Here it is 4:00 in the morning and I have been awake now for an - TopicsExpress


Here it is 4:00 in the morning and I have been awake now for an hour with flashbacks of what all happened yesterday. Cole was at the end of his dialysis cycle so I went to get him lunch while they took him off so we could get him back to school. When I got back in dialysis unit he looked at me and said mom I dont feel right I dont feel good this has happened before where they have had to give him more fluid back at the end because he is dry so I wasnt to concerned. Well that didnt happen this time he wasnt responding like he normally does. By this time I was beginning to worry. He was turning gray and only getting worse, the doctors and nurses were having a staff meeting in the next room and our dialysis nurse Jesse went ever so calmly motioned for the doctor to come and things went into action. I remember hearing someone being told to grab the crash cart grab this and I need that just let me say everyone had a job and they all kick into gear and got it done. It was totally controlled chaos! I heard the doctor talking to ICU telling them he needed to bring a patient up that had crashed in dialysis he needed security and some others and I dont remember who they were I just remember them coming in there. I had called and sent a text to Jared telling him to come quickly and that he did I just knew he wasnt going to make it in time. The next thing I remember was the doctor looking at me saying mom we have him stable and I was standing by the desk and I needed to quickly sit down the room was funny and I was hot then I knew I was going to throw up so I ran to the bathroom sat there and hugged the toilet. They took him to ICU and we were there until 6:30 and we headed home with Cole. The only thing he remembers was getting sick and then he remembers seeing me going down to sit on the floor nothing in between. I have to say that all those doctors and nurses did an amazing job!! Having them all in the next room was something God had all planned out He knew how fast Cole was going to need them and I cant say enough how amazing they were they truly was treating him like he was their child. I will say I have never seen a 9 month pregnant women move the way Sarah (one of the nurses) moved didnt even know it was possibly. So as I lay here I am thanking God that Cole is in his bed sound asleep and ready to go to school tomorrow and I cant thank you enough Jesse, Kaylee, Tori, Sarah, Kim, all the doctors and whoever I missed for everything you did yesterday to bring our boy back and mostly so thankful to God for being the most important One in that room yesterday.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 08:48:36 +0000

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