Here it is my story of Life and DEATH. I was told to write it down - TopicsExpress


Here it is my story of Life and DEATH. I was told to write it down for all to read and might help me rid myself of this torture inside of me. Hit share at the end for all to see. thank You There are things I will leave out, but to the beginning, I went into the Hospital November 14 , 2012 for operation of cancer in my throat. Some things I am not to sure of and you will understand after reading this. Thank You. After my operation I had very high temperature that I went into a Coma, they thought I was not going to make it, so I guess everyone was waiting for me to die, I faked them out I did not, when I did come out of the Coma, do not know how long I was out for they gave me ice baths to lower my temp. That I do remember and it really sucked . I think about a little over a week went by all was going good, Then I was awoke at 130 am choking a little, you have to remember I was hooked up to IV, Trake in my neck , usually the nurses wake you up every 3 hr to take you blood work, check your blood and give you shots for something, plus the lights are on 24 hrs a day, I could never sleep because of all the wires in me and lights. Well I was choking on blood in my throat, so I buzzed for the nurse, she came in looked at it, then called in a Doctor. he came is looked at me and said he would be right back, by then it was 230am.Well I sat there on edge of my bed waiting and waiting, and waiting. He never came back. When another nurse came back, she looked in my mouth and said it was probably a scab from where they removed my tonsils, or throat or pallet, That is normal. My wife Mair was there at that time so we said Ok and thought nothing of this . She went home after her normal 8 hr stay with me.( my Angel ) I finally fell asleep again and awakened in the early morning bleeding again and choking , I was on again and off again sleep . That I sat up in the lazy boy chair they brought in for me to sit in. That is where I sat most of the time because I could not sleep so I sat up all the time. Well I was having a hard time with the suction tube sucking my saliva and blood coming from my mouth. I started throwing up blood all over the place looked like a crime scene and CSI should have been there, I knew there was a little problem so I called the nurse in ,then she called a Doctor in , when he saw me he called a Code Red , get the operating room ready. It was very hard to breath , I could not breath. So I knew something bad was wrong so I picked up my phone and called Mair and told her not to come to visit me today I had test to do. I knew I was going to die. And did not want her to be there. On the way down to the operating room I told the Doctor I was going to die 2 times he said no. I faked him out. I died before they got me in the operating room . They performed CPR on me. I awoke I think a day or 2 later in bed. The Doctor or operated on me came in and talked to me about what happened . He told me an artery burst in my mouth, that I choked and drowned in my own blood . They worked o n me for 22 minutes , I died for 22 minutes. And ask me if I saw anything, a light, it was normal for them to ask if something like this happened to other people. I held my trake and told him No they where changing the light bulb, he laughed and said I am still joking around again. I thought for a moment then I did remember. I was floating about 15 ft in the air looking down at me standing under a light post. I was younger, black hair better looking, then now, On a path with flowers going all the way to my right as far as the eye can see , it was beautiful , I felt so relaxed, looked like I was waiting for a bus, just standing there waiting, the Light to my left over my left shoulder. The next thing I remember being awake, I remember this like it was yesterday as clear as day and makes me want to cry all the time. My ribs where broken from CPR, and I dream of dead people a lot . All I want is to rid myself of this dream , feeling like this. It was not a dream. I did DIE. It was so peaceful and relaxing, that times when I am in stress I wish I was in that place again, relaxed and at peace. It is 540 am and I am late for my sunrise work out at the beach . Hope you understand some of what happened to me and what I am going through, because it is tearing me apart in side of me. HAVE A NICE DAY there is another place when you die, and they do not want me there, I tried 3 times, for up there, and probably not down there also. Thank You Hit Share NOW
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:45:16 +0000

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