Here what time its been...was that poverty you ordered, Ill do you - TopicsExpress


Here what time its been...was that poverty you ordered, Ill do you one better. Heres the recipe. All over the world, millions of ordinary people are asking why they have no say in decisions that bring hardship to their lives. John Pilger Here are some answers to that question for us all. For my current and aspiring financiers, economists, number gurus, dealers in dough, money handlers and the likes, conscious or unconscious friend or foe of humanity, I hope you guys will be better at your job (hopefully even better at your current jobs) than this chief economist of the world bank ( or this deputy managing director of the IMF ( when you eventually attain those positions due to your years of experience and the high number of steps climbed on the proverbial ladder. As we all go along the road of life, a quick question, who do national treasuries and by extension, the citizens who pay tax to service national debts owe, poeple or some etherial force? If it is people, I bet they would be advocating that you need to owe them some money with interest payment required otherwise something calamitous would occur. As explained by humanitys esteemed first deputy managing director of the IMF, debt is a necessity of life and any sort of improvement. Without it nothing happens, ever. On the contrary, if it is the ether we owe, then I guess we will never find out why debt is the mechanism that drives society and will need to just get with it. In other words, there is nothing we can do about the misery that holistic poverty wreaks on billions of human beings around the world. Keep calm, and just carry on, regardless. Sound familiar? The point is humanity must ask who its ultimate financial creditor is. If all you have to do is create money at profit, you can corner resources and be the sole arbiter of resources and credit. You get to decide who gets and who doesnt, and for what. I have never understood why ordinary people do not get credit to literally sustain their lives but the most compensation are reserved for the wholesale distribution of debt to society. Why humanity labours only to always have to pay a cut to service the debt continually obtained by it national treasuries in its name, the disbursement of which it does not supervise and without credible auditing, the benefit of which it barely reaps and worst still, loans, from god knows who (hint: the mostly human owners of the FED and its national and international branches), it did not request. They feel alien because most human beings will cease from a habit that literally causes the death and destruction of thousands of people on a constant basis especially when the evidence of the consequences of their action is stark. Find out who this almighty creditor is and maybe he can answer why credit is mostly always available to address ephemeral and indulgent human wants while basic and necessary human needs are ignored en masse. In other words, whats with the deadly and lethal wealth and resource inequality along with its morbid effects which is currently unleashed on humanity? How about quitting this open ended journey, the current manifestation of a career, the end of which is decided by another man who depending on whether you are willing to trade some and sometimes all of your humanistic characteristics, the essence of your being as a human, for the accumulation of debt, will get you to a place that you might not even be qualified for. You know, it is not what you know or can contribute, it is who you know. A, at least academically educated, husband can grant his wife a Phd after a few months of study, in the capacity of the vice chancellor of a university and have academically educated people attend the graduation ceremony. That happened very recently. In fact, you can even do so badly that the world economy almost collapses but not to worry, a bail out is always around the corner (bail outs being one form of the involuntary loans citizenries around the world take regularly and pay back, unrelentingly, generation after generation; the cost of wars, which usually have the death of humans as a common eventuality, are also involuntarily sponsored by the population). Involuntarily, through deception and misrepresentation or outright concealment of indormation by some, the majority of humanity exchanges time of life on a daily basis, albeit through seemingly innocuous, day-to-day-grind-type drony missions, for the amassing of capital/credit which is based on someone elses debt. Also, inflation caused by the ultimate money creators creating tons of money made available almost freely to those next in the chain for loans to the population at minimally affordable interest rates, is a type of involuntary debt imposed on even your possibly, seriously, positive bank account balance. I hope it is becoming clear that the only winner here is the creator of credit who gets interest for creating/conjuring credit from thin air/the ether into existence for use by society. That could possibly sound ok until we get a society that literally buzzes around scrambling for credit. Humanitys biggest and seemingly sole motive is to make profit on credit which is reasonable except it is only the kind that increases the amount of someone elses credit I have. Basic human needs, even rights are ignored and violated all around us by a few, identifiable and positive global long term strategies are also dismissed, as the rest of humanity chases the illusion of money. Nothing happens in a vacuum. We are also all and mostly complicit in the decisions we make about what we choose to act upon and pay attention to in society and what we ignore or do not act upon. If you think it is important to have a say in the decisions that at least, on earth, govern your life and the type of environment and society you exist in, then lets seek to understand our societal structures and institutions more and a lot of the questions we all have perennially surrounding human misery as manifested by billions in the world will be answered. Solving the problems which lead to the mass scale poverty humanity finds itself engulfed in and improving those solutions can then be worthwhile causes we dedicate our time of life to. The first step towards improving a solution is to first find a solution and to find a new solution, you have to improve. This will create a perpetual and highly diverse market so in this economy, our commonly celebrated natural instincts to solve problems, innovate and improve will be stimulated and the biggest compensations will go to those who solves the problems that demonstrate acute innovation or improvement towards solutions with highly positive impacts on humanity. Everything you interact with meets a need or solves a problem...yes, everything. So this is not some sort of utopian idea, it only means what you labour to get remunerations for what will at the least be improving the basic conditions of your stay and that of someone else on this mortal coil. A lot of minimum wage workers cannot even sustain themselves from their labour which produce returns, that include interest on national debt, for the creator of credit. I guess the system is not perfect but if mass destruction and poverty is a side product of our global economic system, finding an alternative is an attainable idea. Think of what we could do with all the energy we pour into the current system which literally causes human death. I know though, its no ones fault really. These things just happen. Interesting also is that minimum wage is set by some people by law as the amount of credit, which in vast number of cases literally cannot support life, available to a major percentage of the population. The highest compensation/remuneration should not be for coming up with ingenious ways to indebt societies, members of which you only share a lifetime with. Our current global society seems to majorly seek ways to ruin the experience of life for the majority in existence. You might also notice that there is a legacy angle to how ruining life experience for one generation can disadvantage the next... If this is old news to you, then take it as a simple call for action and/or a reminder that action is required until such time when you do take action. Same applies to my person. If you arent bothered, it is still good to have you around. I wish you a safe sojourn through life, as with the rest of us too. Any questions? Alright lets meet at the google home page...
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 22:05:51 +0000

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