Here it is, another football Sunday in the Seretta household. - TopicsExpress


Here it is, another football Sunday in the Seretta household. Like so many other things, football Sundays just arent the same anymore. This is what football Sunday used to look like...We woke up by 6:00 in the morning. This wasnt because we were so excited for a day filled with sports, but because Henry was ready to get up and eat! Henry would get his breakfast bottle, and then (depending on how his night had been) either nap or play. Tim and I would finally get put together enough to get groceries, which we did during Henrys morning nap (though he still usually woke up to look at the lights at Wal-Mart.) By the time football started, we were settled in for the day. Wed watch games in the basement, while Henry played on the floor...or in his exersaucer...or on his playmat. Then we would usually take a mid-afternoon nap, with Henry snuggled up with one of us, Sebastian snuggled up with the other. All of this was interspersed with bottles and diaper changes. By the time Sunday night football began, Henry was bathed, fed, and tucked into bed and we followed suit shortly after. This is what football Sunday looks like now...We wake up around 7:00, because we went to bed early the night before. We dont worry about groceries, since we have wonderful people making sure we have good food to eat. We eat breakfast, not because were hungry but because thats what were supposed to do. I dont bother updating my fantasy lineup...what I used to enjoy seems like too much work now. Football starts, and we turn it on because theres nothing else to do. We try to take a mid-afternoon nap, but usually pain and memories keep us from falling asleep. By the time Sunday night football starts, weve spent a day trying to keep busy, so that the pain and memories dont consume us. We have no reason to go to bed early, but no reason to stay up late. Eventually we go to bed, because again, thats what were supposed to do. I miss the way football Sundays used to be...I miss our monster...
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 02:23:16 +0000

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