Here on the Forbes leadership team, we get piles of books on the - TopicsExpress


Here on the Forbes leadership team, we get piles of books on the subject of leadership and self-improvement: A few examples from the last week or so: How to be Exceptional, The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking, Say It Like Obama and Win!, Leading Apple With Steve Jobs. It would be more than a full-time job to read and review each one. So it felt like a relief when a pocket-sized volume, just 6” by 4” and 101 pages, arrived, professing to offer leadership wisdom in a condensed format. Tough Truths: The Ten Leadership Lessons We Don’t Talk About, by San Diego consultant Deirdre Maloney, is short, direct, easy to read and thought-provoking. Of course, ultimately every great leader is different. Any book claiming that all leaders have even ten characteristics in common is inevitably flawed. But Maloney’s points are worth considering, and she illustrates them succinctly, embellished by experiences from her own life. The earlier lessons in the book are the most solid and distinctive. Here is a summary of Maloney’s truths, with a bit of critique. 1. Politics are everywhere. Whether we want the people on our team to collaborate more effectively or to persuade the CFO to expand our budget, we must influence and persuade others to get what we want. Even situations that don’t appear to include traditional politicking do involve relationships and how we maneuver them. Maloney’s anecdote: She is a body-builder who shows up at the gym every day before 5am. At first she bluntly asked the staffers to let her in early, and got no response. Then she started making personal inquiries about the staffers’ lives. Four out of five of them responded and welcomed her inside. 2. Great leaders aren’t liked very much. Making changes in an organization can make people mad. So do performance evaluations and decisions made without a consensus. Great leaders “sacrifice being liked in order to focus on achieving concrete goals,” Maloney writes. When she was just 28, she was promoted into an executive position at a nonprofit. Before her promotion, she had lunch every day with colleagues, but found they didn’t want her company once she became the boss. There are plenty of leaders who are adored by their subordinates. From everything I’ve read, most of Obama’s staff likes him, and I think the same was true for both Bush presidents. Still, Maloney believes that leaders should be prepared to lose friends as they move forward. 3. Nobody will find you as interesting as you do. Great leaders keep their stories short. They express curiosity about the people around them. They are genuinely interested in what other people do and think. They listen and they learn. Maloney illustrates this lesson with a story about going to a baseball game with one of her husband’s colleagues who asked her numerous questions about her life and her interests. She found herself liking him a great deal. Leaders get people to follow them by editing themselves and expressing interest in others. 4. Every single person, even the greatest leader out there, is afraid. All leaders are afraid of failing, of screwing up, of looking stupid, writes Maloney. So are we all, she says. But what sets great leaders apart is that they act anyway, despite their fear. Anecdote: an accomplished foundation executive who worked with Maloney admitted to her that he was afraid of misspending the foundation’s money, of letting something of vital importance slip through the cracks. But he moved forward anyway, awarding grants, taking actions. He was an effective leader, despite his fear. 5. Someone is always watching. Great leaders know that they have to contain their emotions and not act out, even if they have just received terrible news or had a fight with their spouse. They are always being watched by someone, which is why it’s important to have a small group of trusted friends and family, to whom you can vent. Maloney tells about meeting in the lobby of an office building with a colleague on a project. The colleague suddenly lost his temper and heads started to turn. Maloney kept her composure and later, a woman who had been in the lobby reached out to her and said she admired how Maloney kept her cool. The two have become trusted colleagues. 6. Great leaders diligently protect their energy. Which tasks in your daily schedule give you energy, and which leave you drained or beaten down? “Great leaders know what gives them energy and they increase it,” Maloney writes. They free themselves of obligations that sap their drive. Example: When she lived in Denver, Maloney sat on the board of her homeowners’ association. She dreaded the 7 am monthly meetings and the squabbling over the shade of green to paint the new fence. Then she realized no one was forcing her to stay on the board. She quit and her energy got a boost. 7. Great leaders possess supreme, undying confidence. I tripped up on this lesson because it seemed to contradict the notion that everyone is afraid (lesson #4). On the other hand, it’s possible to be frightened while also knowing you are good at your job. Maloney says great leaders “know how to stand up for themselves,” and don’t take it personally if someone levels an attack. Her anecdote: Long ago, when she worked at a family restaurant, the charming boss often infuriated employees by switching their schedules so that some workers had to come in late and start early the next morning. His employees complained, but the boss stuck to his guns and was soon promoted to an executive position in the restaurant chain. 8. Great leaders never, ever talk trash This lesson dovetails with lessons #3 and #5. Most people would rather talk about themselves than hear about you, and if you gossip about others or your company, they will remember. It’s always better to keep your criticisms to yourself. Example: Maloney ran into an acquaintance at a networking lunch and noticed on the woman’s name badge that she had a new job. Maloney congratulated her and the woman immediately started bad-mouthing her former employer and even added that her new bosses had recently cleaned out some poor performers in upper management. For Maloney, this was a red flag. She would never trust the woman to keep a confidence. 9. Great leaders know what they want and go after it relentlessly. Top leaders take risks because they know what they want. They fill out a report once and then realize it’s more effective to do it a different way, so they change the report. They also tell others explicitly what they want and how to achieve goals. Maloney describes her stint in broadcast news and how she was promoted onto the assignment desk, which she hated. So she went to her boss, the station manager, and proposed she work on the desk four days and spend the fifth shadowing a producer. The boss said yes, soon the producer quit, and Maloney had a new job. 10. Great leaders insist on excellent, pristine communication Emails should be short, friendly, and get directly to the point. Verbal communication should be focused, not rambling. Great leaders also proofread, and make sure every document is attached before hitting “send.” Maloney evokes her father, who she says was a great communicator. He wrote logical, succinct emails, and when he communicated verbally, he always smiled. He worked in sales and he used brief, clearly written reports to make his pitch.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 17:37:26 +0000

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