Here some time ago, I was preaching something like that. I spoke - TopicsExpress


Here some time ago, I was preaching something like that. I spoke to a young lady standing back there. She looked horrible, a ministers daughter. And she met me outside the church. And if she didnt comb me down. She said, You ignorant thing, little sassy, painted-up lips, short bobbed hair. She said, If I want somebody to talk to me about that, Ill get somebody thats got some sense. Said, Dont you never come into my fathers pulpit and preach a thing like that again. I said, You mean to tell me your daddy, a good honest Baptist preacher as he is, and wouldnt preach against that? She said, He didnt hire you to come here... I said, He didnt hire me at all. I come by invitation. She said, Ill never forgive you for it. I said, Thats up to you. I only followed the Gospel. Rose bushes was blowing there in the little wind, beautiful young woman. E-108 A little later on, about a year later, I passed through the city. I seen that same young lady with her skirts hanging down, smoking a cigarette, going down the street. I thought, Thats Brother So-and-sos wife-- or, daughter. And I walked across the street, see if I couldnt get to her. She looked up to me, smoking this cigarette, blowed it through her nose. She said, Hello, preacher, an ungodly slang to it like that. And I said, Well, well. She said, Take a puff off of my cigarette. Be a man. I said, Arent you ashamed of yourself? She reached down in her pocketbook, said, Then have a cigarette. I said, Shame on you. Shame on you to offer Gods servant a cigarette. She said, Then may youd take a drink out of my bottle. I said, Please dont say it. I looked at her. I couldnt keep from crying, cause her daddys a good man. I looked at her and I thought, Oh, my. She thought she had plenty of time. E-109 I started to walk on. I couldnt keep the tears out of my eyes. I walked on. She said, Wait a minute. I said, Yes, maam? She walked back. She was almost ashamed to... be talking to her on the street, people passing by. She walked up. She said, You know what you told me that night? I said, Ill always remember. She said, I want to tell you, preacher, you was right. She said, I grieved the Holy Spirit the last time. Now, heres the remark the woman made to me, and I never forget it as long as I live. She said, He was dealing with me that night. But said, When I turned Him down that time, it was my last. Said, My hearts been so hard, I dont care for God, church, or nothing else. And I cuss my daddy every day. And she said, I can see my mothers soul fry in hell like a pancake and laugh at it. E-110 Thats grieving the Holy Spirit the last time. Think of it. Lets go home on the wings of a dove. Lets be the bride. Raise up from your seat now. If youre wrong, come up here, stand here at the altar and say, Ive been wrong. Brother Branham, I got a temper. I--I--Ive lived ungodly. I--I shouldnt do these things that I do. Brother Branham, Ive did this, that, or the other. Im guilty of lying. Im guilty of stealing. Im guilty of something. I havent served God the way I should, and Im ashamed of myself, and I want my life made right. Wont you pray for me here tonight, Brother Branham? Ill be glad to do it. E-111 If God will answer my prayers to hear for the sick, blind, and afflicted, He will certainly hear a prayer for the sinner. Wont you come and be part of the bride tonight? I invite you to come. Thank you, my brother. I admire that kind of a courage, thatll walk out and admit youre wrong. God bless you, brother. Stand right here. You mean to tell me you could raise up your hand and not be sincere about it? Whats happened to the people? Brother, whats the matter? Whats the matter with our people in this day? You mean youd raise up your hand that you was wrong and then wont come? And know He that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to Him its evil? Wont you come? while the pianist or, if you will, sister, organist, just a little music. E-112 Im inviting you. I want to ask you. How many in this audience has been in the meetings when... You know Im not a preacher. I have no education. God bless you, little lady. That takes a real girl to do that. This little flower coming here, bless you, my sister. Thats real courage. I admire that little lady. God bless you, honey. I got a little girl at home about your-alls age, little Rebekah. I appreciate you. Little Indian girl? God bless you, my sister, little princess. God be with you, sweetheart. You little sisters, God be with you, and with you, sister. Now, looky here. If young ladies like that, little girls, tender in conscience, and preach a sermon that cuts them to pieces... And here they come up here, knowing that theyre wrong, stand up here before the audience to make a confession, surely, surely you older women... Wont you come? Move up here, and stand along here. ... would I seek Thy face; Heal my wounded, broken spirit. (Lets sing it.) Save me by thy grace. Saviour, Saviour, hear... Surely youre sincere enough to pray a humble prayer. Call, Lord, try me, and see if theres anything wrong with me. Do not pass me by. God bless you, sister dear. E-113 How many in this meeting has stood and seen in the audience women, men, and all come up when I was standing praying for the sick, and the Holy Spirit tell them things of their sins, and things, and know... How many of you knows thats true? Never failing. The Holy Spirits telling me, that same Holy Spirit, that theres something in here tonight grieving Him. Now, thats THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, meet it here or there. Im not a person given over to emotions. No, sir. I know exactly where Im standing, and I--I know God. Thats right. Theres many of you need to be standing right here where these young girls are. Now, wont you come? Im inviting you. I wont persuade. Im just telling you. Somebody said, I never heard an altar call where a minister rebuked the audience and things like that. Thats the way its supposed to be done. You dont come up on some heartbroken story of some mother dying or something like that. Thats under emotion. The Word of Gods what you come on. You dont come for--under any emotion, you come believing that God is God, and youre in the judgment house of the Lord, and youve come pleading your case. E-114 God bless you, my brother, my sister. I want to shake your hand and say that I appreciate you. Honest convictions... Little lady, I appreciate you. God bless you. May He give you that gallant Spirit. Bless you, my brother. God be with you. Once more, then were going to close. It may close for the last time too. See? I dont know when. I hope it dont. But it may. See? Saviour... Come here, my...?... I want to shake your hand and say I appreciate your...?... Come here, my brother. I want to shake hands with you here. I appreciate your sincerity. God bless you. Come here. God bless you. I appreciate your sincerity...?... take a stand... ... pass me by. Saviour... What? The marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready. ...humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Oh, do not pass me by. (What?) Im trusting only in Thy merits, Would I seek Thy face? Heal my wounded, broken spirit (where the Word cut into it), Save me by thy grace. Saviour, Saviour, hear my humble... While on others Thou art calling, Oh, do not pass me by. E-115 Remember, the Holy Spirit was what cut into your heart, and come up here. Just think of the places He cut, and that person will never live that down. Theyll always remember that. If our hearts condemn us not... But when you come with something in the Word of God, and you bypass it, thats not Abrahams seed. Abraham kept the promise of God in his heart, regardless of what come or went. The marriage of the Lamb 1962
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 21:14:44 +0000

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