Here it goes. 10 things you probably dont know about me. 1. I - TopicsExpress


Here it goes. 10 things you probably dont know about me. 1. I have OCD to the point where it actually interferes with my everyday life. If I told you half of my ticks, you would think I was crazy. 2. I love the smell of skunk. 3. If I had one wish, it would be to be able to talk to my best friend, alex. 4. I would not trade a single thing about my life at this point. Not money, the people in it, where I live, or who my friends are. Im overly content. 5. I only have two true friends I can go to about anything, and one of them lives under the same roof as I do. 6. I have an obsession with big ol caveman beards. 7. If you could overdose on ramen noodles, I wouldnt be typing this right now. 8. I have never had a fake christmas tree in my house except for one time, and yes, I cried about it. 9. I cannot sleep with my head under the covers. 10. I say icebox instead of refrigerator, and camode instead of toilet.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 03:21:07 +0000

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