, and 41 minor fishing harbours and fish landing centres. Brackish-water Fish Fanners. Development agencies are trying to improve the country’s’ vast brackish-water area for shrimp culture. Guidelines have also been issued for mitigating the adverse impact if any, of farming on the coastal eco-system. The government of India started two important schemes for the welfare of traditional fishermen. These are – (i) Group Accident Insurance Scheme, and (ii) Development of Model Fisherman Villages. Agricultural Census: As a part of the World United Nations Agricultural Census Programme in pursuance of the recommendation of the FAO, the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation has organized census on quinquennial basis since 1970-71 (1970-71, 1980-81, 1985-86, 1991-92, 2000-01). Sixth agricultural census with reference 1995-96 is in operation. According to report of 1990-91, operational holdings in the country has increased from 972 million in 1985-86 to 1,066 million in 1990-91 and operated area has risen by 0.6%. The press of population on land with average size sure of holding decreased from 1. 69 ha in 1985-86 to 1.55 ha in 1990-91. Holdings operated by scheduled castes has increased by 11. 5% and by scheduled tribes by 4.2% from 1985-86 to 1990-91. In 1901 the population in rural area was 89.2% while in 1991 it reduced 74.3%. In 1991 the total number of villages was 580,781 out which 1, 12,803 are in Uttar Pradesh only. NABARD: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) was launched on 12 July, 1982. It was established for promotion of agriculture, rural-side industries, village industries, handicrafts and other activities in rural areas to promote rural development. Social Security Group Scheme: Landless Agriculture Labourers Group Insurance (LALGI) Scheme is in operation since 1987. It takes care of heads of families in the age group of 18-60 years and who are not land holders. Under IRDP a Group Life Insurance Scheme is being separated for which entire premium is paid by the central government. Farm and Home Programmes: The average duration of farm and home broadcast 60-100 min. Farm schools as method of communicating distant education on fanning have been adopted by All India Radio stations located in different regions. Akashvani Annual Award is given away to best Farm and Home Programmes of the year. Agricultural Extension: The Directorate of Extension (DoE) undertake agricultural extension programme of the Government of India. The National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) at Hyderabad, looks after the human resource development activities of Directorate of Extension (DoE). DANIDA is helping agricultural training. Agricultural Research and Education: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research is directly involved in undertaking fundamental as well as applied research in traditional and frontier areas to offer solution to problems relating to agriculture. The research is carried out through a chain of 45 institutes and 4 national bureaux, 30 national research centres, 10 project directorates, 80 All India Coordinated Research Projects, 4 National Institutes and Deemed-to-be university status, 31 State Agricultural Universities and 200 zonal research stations. The whole country has been divided into 120 district agro-climatic zones. Large network of front-line ICAR-SAU extension system consists of 261 Krishi Vigyan Kendras, 8 Trainers., Training centres (TTC) and 42 Institutions Village-Linkage Programme (IVLP). The 1VLP was started for technology assessment and refinement. The ICAR has established Agricultural Information System (ARIS). A WAN connecting SAUs, ICAR institutes/headquarters has been established. Connectivity is provided through dial-up, leased line, RF links and VSAT (100). It allows E-mail, Internet browsing- file transfer etc. National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP): The NATP was jointly prepared by the ICAR and Department of Agricultural Cooperation (DOAC), and for this the World Bank assured assistance of Rs 200 million. Its main aim is technology generation and its transfer. Its three major components are – Agro-ecosystem Research, innovations in technology dissemination, organization and management system. Future Plan: The perspective plans Vision 2020 formulated up to 2020 AD for sustainable growth of Indian agriculture. The required per cent growth in production of various commodities over the 1994-96 average to meet the demand of by 2020 and is very high. Items Growth Rate % over the 1994-96 Foodgrains 55 Fruits 142 Milk 28 Meat 57
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 05:46:27 +0000

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