Here we go again! Once again the media in their wisdom have - TopicsExpress


Here we go again! Once again the media in their wisdom have published a story that is not the truth and got their facts wrong. This is two days later than a previous story on what the paleo lifestyle is about in exactly the same newspaper. How on earth did they get that the paleo way endorses eating grains and grain fed meat so wrong? On a brighter note. I recieved the following last night. Hi Mr Evans. i just would like to say a quick but massive thank you. Last 12 weeks ive taken up 100% Paleo diet in a last ditched attempt to save myself from an inevitable self destruction of chronic anxiety and depression that only struck me suddenly in November last year. i was hospitalised for a few weeks and placed on heavy medication ( ssris, Valium, Xanax etc). It turned me into an emotionless zombie and lead to the break up of the women i loved. I was lost and helpless came across an article of you on Paleo. after a few weeks of nutritional research i thought id try it. first week carb crash, second week felt better and slept better than i have in years. fourth week off all meds, even though my doctors said it might take up to 6 months to taper down now 12 weeks later i look and feel better than ever before.. 88kg to 78kg but the weight loss was a bi-product to the bigger picture. I suffer no more daily panic attacks, nor depression.. that alone was enough for me. so once again thankyou so so so much mate for setting me on this path.. its only the beginning and i cant wait for the next 12 weeks. Cheers!!!!! Ps blood test on the diet all came back optimal, and my cholesterol went from 6.7 to 5.5
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 06:51:15 +0000

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