Here`s the imagine! I hope you will like it! Comment what you - TopicsExpress


Here`s the imagine! I hope you will like it! Comment what you think! Love you! Imagine: You are walking by a guitar shop window when something in the display catches your eye. A beautiful black,acoustic guitar with a signnature written in silver Sharpie.You look more closely and recognizeit as Niall Horan`s autograph. You`re still admiring it as someone comes up to you and says, ``That one`s a beauty,eh?`` You replay, ``Yeah...I don`t really play but I`ve always wanted to learn.`` There`s a moment of silenc until the person softly says, ``I could teach you.`` The suddenly all~too~familiar voice sends a chill down your spine.You finally tear your eyes from the guitar to see that it`s Niall himself standing right next to you. You must look shocked because his mouth stretches into a huge grin. ``I...uh...`` You can`t seem to find your voice.You`re to list ih his eyes.Niall laughs and says, ``It doesen`t have to be a date if you don`t want it to be.What do you say?`` You don`t know why, but you start to feel more relaxed.You find yourself smiling right back at him and saying yes. A month later, after many guitar lessons (which turned into dates), you and Niall begin to find even more excuses to see each other until you`re inseparable. You know you`re already falling hard for him even though it`s early on, but you have a feeling he is too. Now, it`s the night before he and the boys have to go away on another year~long tour. He comes over to you`re house with his guitar , wanting to play you a song he has been working on. You tell him that you want to play a song for him too.He asks, ``So who goes first?`` You hold out your hand. ``Rock,paper.scissors!`` He laughs and takes your hand instead. ``I have a better idea.Why don`t we play our songs at the same time?`` You say, ``But we only have 1 guitar.`` He then leads you outside to the front porch.There waiting for you is the black guitar with Niall`s signature. You can`t contain your excitment and you hug him.Then,without thinking, you hive him a quick kiss on the lips. Realizing what you just did,you turn bright red.But then Niall brings you in close and he gives you a much longer kiss back,his arms wrapped tight around your waist. You than go back inside and at count of 3, you and Niall begin to play your songs simultaneously. The song somehow mesh perfectly, so you and Niall write one song that combines them both. After he plays it once for you, you say your goodbyes and he leaves. It`s now 6 months later.You`ve met up with Niall and the boys a few times by showing up on some of there concerts, but the long~distance relationship has still been hard. You`re texting Niall while you`re driving back from a friend`s house.Niall is talking about how he`s excited for his next show in Dublin.He wishes you were there. You begin to text back... Niall waits for your replay but it doesen`t come.Louis walks up to him and pats him on the back. ``Come on, lovebird, time for the show.`` Niall puts his phone away and follows Louis out the door along with othher boys.After the show, Niall checks his phone but you still haven`t` responded Worried, he tries to call you the next day only to get the voicemail. Niall then hears Harry quietly say, ``Oh my God...`` at his loptop. `` need tp see this.`` He shows Niall an article abouth the girlfriends of a 1D member being in a car crash with a truck. Niall`s heart stops as he reads, `Both drivers were reported dead at the scene.` As he reads further, it explains that you had drifted off the wrong side of the road while texting. Niall then starts to feel dizzy and he collapses.The boys all rush to him.Liam helps him to sit up and says, What`s the matter with you?``Harry then shows everyone the article. Niall,sitting on the floor, begins to rock back and fort, whispering ``My fault fault...this is my fault,`` as hot tears flood down his cheeks. Zayn knells down by him. `` Lad, it`s not your fauly~~`` ``YES, IT IS!`` Niall shouts ``She was texting Me.This is MY FAULT!`` He breaks into a sob.Harry the begins to cry as well and he gets on the floor and embraces him.The rest of the boys join him in the group hug,not uttering a single word. The boys are back in your hometown for another concert.One that you were supposed to be.Niall goes to you`re hous, hugging your parents before heading to your room.He sees the guitar he gave you sitting on your bed. He sits down with it and starts playing the song wrote together.As he gets to the chorus , his eyes fill with tears, and one of the strings suddenly snaps.Frustrated, he cries out and smashes the guitar against the hardwood floor.Your mother runs in and sees Niall over the pile of wood,crying.She comforts him and asks him to follow her.She takes him to the kitchen and hands him a small object.Your phone.He looks at your mom in confusion.She urges him to read to read what`s on the screan. Niall sees that it is the last text you had been writing.It reads, ``I wish i could be there too,babe.So sad.But i keep thinking abouth out song.That`s what`s kepping me strong.I can`t wait to hear it when you`re back in town.I miss y~~`` The boys are on stage and Harry is giving a speech.But he stops mid~sentence, whispers something to Niall and hands him the mic. Niall talk about how he fell in love with an amazing fan and how she`s now watching over the concert.He gets chocked up,so all the boys give him a big hug.Then they get ready to perform your song. In the middle of the song,Niall takes in the crowd and imagines you standing in the front row,cherring with the others. With tears in his eyes and a smile on his face, he says, ``I miss you too.So much.`` ~THE END~ -Ana♥
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 17:47:42 +0000

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