Here, this is what its like. This is what I mean by mental - TopicsExpress


Here, this is what its like. This is what I mean by mental space. Youre trying to do something simple like open the door or do your grocery shopping. As youre trying to think about that, youve got B. F.Skinners operant conditioning or Kohlbergs theory of moral development in your head, anxiety about an exam coming up, and youre trying to remember where you wrote down the submission date for that assignment. Allof that is crowding out your ability to do something simple like find your keys and open the door. Thats what I mean by mental space. At the post graduate level there is no hand the assignment in and forget about it. Theres no final exam and forget the rest. Youre in it until you produce a thesis or fail for four years. It feels like being buried alive, and any stress that comes along cripples you between dealing with it, or focusing on your work. It becomes painful, like someone shouting into your ear. The volume gets turned up on all your thoughts until it hurts. Boxing is the opposite. All that matters is there here and now, this moment, upper cutting the other guy, or coming back around and round housing him in the ribs to drop him. Thats a better explination.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 19:24:20 +0000

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