Here we are :D these are 10 books that have deeply influenced me, - TopicsExpress


Here we are :D these are 10 books that have deeply influenced me, whatever pops to my mind first. Ill also give some short comments concerning each book, I take the chance to personalise it. 1) Jostein Gaarder : Sophies World; the first serious book I read. I was 6 years old and my father bought for me.I think It is also the best book ever. It made me fall in love with Philosophy. 2) Tolkien : The hobbit saga ( Silmarillion, The Hobbit and The lord of the rings); I was 8 years old and I started to read this fantastic saga. It is the best way to disconnect your mind from the reality for some hours. 3) Italo Calvino : The Path to the Nest of Spiders; I read this book when I was 14. If you want to understand what was the second war world and the partisan movement I think you must read it. It opened my eyes to the credulity of the Word. 4) Dario Antiseri : Cattolici a difesa del mercato.. Until 17 years old, I thought that catholic and liberalism had nothing in common. I was wrong. This book helped me to understand the catholic vision of liberalism. 5) F.A Hayek : Denationalisation of Money. -The Argument Refined. An Analysis of the Theory and Practice ofConcurrent Currencies. With this book I charmed my second passion : the economy. 6) Melissa P. : 100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed. It looks like strange but someone bought like a present for me...I read it in 2 hours.. at that times I thought : omg I understood the womans mentality.. I was completely wrong. 7) Mikhail Bulgakov: The master and Margarita. I love this book for a lot of things,but especially because you can give 1000 interpretations and all of them are correct. 8) Sir Walter Scott : Ivanhoe. It is first historical novel I ever read.I was 12. The ability of this book is to bring you into the novel, and, if you will read it, it will seem that you are part of the story. 9) James Buchanan : Cost and Choice. I read this book last year and he opened me a new door : how much the the thought of the father of the public choice and the Austrian School are close. 10) Last but not least : Carlo Lottieri, Liberals and not. I have to be very grateful to this book. it explained me a lot about the true libertarians and false ones. So now I am very curious, and I am asking to Raqu Agazade, Judah R-zadeh, Ilaha Karamzada and Giacinto R. Ferrero which are the books that influenced you during your life.?
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 22:12:25 +0000

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