Here it is. Let me know what yall think. Chapter Two - TopicsExpress


Here it is. Let me know what yall think. Chapter Two Catherine slammed her car in park and rushed to the fourth floor of St. Mary’s Hospital, strait to room four-twelve where Helen was waiting for her. “How is she?” Catherine asked excited and out of breath. “Her vitals are holding strong. However, she does show signs of memory loss.” “How much memory loss?” “Complete. She doesn’t remember anything.” “Well,” Catherine sighed, “let’s get in there and take a look at her.” Catherine walked over to the bed where the young girl was sitting. “Good morning Catherine said, extending her hand. “I’m Doctor McCallister.” The girl shook her hand with half a smile. “Hi.” “I’m the head doctor in this unit,” Catherine continued. “I have been taking care of you since you got here. The nurses and I that is. Anyway, that’s enough about me. How are you feeling?” “Okay I think. I have a bit of a headache.” “Well, at least we know your brain is working. Can you tell me what your name is Sweetie?” The girl looked at her confused. “My name?” “Yes Honey, your name.” The girl thought for a minute. “I... I don’t know.” “Can you remember what happened to you?” “No.” The girl paused for a moment, almost in tears. “Am I okay?” “Yes,” Catherine assured her. “You’re just fine. You do, however, seem to be suffering from amnesia. We will work on that though, don’t you worry.” The girl sat silent for a minute before looking up at Catherine. “What did happen to me?” “All I can really tell you is that you were in a car accident. We don’t know a lot of details. You’ve been in a coma for nearly six months.” Her eyes widened, “Six months?” “Yeah.” Catherine laid her hand on the girl’s shoulder. I know it sounds weird, but I want you to get some rest. I’m going to go call a friend of mine. He should be able to tell you more than I can.” Catherine stopped Helen just outside of the room. “Keep a real close eye on her and check her vitals every fifteen minutes. I’m going to go call Detective Cooper.” “Yes Doctor.” Catherine closed the door to her office and dialed the phone. After five rings she finally got an answer. A gruff voice answered. “This had better be damn good.” “Detective Cooper, this is Doctor McCallister, from St. Mary’s Hospital.” “What do you need Doctor?” “Jane Doe is awake.” Cooper shot strait up in his bed. “When?” “About an hour and half ago.” “Are you at the hospital now?” he asked as he jumped out of bed. “Yes I am Detective.” “Okay, I’ll be there in about ten minutes.” Sure enough, ten minutes later Cooper was in Catherine’s office. “How is she?” “She seems to be just fine believe it or not. She has amnesia though.” “Damn,” he said. “I was hoping she could tell me what happened.” He took a deep breath and scratched his head. “Oh well. Is it okay if I go and see her?” “Of course. Let’s go.” Cooper slowly walked into the room behind Catherine. “Good morning again,” said Catherine smiling. “This is my friend, Detective Cooper. He’s the one that I was telling you about. He can explain what happened better than I can.” The girl looked at him for a minute and swallowed hard. “It’s nice to meet you,” she said shyly. “Likewise,” said Cooper. “I just have a few question that I wanna ask you if that’s okay.” “Yeah, I guess,” “Now I know that you’ve heard these questions already but they are all routine and very important.” Cooper began his interrogation, asking her for her name, where she was from, the date, all the usual stuff. He wrote down everything inside his notebook and slipped it back into his pocket. “I think that’s more than enough, how about you?” “Do you know what happened to me Detective,” she asked. “We’re not entirely sure. You were in a real bad car accident. We don’t honestly know how it happened or anything. The initial investigation determined it was accidental. Of course, we’re not absolutely sure since there were no witnesses or anything.” The girl looked beyond Cooper and stared into space. A single tear rolled down her left cheek and fell onto her hand. Tear quickly filled her bright green eyes. “I can’t remember anything,” she cried. Cooper shook his head with sorrow and gently laid his hand on her shoulder. “I know, it’s okay though. We’re gonna get it all figured out. And Doctor McCallister and I will help you.” Cooper went back out into the hallway and spoke with Catherine again. “I guess for now she’s still Jane Doe. Hopefully she’ll be able to remember something soon.” “All we can do is try.” sighed Catherine. “Okay. Let me know if anything changes.” Cooper left the hospital and Catherine went back into the room with the girl. She looked at Catherine confused. “What’s wrong honey?” Catherine asked her. “Who’s Jane Doe?” she answered. “Jane Doe is what we call women who have no identity.” “Is that what you call me?” “It has been.” Catherine sat down on the bed beside her and put her arm around her back. “It’s easier if there’s a name we can identify you with. Do you mind if we call you Jane?” The girl thought for a minute and gave Catherine a half smile. “It’s fine.” “Well then,” Catherine said as she stood up. “That’s what we’ll call you. Jane Doe.”
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:09:41 +0000

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