Here it is !!!!!! finally the long awaited story of The Secret - TopicsExpress


Here it is !!!!!! finally the long awaited story of The Secret Edition 17: This is the next Yard Sale Adventures .................remember all stories are TRUE HAPPENINGS..... and all pictures are not the actual persons or objects illustrated, please share with your friends,and please post on your timeline. Title The Secret !!!!! This Yard Sale Adventures is about a woman (I will call her Margaret) that was my Landlord she finds out that she has Pancreatitis she keeps going in and out of the hospital and finally with the last attack she passes away.......but before she does...... I buy a lap top computer from her and inside the case I find something that changed her family and (Bill) her companion of 10 years forever.................find out with this next episode of Yard Sale Adventures what it was...... and what changes there were to come for her family and her companion ................ THIS IS ONE YARD SALE ADVENTURES you surely will not wanna miss reading.... its all here on Facebook. And the story begins about 10 years ago in Erlanger,KY as I had just moved in a duplex. My Landlady lived on one side and me on the other. I had no sooner moved in when I heard a knock on the door, and it was Margaret the landlady. She was inviting me to dinner, in-which I gladly accepted. She decided to eat on a boat on the levy in Newport,KY. It was a treat to finally get to dine, at a restaurant and order anything on the menu, as at that time in my life I lived very meagerly. Working at a temporary agency and getting food stamps and driving a 20 year old car. my life then was so very hard..... but one thing I still had was my pride and dignity in-which I still have as an important value of daily living. After dinner I thanked her for the invitation and told her I would see her back at the duplex. A few days later I came home from work and as I pulled in the driveway, I saw a ambulance parked in the driveway and to my surprise it was my landlord being carried out on a stretcher. I immediately got out of the car and rushed to her side. She whispered, are very special Charles........then a tear fell from her eye, they loaded her on the ambulance. Well, later on that night I heard a car pulling in the driveway, it was (Bill) my landlords companion. I ran to the door to inquire of the condition of Margaret and with sadness in his voice he said I am sorry Charles we lost her about one hour ago. I couldnt believe it a woman that had so much strength and will for living could pass away that quickly. The following days I started to reminise about Margaret and the special times I shared with her. One special time was that she would see me outside mowing the lawn and would always bring me something to drink. She would always say now Charles dont get too hot and rest anytime, even though it was a small lawn and took less than an hour to mow. But thats just the way she was. She had so much love for life and others. Margaret had not passed away but a few days...... when one evening I was on the lap top filling out job applications. I remember distinctly I had to find a format for my resume and was in my documents and noticed a file that was unlabeled and decided to open it since I was deleting old files and creating new and personal ones. As I opened the file..... the letter opened and it read as follows.......Dear Bill the tests came back last week and it is confirmed I have Pancreatitis and the doctors confirmed that any attack now..... could end my life. But before that happens I want you to know I dont want to hurt your feelings but I have never loved you the way you love me. I tried and tried but it just isnt there. I pray God forgives me for leading you on this long. But I pray to get the courage to tell you very soon. I spoke to my Dad last week and told him I was leaving him everything I own in my will and I am sorry but I couldnt bear the thought of giving you anything but my best wishes and hope that if you decide to get back with your ex wife, that you find true happiness. Your friend, Margaret. Now what to do?..........I thought about it over and over and decided the right thing to do is give this lap top back to her Dad. Luckily for me,... he was staying at the duplex clearing up Margarets estate. So the next day I knocked on the door, (I waited until Bill left for work) her Dad opened it and invited me in. I sit and and had small talk with him for a few minutes before telling him the reason I was there. He ask me what was on my mind. I told him I think he should read the file I found on Margarets computer I purchased from her. As he was reading a tear fell from his eyes. He silently stopped reading and replied I am so happy that you brought this to me as this will play a big decision on what I must do. He briefly told me that Margarets partner Bill told him that he should get all of her estate since he was her partner for years He said he had doubts as to surrender all. But now with this last request he must do what his daughter wanted. We continued talking for a few minutes longer.... as I made my excuses and told him I must go. As I was about to leave her father told me that he had a letter that was addressed to me from Margaret...........I told him I understand if its an eviction notice since all this was happening,.......he replied no its not .......he said I think you will enjoy reading it. I thanked him and as I was leaving I started to was a short note from Margaret it said as follows.........Dear Charles I just wanted to say thank you again for dinner and just wanted to say I have met many people in my life but never anyone as special as you are I feel the love in your heart and pray you go far in life as God will guide you. Tears fell down my face as I was reading knowing now I had made the right decision in giving the lap top to her the following months...... I moved as her Dad was selling the duplex and settling her estate. When the Uhaul pulled out that day with my furniture.... I looked back......and I could see a image of Margaret whispering are very special Charles........then a tear fell from my eye as I drove away.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:16:01 +0000

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