Here it is!!! The NEWS the Christian world has waited for to usher - TopicsExpress


Here it is!!! The NEWS the Christian world has waited for to usher in the Return of Christ. Can Russia’s Vladimir Putin help deliver a Palestinian state? By SHLOMO SHAMIR/MAARIV ONLINE \Jerusalem Post 12/26/2014 04:26 Out of total desperation given the near-zero chance of gaining UN Security Council approval of a draft mandating an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank, Abbas has now turned to Russia. What does this mean? Russia is 1 of the 5 with veto power at the UN regarding the issue. Their vote..if for a Palestinian state..changes everything, and places Russia in the midst of being an ally with the PLO. Out of total desperation given the near-zero chance of gaining UN Security Council approval of a draft mandating an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank, Abbas has now turned to Russia. Russia has finally found a lever with which to gain revenge on the United States and the West for its support for Ukraine. As payback for the painful sanctions imposed on its economy, Moscow is now brandishing a new diplomatic sword. The man who handed the Kremlin this sword on a silver platter, thereby enabling it to divert the world’s attention away from what is taking place in Ukraine, is none other than Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Out of total desperation given the near-zero chance of gaining UN Security Council approval of a draft mandating an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank, Abbas has now turned to Russia, one of the five permanent members of the UNSC, in hopes that it will help Ramallah advance the draft resolution. “How didn’t we think of this before?” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov must be thinking to himself. “Here’s an excellent issue to play with in the UN with which to drive the Americans crazy.” Lavrov seems downright jovial in the photograph showing him receiving veteran Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat during the latter’s visit to Moscow. For his part, Erekat looks as if he has hit the jackpot – an alliance with Russia, a dream come true for the Palestinian people. Both men, however, are fooling each other and themselves. In truth, Russian support for the Palestinian draft resolution won’t contribute an iota to advancing the document in the Security Council. Lavrov, who once served as Moscow’s envoy to the UN, knows this full well. In the three years since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war, Russia has consistently thwarted every attempt by the Security Council to pass a resolution with the aim of removing Bashar Assad from power in Damascus. The Russians even torpedoed strictly declarative, nonbinding, and symbolic resolutions put forward by the US and the Europeans who sought to condemn the Assad regime. The Americans don’t like seeing the Security Council involve itself with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a portfolio that Washington views as its exclusive domain. One doesn’t need to be an expert in international relations to guess how the Americans would react to a Russian bid to push forward a Security Council draft paper on the Palestinian question, particularly after US Secretary of State John Kerry has also gone on record as stating that the proposed resolution is unacceptable. What does Moscow gain from all this? It buys time – two, perhaps three days during which the UN doesn’t talk about Ukraine. That’s quite a shabby gain for a country that seeks to solidify its standing as a world power. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are shooting themselves in the foot. Not only have they angered Washington with their obstinacy, insisting on submitting the draft paper for a vote, but now they are perceived by the Obama administration as courting Vladimir Putin, a US adversary. Ramallah wants guarantees from a Russia that is barely hanging on economically due to Western sanctions. Decades ago, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Abba Eban, said of the Palestinians: “They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” Now it seems they have stepped up their diplomatic game. Abbas and his cohorts in the Palestinian leadership have intentionally created an opportunity – a UNSC draft resolution and an appeal to Russia – that they will not miss. PROPHECIES OF THE END TIMES COMMENT > If Russia decides to take this opportunity to position itself with the PLO, we could see the rumors of war ratch up a notch or two. More importantly, is that Russia could be a deciding factor for a Palestinian State. If that state was declared, and Russia joins forces with Palestine, Hamas and Hezbollah would soon follow. It appears that the story that broke earlier this week regarding a french spy that under anonymity stated that Russia was trying to provoke a war with Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah and ISIS could be true with this news today. Although this article from the Jerusalem Post sights attention being taken off Ukraine..we feel that Putin is waiting for something much more dramatic and chaotic than just continuing to stall the all out invasion of Ukraine. Perhaps a Wall Street cyber attack, a crash in the market, or a natural catastrophe that takes the attention in the media off Putin and Russia. This opportunity with too good to pass up. It should send shock waves into Washington, and cranks up the stakes just a bit higher. When we think of a Anti Christ Figure, we know that Russia could easily transform the middle east into a Anti Christ regime, and then allow a man to come forward that would control it all, first in the middle east, and then globally. We live in prophetic times…and this should be enough to send the majority of America to it’s knees…but it will not…Father God knows that America must be shaken to it’s very core if there is any chance of revival and Americans coming to Christ…The time for this is drawing ever so closer. As John the Baptist proclaimed..”repent..for the Kingdom of God is at hand”…so to should pastors and teachers all across America declare…”REPENT”…many are so cold and so waxed and vexed with their indulgent narcissistic behaviors, that their emotions are the only thing that drives them to any kind of repentance. “Today I feel like Im a Christian” life is good..tomorrow I may feel like a complete failure so life is bad….FEELINGS do not get us to is our faith, trust, and Obedience to God’s word. Some here claim that I merely state opinions…”that’s your opinion”…some state that I am prideful and have no relationship with Christ. You can always tell those that accuse such things..they are miserable inside, can truly hate you one minute..and love you the next. They truly have not found the love of Christ in their lives and live out each moment as if their feelings dictated it all…and the fact of the matter is that they do… One cannot truly come to Christ in humility and repentance if they are constantly being thrown from one doctrine to the next by way of their feelings. The Holy Spirit gives those who have accepted Christ, the ability to discern what is right and wrong according to scripture. We have an obligation as Christians to set the example as Christ did, and live our lives in accordance to scripture, comparing our walk to scripture, and not the TV Evangelist. In these last days that we live, women especially are under attack by the enemy with all sorts of mental disorders, emotional disorders, and the Jezebel Spirit. Unfortunately, that is going to get a lot worse as time progresses forward. One should also take accountability for their own shortcomings and seek help from Christ to heal old wounds and diversity. All I know is that I have seen many examples of how Paul states society will be during the last days..during perilous times…If the Lord tarries and we must wait longer for his return…we truly must call upon our Lord for strength and courage…because saints..we are going to need every ounce he has for us. Do you know Christ as your Lord and Savior?
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 01:42:57 +0000

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