Here we have several quotes from Chicano Leaders just plain out - TopicsExpress


Here we have several quotes from Chicano Leaders just plain out speaking their mind! Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. Through love of having children, we are going to take over. -- Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets Theyre afraid were going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. Theyre right. We will take them over. We are here to stay. -- Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Councilman We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population . . . I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it! -- Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas professor, supports open borders, amnesty; and in the late 60s said, We have got to eliminate the gringo ... if worst comes to worst, we have got to kill him. Remember 187-proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens--was the last gasp of white America in California. - Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party We are politicizing every single one of these new citizens that are becoming citizens of this country . . . I gotta tell you that a lot of people are saying, Im going to go out there and vote because I want to pay them back. -- Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesnt like it should leave. -- Mario Obledo, CaliforniaCoalition of Hispanic Organizations and California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown, also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton We are practicing La Reconquista in California. -- Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General We need to avoid a white backlash by using codes understood by Latinos. -- Professor Fernando Guerra, Loyola Marymount University The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot. -- Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico NOT RAZA Raza is not an identity. Raza is basically the same thing as using the Eurocentric term Mestizo--it takes pride in Spanish blood (what little or nothing that we may have) and puts shame in our Nican Tlaca blood and culture. Calling ourselves Raza is a way of saying, Im not an Indio, I have some, mostly, Spanish blood. In Mexico Dia de la Raza is celebrated on October 12---Columbus Day. Imagine that! We are celebrating the rape of our mothers, the rape of our nation, the enslavement of our people.Mexica MovementEUROPEAN, WHITE AND CRIOLLO are basically the same thing. These are White people who are on our continent. Europeans can call themselves Canadian or American but their homeland is still Europe and they are still trespassing on our continent. A Criollo is someone of authentic Spanish-European descent who is still on our land exploiting our people, our resources and our wealth. GENOCIDE as defined by Raphael Lemkin, the planned annihilation [killing] of a national [Mexican] or racial group by a variety of actions [biological warfare, oppression, enslavement] aimed at undermining the foundations essential to the survival of the group [Nican Tlaca of Anahuac] as a group. Mexica Movement We reject all European divisions of our continent. We reject the artificial border divisions of our people.We reject the White Supremacist ideologythat claims Europeans are permanently endowedwith the right to define who we are as a people.We include First Nation and Native American,Indigenous People, full-blood and mixed-blood,all as one Nican Tlaca Nation.We say, No to occupation! Yes to liberation! We say, This is still our continent! It is our land.We say, Europeans are the illegals---since 1492! Mexica Movement Our Warriors all across our continent have always defended our people against Pilgrims and Explorers, against Cowboys and Conquistadors, against all of the colonizers who came to steal our lands and to kill or people. We have all stood as warriors against all the savages who came here from Europe. It is only now that we have failed our people. It is time for the heroes to stand up! WE NEED a new generation of warriors to stand up as disciplined and intelligent warriors. Join with us: Mexica Movement, Nican Tlaca Warriors of Cemanahauc.Mexica Movement My land is lost and stolen, My culture has been raped….we have to destroy capitalism…overthrow a government that has committed abuses….to the bloodsuckers, the parasites, the vampires who are the capitalists of the world: The schools are tools of the power structure that blind and sentence our youth to a life of confusion, and hypocrisy, one that preaches assimilation and practices institutional racism. This is from one of the textbooks at the Chicano Ethnic Studies Program, and Mexican American Ethnic Studies Program called “An Epic Poem,” Tucson Unified School District There are currently 43 sections of such classes serving 1500 students in six high schools at TUSD, and similar programs at the middle and elementary school levels. The Videos below are about how the Mexicans, and other Latin Americans want to Reconquest the United States, and takeover America, and folks, we have 30 years or less! Note: There are Mexicans that dont feel this way, but there is an overwhelming Majority who do believe this, and they will take our country if we dont stop it now!Here we have a Mexican American history teacher advocating revolution against White America at the Campus of UCLA!The Infamous Ron Gochez https://youtube/watch?v=dRu0wo3DYh0 In San Diego, the Mexican people have a park called Chicano Park, and they have all their Communist Friends Painted on the Walls, and then you see the Racist Group called the Brown Berets, then of course they raise their Mexican Flag on American Soil, and they salute it. That park they claim is now Mexican Soil, but I tell you it is the Property of the United States! This is Treason, and Mexicans are