Here it is A 24 HOUR ONLY teaser from our upcoming novel We All - TopicsExpress


Here it is A 24 HOUR ONLY teaser from our upcoming novel We All Feel Better in The Dark! Last time, there was trouble at the club Exit to Heaven where Francis and Christy were there to wish their friend Simon well at his retirement show and vampires Malachy and Kitto got themselves in to trouble. Now it is after midnight but no one is ready for bed yet... Enjoy! Read, Like, Comment, and Share! This will only be up for 24 hours!!-(JCD) Francis 12:01 am Monday Morning For the drive to Parsons Green I attempted to keep the mood from sinking by playing the radio. Christy wasn’t talking. He stared ahead out the windscreen smeared with rain. Miranda nervously chattered with me about every song we heard. If it was her favourite or what she thought of the singer or the group. It was noise to fill the air which felt angrily stirred when silent as if a row would break out any minute. Perhaps it was whatever was eating at Christy or perhaps it was my unhappiness at what had happened at the club. My upset directed at many people from Jemmy to Simon himself for failing to appear. Miranda made as many excuses as she could to save Simon but they all sounded as flimsy as our pop themed small talk. By the time we pulled up to the kerb outside Simon’s house, the three of us spilled out all needing to escape the compactness of Christy’s tiny Peugeot. “Now I’m sure there is a very good reason for Spoon missing his own party.” Miranda began her justification. “Should I wait outside?” Christy asked hanging back with his car. “It’s freezing out here and you’ve lost your jacket. We won’t be long, come on.” I urged him to follow us to the door. At anyrate I planned on staying only long enough to give Simon a telling off. Miranda approached the red brick terraced house ahead of Christy and I. She rapped her knuckles less than gently. I looked down at my watch realising it was after midnight. Simon was probably in bed already. There was a strip of light coming through the part in the curtains of the window. Someone had to be up and awake. Miranda knocked again, this time more insistent. She shook her hand as if in pain. Christy sighed. He gently moved her aside and pounded the side of his fist on the door. “God Christy, they’ll think it’s the police or something.” Miranda shushed. “Good.” Christy grunted. He stuffed his hands in the pocket of his jeans and looked cold and owly. The door swung open. The light from the hallway cast Simon in a shadow. He was wearing a rumpled dress shirt and creased up trousers. I’d expected him to be dressed for bed for some reason. “Spoon we were worried sick! There’s been all kinds of trouble tonight.” Miranda burst. “I’m sorry.” Simon replied meekly. Miranda threw herself at him. I was still ready to give him an earache but then he fell back into the light. His eye was blacked and swollen and his bottom lip was split. My anger immediately shifted from him to his so-called lover. “I know what you’re thinking.” Simon said touching his bruise. He must have seen the look on our faces. “I tripped whilst I was getting ready for the show. I had these new shoes and they slipped on the floor.” “And you happen to hit a door knob?” Christy sneered. “Twice…” “I thought if I showed up there like this, it’d be the talk of everyone since I couldn’t cover it with make-up.” Simon kept struggling with the deception. His voice wavered as he clearly made it up as he went along. He hadn’t expected us to turn up, not tonight. “Oh Spoon.” Miranda said. “Leave him.” She encouraged. “Is he here?” I said tersely of Simon’s partner. “It’s too late. Come tomorrow.” Simon weakly made an effort to push us out. I pushed back. “Please Francis, come back tomorrow.” Simon pleaded. “It is tomorrow.” I answered. “You’re coming with us, but first I want to have a word…” I came to a stop in the door way to Simon’s usually tidy and twee sitting room. His record collection lay torn and shattered across the floor. Every disc destroyed. Christy and Miranda flanked me just as stunned. “What a massacre.” Christy gasped. “I was just about to clean that up.” Simon said from behind us. “Simon, change my plaster, it’s bled through already.” bellowed Simon’s lover coming down the stairs. It was him, David, that creep from the meeting! He was coming downstairs wearing only his trousers with a reddening bandage to his neck. His skin was tanned but loose around his slightly distended midsection, sagging off his bones with age. The fashion David strolled down the stairs with was carefree. He practically had a dance in his step! I felt long simmering hatred boil up in me. The desire to give David an eye to match Simon’s overwhelmed me. Before I knew it, I was lunging at him. Christy grabbed me around the waist with both arms holding me back. It was all he could do. David stood back on the last step before the floor. A smug look crossed his face as he saw I couldn’t get to him. “Francis don’t!” Christy shouted. “Listen to you little friend. If you hit me I’ll call the police.” David threatened with a smile. “I wouldn’t be threatening the cozzers David.” Christy spat. “Maybe I’ll call them myself.” This wiped the smile away from David’s face. “Come on Spoon.” Miranda said taking his hand. “Let’s get your case. You can spend the night at my place.” She led Simon gingerly past David who surprisingly did not put up an argument. Christy let me go. “Satisfied?” David asked sarcastically. That was it and I punched David in the jaw knocking him down. “I am now.” I said with my fists still clenched. Christy put his hand on my arm. “Enough.” Christy said shocked. “You’ll pay for that.” David looked up at me rubbing his chin. “No he won’t.” Christy argued. “No he won’t and neither will Simon.” Christy challenged. He took from the pocket of his jeans a prescription bottle. He threw it hard enough at David that David caught it painfully in his hands as it bounced off his arm. “So?” David sneered. He tossed the bottle back at Christy. I intervened catching it. Curious about its power, I looked at it. I turned to Christy stunned. “AZT?” I gasped. “I don’t understand.” I stammered. I understood what the letters meant. I knew what they did. The realisation came over me that this was why Christy was behaving the way he was. What I didn’t understand was why he needed the medication all of the sudden and what it had to do with David. I was completely at a loss. ****
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 02:09:21 +0000

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