Here it is: Hello everyone. Just wanted to make a post here this - TopicsExpress


Here it is: Hello everyone. Just wanted to make a post here this morning. As many of you know we have been doing a working test on this business for 3 months now, 2/3s of that time before the company officially opened. So results were not truly measurable because there were no products offered. We have been getting the word out and getting feedback and measuring the results constantly for a few weeks now. Based on my experience with all of you incredible people....I want you to have done a great job! We have explained or educated the public on some truly great founders, pay plan etc etc. After building large teams and experiencing hundreds of product launches, mainly with my primary company of 17 just never know how the public will respond, or not. I watched Nu Skin which is where Ive spent most of my career spend years and mega millions on the development of products and divisions to find a few winning combinations. You may have had some similar experiences elsewhere...but just know some cases results have absolutely nothing to do with you. Based on my time with Nu Skin...I have a good feel...after a while...if something is an offer john Q public feels at a level to sustain ample growth to make it work out for most financially. I am sure many of you have had some thoughts about results over the last few this is to clarify that you are not wrong in your thinking (this should be a relief to many). What I dont want to do is try and sway anyone from their passion or something they believe in...going forward. For myself and those who really know me...I am not a company guy, or a product guy. I am a team guy. I base my decisions solely on whats best for those who look to me for answers and are dedicated to financial freedom. Its in my opinion that results for many marketers....especially new wide....are not sufficient over the first 3-4 weeks to make this viable for most...long term. As we all know....personal growth and leadership is severely needed....but like health...some are not ready to embrace the process or dive in and focus on it right here and now So since my responsibility is to those who look to me for results...I feel there is a disconnect with most of the public on this particular product. I know this may be a shock to those who have not known me for years...but I am very straight forward and honest. If I dont believe I can look a new marketer in the eyes and say...lots of people want this, lots of people already do this....(not lots of people need this...we all know its needed) and I can mentor and teach you to market this then its not something I can just continue to sell for profit. So my mentoring and marketing will ABSOLUTELY be available to those who still want it. I am here to talk with any..or all of on one for as long as it takes. I have not joined anything else. I am just officially looking for what I believe is a solid business plan, with huge upside potential...and its something john Q public does on a regular basis without having to change their habits or alter what they already do. Also many of you have an upline that you work with. This is why I will not contact you directly first and go around anyone you work with. If you want to talk with me...then you should reach out.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:55:41 +0000

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