Here it is in a format you can copy from. Best of luck If you - TopicsExpress


Here it is in a format you can copy from. Best of luck If you are time short….then all you need is 7 minutes This workout will make you sweat and charge your metabolism. Its a quick but effective workout. Go through entire circuit without a break, rest for 10, 30, 60 seconds according to your own fitness level and repeat as many times as you can in the 7 minutes. Reduce rest period as you get fitter. It goes without saying that you need to listen to your own body and if it doesn’t feel right then stop immediately. Exercise 1 Squat Stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, knees in same direction as your toes. Sit down into a squat position. Making sure your knees are not past your toes. Stand back up and repeat for 20-30 reps. Targets lower body and core Fiona Tip If you want to make it harder get two small bottles of water or heavier dumbbells for extra resistance and place hands by your side during this exercise. Exercise 2 Knee Highs Stand tall with your feet placed hip width apart, Lift your right knee higher than your hips aiming towards your chest, then lower it back down. As you lower your right knee, start to bring your left knee higher than hip level. Keep repeating and lift them as high as you can. Aim for 1 minute. Beginner 30 seconds. Targets lower body and core Fiona Tip If you want to make it harder go as fast as you can. Keep the core tight during this exercise. Exercise 3 Thrusters Stand with your feet placed slightly wider than hip width and two filled water bottles or dumbbells. Bend your elbows and place your dumbbells close to your shoulders. Palms facing out. Get ready to engage your core and squeeze your glutes, and slowly push your bum back as you squat down. Be careful not to let the knees go past your toes. As you stand up out of squat press the dumbbells up over your head. Use heavier or lighter dumbbells according to your own fitness and strength. Do 20 reps. Beginner 10 reps. Targets lower body, shoulders and triceps Fiona Tip If you want to make it harder go as fast as you can. Keep the core tight during this exercise. Exercise 4 Burpess Stand up straight. Get into a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your feet back into a push up position and lower your body to the floor. Return your feet back to squat position as fast as possible. Instantly jump up into the air as high as you can, and clap at the top. Repeat with hands on the floor in front of you. For a beginner I would suggest Jumping Jacks. Aim for 20 straight through. Anyone starting off, just do as many as you can. Add an extra one each week. Targets cardiovascular system Fiona Tip If you want to make it harder do a press up as you place your hands on the floor in front of you. Keep the core tight during this exercise. Exercise 5 Alternating Lunge Hops Stand with your feet placed hip width apart and placed your hands behind your head. Step right knee forward and lower yourself until your left knee almost touches the floor. Make sure your knee is not in front of toes. Explosively push up your legs and alternate legs and land softly. Landing with your left leg forward. You can do this without jumping and just alternate the lunge by stepping forward with right leg and bend then step right leg back and bring left leg forward. Do 20 reps each leg. Targets cardiovascular system and lower body Fionas Tip Make sure the core is tight and back is upright. Chest is high and shoulders are back. Exercise 6 Press Ups Start in a push up position on the floor. Place your hands on the floor shoulder width apart and elbows directly under your shoulders. Your legs are straight out and on your toes. If this is your first press up then drop to the knees, your neck, back and hips are in straight line and knees are bent. For advanced your legs should be in a straight line. Bend your elbows and lower your chest to the floor and extend your arms and push back up. Targets upper body and core Repeat for 20 reps. Beginners aim for 5-10 on the knees, build up gradually Fiona Tip Make sure the core is tight and back is straight.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 21:17:53 +0000

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