Committing Treason! America, Rise Up before we lose our Country!Mexican (Aztlán) Flag Raised Over San Diego - Chicano Park Day 2013 Also notice within the second flag, you will see the United States, and that s within whats look like the Mexican flag! https://youtube/watch?v=6BTikYxGLyA Illegal Aliens Declare War on U.S.A. and Challenges Us to War!Here we have a Mexican who Challenges us Americans to War! The Mexica Movement Hates Whites, Hates Europeans!I wanted to share this video so that Americans can see the dangers that are coming to us in the near future! The group believes that All of North America, and South America belongs to them, and us Europeans need to leave! They plan to do this by Immigration, and having babies, and my friends, its not far off! Mexica Movement of Hate! (4 photos)These four Snapshots are the beliefs of the Mexica Movement, and they are just one of dozens of hate groups who help BrainWash Mexicans, and other Hispanic Americans from the U.S and across both Hemispheres. America Wake Up, they will take us over, if we dont stop them NOW! Please my fellow Americans, please help stop this Invasion of our Country! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=4019574424195&set=a.4019573424170.1073741825.1726442191&type=1 Militant Mexicans On The Rise!In this video we have two immigration rallies, one for Legal immigration, and the other for Illegal Immigration. The Pro-Illegal Immigration group is very hostile, and they are telling Americans to go back to England, or Europe, and they have a Child speaking this hate while cars drive by! https://facebook/photo.php?v=3993680536864&l=1218065270306408480 Letter Of Warning Against The Mexican Takeover Of the U.S! A Substitute teacher sent a letter to a Senator in her state, and she told how the class was predominately Mexican, and during the Pledge of Allegiance most of the Mexicans didnt give their pledge to the flag. and our Nation.When she went up to the students who didnt pledge, she asked why they didnt give their pledge. The told her We are Mexicans, and Americans Stole Our Land! Most admitted that they were in the Country Illegally! https://facebook/photo.php?v=3993655496238&l=4281025741239433141 The Growing Power of M.E.CH.A and the aim to create Aztlan as a Chicano Nation! Wake Up America, Please Wake Up before its TOO Late! https://facebook/photo.php?v=3993888782070 The Invasion of the United States, Aztlan, The Chicano Nation! https://facebook/photo.php?v=3992709832597 Amnesty Summit - Chicanos Own the Southwest US (AkA Aztlan) https://facebook/photo.php?v=3989540753372&l=3210425477264978606 Retired Mexican L.A. Sheriffs Sgt. Richard Valdemar clearly says: The Mexicans that are coming to AmericaHATE US! https://facebook/photo.php?v=3969744578480&l=6647335504090782715 Kill The Gringo!Mexicans want to Kill The Gringo, they want to take our Country, and Kill US! https://facebook/photo.php?v=3992736913274&l=3158375152707903113 Here we have a Mexican Challenging us Americans to War, he tells us to come and get some, for he will be waiting! Also the reason he and his people are having so many children is to start this war by out-breeding us! https://facebook/photo.php?v=4019672866656&l=5356859637947372322 Amnesty Summit - Chicanos Own Southwest US (aka Aztlan)Wake Up Amessrican, because these Chicanos are Serious, they believe that this land is theirs! https://facebook/photo.php?v=3989540753372&l=3210425477264978606 Here is a documentary about the Mexican takeover of America, the Mexicans call this land Aztlan! https://youtube/watch?v=vd81LM3xsTI My friends, Mexicans are taking over, and we better get serious and take it back! https://youtube/watch?v=UkhBmpHNo0s Mexicans believe that this land belongs to them, and that they will Rise up and take it back! They will Kill to get it back! https://facebook/photo.php?v=3989734358212&l=6412597082693602546 NOTE: This is an Article from the Washington Times! THIS MEXICAN MOVEMENT IS NOT JUST A FRINGE MOVEMENT, THIS IS HOW MOST OF ALL MEXICANS FEEL AND THINK! AMERICA WAKE UP BEFORE ITS TOOOOO LATE! washingtontimes/news/2006/apr/16/20060416-122222-1672r/?page=all In this video we have two immigration rallies, one for Legal immigration, and the other for Illegal Immigration. The Pro-Illegal Immigration group is very hostile, and they are telling Americans to go back to England, or Europe, and they have a Child speaking this hate while cars drive by! https://facebook/photo.php?v=3993680536864&l=1218065270306408480 14 Year Old Illegal Mexican Revolutionary!Here we have a young 14 year old Mexican boy who is a Communist, and believes that the U.S belongs to Mexicans, and that All Mexicans need to come to the U.S! https://facebook/photo.php?v=3970100267372&l=2944110703605924094 This Song is called: We Didnt Cross The Border, The Border Crossed Us, I just wanted to show you how Mexicans in all classes believe in what the song is about. This song was sung at L.A. Music Scene Cal State University. I believe that its a Shame for a University to allow Anti-White songs to be played at their school! I believe they wouldnt allow Neo-Nazi songs played in that school! We Americans need to stop this Hispanic Invasion of our Country, we need to stop giving our Country away! WARNING: DIRTY LANGUAGE!https://facebook/photo.php?v=4016137538275&oid=190427957683429&saved Here is another Music Video about the Aztlan Nation, and also about how Arizona is going to be knocked Out because of their Bill against Illegal Immigrants! I tell you Aztlan is a Famous view Amongst Mexicans in both America, and Mexico! https://youtube/watch?v=di_4m3vNl9I This is a video about Aztlan, and the speaker is Glen Beck. https://youtube/watch?v=mb1nxT-5m_I&list=PL84FCFBD8AF307F04
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 01:35:35 +0000

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