Here it is my speech from yesterday. Not as colorful or as long. - TopicsExpress


Here it is my speech from yesterday. Not as colorful or as long. The condensed version. Have anyone taken a ride around Trenton lately? If you have, you’ve seen the same things I’ve seen. The gateways to the city say enter at your own risk. The parks say play at your own risk. The streets say I am your garbage can dump here. There are no signs that are posted to suggest this. However this is the perception, the gateways looks like we don’t care, grass is over grown in the parks and the trash is piling up in the city. Trash pick-up around the city has become a joke. When there is no city emergency, we as tax payers are obligated to pay double time for trash pick-up on Sunday when it should have been picked-up on the weekday? I know this is a personnel issue and I’ve already been told the city don’t discuss personnel issues with the public. So, why were Rivera’s personnel issues discussed in the media? Is it entirely Rivera’s fault that crime is the way it is? I would say no. The Mayor and the citizens should take some responsibility for crime increase. We don’t see, hear or tell what we saw. Tony had a press conference on reducing crime. I’m sure he gave that strategy to Rivera. Now he blames Rivera knowing it would fail. Give Rivera the resources. Allow him the opportunity to effectively make change. Then judge him accordingly. As long as he is receiving orders from an ineffective Mayor he will fail. So, I can’t support an idea of removing Rivera when Tony Mack should resign. This administration dumped millions into the hotel and won’t find the funds to hire more cops. It also closed libraries, dumped thousands of dollars into learning centers and has a problem with giving money where kids do show up. As a volunteer for 6/11 Little League I have witnessed several infractions from the city with regards to maintenance at the facility. These issues where given to the city and ignored. Every year the Little League rotates what is called the Mayor’s Cup. This year 6/11 Little League hosted the Mayor’s Cup. The expenses to hold this event was over $1000. The Mayor promised he would be there to support this event. True to his nature at the last hour he informed the league that he cannot come. They were also informed; the cost of the event was an expense of the hosting league. Tony Mack claims our children are most important. His actions speak differently. His staff raised thousands of dollars including Trenton’s tax dollars for a bust of President Obama. He wasted thousands of dollars on a wall of shame. I call it the wall of shame because his picture is the only one in color. While, he is the only one who has been indicted. He spent hundreds on a Christmas tree with pictures of him as ornaments. Yet, he didn’t show up or reimburse 6/11 Little League for expenses! Tony had a massive layoff in the City. In a town hall tour he touted we will do more with less. As a result, Trenton’s taxes have risen every year. Our services have been depleted. If you hired an employee and every year his performance was worse, he would be fired. Tony stated: “Our administration turned to the primary source of the problem, the state, and requested they offer a proposal for a situation they put us in. Our residents deserve justice and a better quality of life and we will continue to work towards those ends.” Trenton’s primary problem is Tony Mack not the state. The state’s proposal is that he resigns. Trenton does deserve justice and a better quality of life. The beginning to a better quality of life and the justice Trenton deserves is Tony’s resignation. Until the circus leaves this town, Governor Christie will not respond to its clown. Council should take a look at the Man In The Mirror. Evaluate their roll and act accordingly. Once Council accepts who they are and the role they play, they will become an effective team. Then deal with the elephant in the middle of the room. Everybody knows that the Elephant is there. But, want to tip toe around it. Well it’s time to deal with Tony Mack! I know that Trenton is resilient. However, can we survive 11 more months of incompetence? If it’s the paycheck he wants give him Jeff Edelstein’s Golden Parachute. We want him gone!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 23:24:56 +0000

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