Here it is, the final day of the Gratitude Challenge! Day 7 of 7. - TopicsExpress


Here it is, the final day of the Gratitude Challenge! Day 7 of 7. Thank you once again, Maja D. Hazell for providing this opportunity. VALUE GENERATED. 1. I am grateful for TIME. On one level it doesnt really exist. Its a mere construct that allows for the synchronization of society. But it does allow for the quantification and storage of what would otherwise be a free flowing blur of activity. I am grateful for the MEMORIES & LESSONS of my past, the POTENTIAL that lies in my future, and the KINETIC EXPERIENCE of the present moment. This is LIFE! 2. I am grateful for HOPE. No matter how big or small the circumstances, whether my faith and belief are intact or taking hits, if I have hope, my desire is to live - really live. I want to be good, I want to be great, I want to be better. I see value, love, worthiness, room for improvement. Theres something to stand for, to pursue, to appreciate and enjoy. 3. I am grateful for my RELATIONSHIPS. They are the fabric of what makes me human. I am grateful for my family, my friends, my colleagues and all of the people who move in and out of my life across years, days, and moments. It is my experience of HUMANITY (within myself and through the acts of those around me) which gives me the HOPE to fill my TIME with love and meaning. I AM GRATEFUL FOR YOU!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 15:47:33 +0000

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